rosrun video_stream_opencv video_stream _video_stream_provider:=3d_mapping.mp4
[ INFO] [1661869321.091075568]: Resource video_stream_provider: 3d_mapping.mp4
[ INFO] [1661869321.091177650]: Getting video from provider: 3d_mapping.mp4
[ INFO] [1661869321.101022675]: Video stream provider type detected: videofile
[ INFO] [1661869321.101886789]: Camera name: camera
[ INFO] [1661869321.102684898]: Setting camera FPS to: 30
[ INFO] [1661869321.102730771]: Camera reports FPS: 23.976
[ INFO] [1661869321.103452704]: Setting buffer size for capturing frames to: 100
[ INFO] [1661869321.104175990]: Throttling to fps: 240
[ INFO] [1661869321.104899852]: Publishing with frame_id: camera
[ INFO] [1661869321.105675786]: Provided camera_info_url: ''
[ INFO] [1661869321.106396018]: Flip horizontal image is: false
[ INFO] [1661869321.106985600]: Flip vertical image is: false
[ INFO] [1661869321.109821221]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1661869321.109877421]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/shiyanlou/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml
[ INFO] [1661869321.109961349]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/shiyanlou/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml]
[ WARN] [1661869321.109995031]: Camera calibration file /home/shiyanlou/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1661869321.110029900]: Opened the stream, starting to publish.
一旦节点运行起来,我们就能够列出主题列表(rostopic list),并查看是否包含/camera 主题。查看是否正确捕捉到图像有一个简单直接的方法,使用rostopic hz /camera语句查看在主题中收到的图像更新频率是多少。频率通常是30Hz,如下图所示:
想要查看视频,不能直接使用rostopic echo /camera命令,因为这会使用文本格式输出图片的信息,数据量会非常巨大,不可能进行任何有效的分析。因此,会调用下面的命令:
$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera
ROS Kinetic还有rqt_image_view,支持在一个窗口查看多个图像,但不允许点击右边按钮保存图像。我们可以在GUI上手动选择图像主题或使用image_view:
$ rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- launch video stream -->
<include file="$(find video_stream_opencv)/launch/camera.launch" >
<!-- node name and ros graph name -->
<arg name="camera_name" value="videofile" />
<!-- full path to the video file -->
<!-- wget -O /xxx/xxx.mp4 -->
<arg name="video_stream_provider" value="/xxx/xxx.mp4" />
<!-- set camera fps to (video files not affected) -->
<!-- <arg name="set_camera_fps" value="30"/> -->
<!-- set buffer queue size of frame capturing to -->
<arg name="buffer_queue_size" value="1000" />
<!-- throttling the querying of frames to -->
<arg name="fps" value="30" />
<!-- setting frame_id -->
<arg name="frame_id" value="videofile_frame" />
<!-- camera info loading, take care as it needs the "file:///" at the start , e.g.:
"file:///$(find your_camera_package)/config/your_camera.yaml" -->
<arg name="camera_info_url" value="" />
<!-- flip the image horizontally (mirror it) -->
<arg name="flip_horizontal" value="false" />
<!-- flip the image vertically -->
<arg name="flip_vertical" value="false" />
<!-- enable looping playback -->
<arg name="loop_videofile" value="true" />
<!-- visualize on an image_view window the stream generated -->
<arg name="visualize" value="true" />