1. Fatal:Account unlock with HTTP access is forbidden!
描述: 在解锁用户的时候遇到报错
解决方法: 在启动控制后面增加–allow-insecure-unlock 例如geth --datadir=./chaindata/ --rpc console 2>output.log --allow-insecure-unlock
2. Failed to write genesis block: unsupported fork ordering: eip150Block not enabled, but eip155Block enabled at 0 描述: 在初始化创世块时报错 解决方法: 使用更加详细的创世块文件:genesis.json 例如
"config": {
"chainId": 666,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip150Block": 0,
"eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0,
"byzantiumBlock": 0,
"constantinopleBlock": 0,
"petersburgBlock": 0,
"istanbulBlock": 0,
"ethash": {}
"nonce": "0x0",
"timestamp": "0x5ddf8f3e",
"extraData": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"gasLimit": "0x47b760",
"difficulty": "0x00002",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"alloc": { },
"number": "0x0",
"gasUsed": "0x0",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
3. geth客户端启动 一直INFO Looking for peers 描述: 启动时候一直刷屏 解决方法: 1.在启动的指令console 后加:--nodiscover ,关闭p2p网络的自动发现 例如geth --datadir=./chaindata/ --rpc console --nodiscover --allow-insecure-unlock 或者 2.在启动的指令console 后加: 2>output.log ,输出到另一个文件中 geth --datadir=./chaindata/ --rpc console 2>output.log --allow-insecure-unlock
4. Unable to attach to remote geth: no known transport for URL scheme "c" 描述: 在window10上运行get attach命令启动交互式JavaScript环境连接到节点的时候,报错Unable to attach to remote geth: no known transport for URL scheme “c” 解决方法: 运行geth attach ipc:\\.\pipe\geth.ipc ,通过管道指定geth.ipc,
5. miner.start() 返回null 描述: miner.start() 返回null 解决方法: 我的情况是实际上已经开始挖矿,查看钱包可以知道ETH在增加,其他情况可以查看:https://www.cnblogs.com/tianlongtc/p/8871472.html
6. Error: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified 描述: 启动挖矿时报错 解决方法: 新建一个账户personal.newAccount("xxx") 其中xxx为该账户的密码
7. Metamask 连接私有节点,且导入节点账号 描述: 如题 解决方法: 解决方法
8. Error: Truffle Box at URL https://github.com/truffle-box/bare-box.git doesn’t exist. If you believe this is an error, please contact Truffle support. 描述: 使用truffle init时报错 解决方法:
git clone https://github.com/truffle-box/bare-box
cd bare-box
以上两条命令的功能就相当于truffle init,自动生成好了框架。