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   -> 人工智能 -> 【自动驾驶传感器——摄像头】 -> 正文阅读




摄像头的局限性 Limitations


畸变类型?Types of Distortion

畸变系数和校正?Distortion Coefficients and Correction

径向畸变校正?Radial distortion correction

切向畸变校正 Tangential distortion correction


1、高分辨率传感器 High resolution sensor

2、颜色光线特征识别 Color/Optical character recognition

3、双目摄像头深度重建 Depth reconstruction with stereo camera

4、时间空间效率 Cost/Space efficient

摄像头的局限性 Limitations

1、对天气敏感 Sensitive to weather

2、信息需要算法提取 Information needs to be extracted with an algorithm

3、深度估计不好 Not great for depth estimation



Image distortion occurs when a camera looks at 3D objects in the real world and transforms them into a 2D image;


this transformation isn’t perfect.


Distortion actually changes what the shape and size of these 3D objects appear to be.


So, the first step in analyzing camera images, is to undo this distortion so that you can get correct and useful information out of them.

畸变类型?Types of Distortion


Real cameras use curved lenses to form an image, and light rays often bend a little too much or too little at the edges of these lenses. This creates an effect that distorts the edges of images, so that lines or objects appear more or less curved than they actually are. This is called?radial distortion, and it’s the most common type of distortion.


Another type of distortion, is?tangential distortion. This occurs when a camera’s lens is not aligned perfectly parallel to the imaging plane, where the camera film or sensor is. This makes an image look tilted so that some objects appear farther away or closer than they actually are.

畸变系数校正?Distortion Coefficients and Correction


There are three coefficients needed to correct for?radial distortion:?k1,?k2, and?k3. To correct the appearance of radially distorted points in an image, one can use a correction formula.

在下述公式中,(x, y)是畸变图像中的点。为了给这些点去畸变,OpenCV计算r,是校正后图像中的点?(x_{corrected}, y_{corrected})和图像畸变中心的已知距离,畸变中心通常为图像的中心(x_c,y_c)。如下图所示:

In the following equations,?(x, y)?is a point in a distorted image. To undistort these points, OpenCV calculates?r, which is the known distance between a point in an undistorted (corrected) image?(x_{corrected}, y_{corrected})?and the center of the image distortion, which is often the center of that image?(x_c,y_c). This center point?(x_c,y_c)?is sometimes referred to as the?distortion center. These points are pictured below.?

注意:畸变系数k_3需要准确反映主要径向畸变(比如广角相机)。然而,对于次要径向畸变,大多数摄像头镜头都有的,k_3的值非常接近或等于0,是可以忽略的。所以,在OpenCV中,你可以选择忽略这个系数;这就是为什么在畸变值矩阵最后出现的是[k1, k2, p1, p2, k3]

Note: The distortion coefficient?k3?is required to accurately reflect?major?radial distortion (like in wide angle lenses). However, for minor radial distortion, which most regular camera lenses have, k3 has a value close to or equal to zero and is negligible. So, in OpenCV, you can choose to ignore this coefficient; this is why it appears at the end of the distortion values array: [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3]. In this course, we will use it in all calibration calculations so that our calculations apply to a?wider?variety of lenses (wider, like wide angle, haha) and can correct for both minor and major radial distortion.

径向畸变校正?Radial distortion correction



切向畸变校正 Tangential distortion correction


There are two more coefficients that account for?tangential distortion:?p1?and?p2, and this distortion can be corrected using a different correction formula.



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