// Transaction is an Ethereum transaction.
type Transaction struct {
inner TxData // Consensus contents of a transaction
time time.Time // Time first seen locally (spam avoidance)
// caches
hash atomic.Value
size atomic.Value
from atomic.Value
?其中TxData字段是接口,目前有三个实现DynamicFeeTx, LegacyTx and AccessListTx
// Transaction types.
const (
// iota:0,以下递增
LegacyTxType = iota
type TxData interface {
// 交易类型id
txType() byte // returns the type ID
// 复制交易
copy() TxData // creates a deep copy and initializes all fields
// 链id
chainID() *big.Int
// 交易可达列表(没太明白,待续)
accessList() AccessList
// 交易的input data数据
data() []byte
// 最大gas
gas() uint64
// gas 价格
gasPrice() *big.Int
gasTipCap() *big.Int
gasFeeCap() *big.Int
// 交易的ether数量
value() *big.Int
// 发送者的交易次数
nonce() uint64
// 交易to地址
to() *common.Address
// 返回交易签名的v,r,s
rawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int)
setSignatureValues(chainID, v, r, s *big.Int)
SignTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs)
PendingTransactions() ([]*RPCTransaction, error)
NewAccount(password string)
UnlockAccount(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address, password string, duration *uint64)
LockAccount(addr common.Address)
SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, passwd string)
// SendTransaction will create a transaction from the given arguments and
// tries to sign it with the key associated with args.From. If the given
// passwd isn't able to decrypt the key it fails.
func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args TransactionArgs, passwd string) (common.Hash, error) {
// 交易发送者nonce为空时,锁定交易发起者地址
// 后面也没有nonce赋值操作,这步为什么不直接返回?
// 在交易签名方法中会判断nonce值,nonce, err := b.GetPoolNonce(ctx, args.from())
// nonce为空先锁定发送者地址,利用go的defer关键字,方法结束后解锁
if args.Nonce == nil {
// Hold the addresse's mutex around signing to prevent concurrent assignment of
// the same nonce to multiple accounts.
defer s.nonceLock.UnlockAddr(args.from())
// 签名交易
signed, err := s.signTransaction(ctx, &args, passwd)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed transaction send attempt", "from", args.from(), "to", args.To, "value", args.Value.ToInt(), "err", err)
return common.Hash{}, err
// 提交交易
return SubmitTransaction(ctx, s.b, signed)
// signTransaction sets defaults and signs the given transaction
// NOTE: the caller needs to ensure that the nonceLock is held, if applicable,
// and release it after the transaction has been submitted to the tx pool
func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) signTransaction(ctx context.Context, args *TransactionArgs, passwd string) (*types.Transaction, error) {
// Look up the wallet containing the requested signer
// 拿到发送者的账号
account := accounts.Account{Address: args.from()}
// 查询钱包
wallet, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set some sanity defaults and terminate on failure
// 设置一下数据(nonce,value,gas,chainID等),判断交易是否满足条件
if err := args.setDefaults(ctx, s.b); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Assemble the transaction and sign with the wallet
// 组装交易对象 根据args对象属性生成相对应的交易类型(上面提出的三种交易类型)
// args.MaxFeePerGas != nil ==> DynamicFeeTx
// args.AccessList != nil ==> AccessListTx
// default ==> LegacyTx
tx := args.toTransaction()
// 签名
return wallet.SignTxWithPassphrase(account, passwd, tx, s.b.ChainConfig().ChainID)
// SubmitTransaction is a helper function that submits tx to txPool and logs a message.
func SubmitTransaction(ctx context.Context, b Backend, tx *types.Transaction) (common.Hash, error) {
// If the transaction fee cap is already specified, ensure the
// fee of the given transaction is _reasonable_.
// 校验交易费是否超过最大值
// b.RPCTxFeeCap() ==> 交易费上限
if err := checkTxFee(tx.GasPrice(), tx.Gas(), b.RPCTxFeeCap()); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if !b.UnprotectedAllowed() && !tx.Protected() {
// Ensure only eip155 signed transactions are submitted if EIP155Required is set.
return common.Hash{}, errors.New("only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC")
// 保存交易到交易池
if err := b.SendTx(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
// Print a log with full tx details for manual investigations and interventions
// 打印日志信息
signer := types.MakeSigner(b.ChainConfig(), b.CurrentBlock().Number())
from, err := types.Sender(signer, tx)
if err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if tx.To() == nil {
// 创建合约交易
addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, tx.Nonce())
log.Info("Submitted contract creation", "hash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "from", from, "nonce", tx.Nonce(), "contract", addr.Hex(), "value", tx.Value())
} else {
// 普通交易
log.Info("Submitted transaction", "hash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "from", from, "nonce", tx.Nonce(), "recipient", tx.To(), "value", tx.Value())
return tx.Hash(), nil
// Backend interface provides the common API services (that are provided by
// both full and light clients) with access to necessary functions.
// 为全节点和轻节点提供通用服务
type Backend interface {
// General Ethereum API
SyncProgress() ethereum.SyncProgress
SuggestGasTipCap(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount int, lastBlock rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (*big.Int, [][]*big.Int, []*big.Int, []float64, error)
ChainDb() ethdb.Database
AccountManager() *accounts.Manager
ExtRPCEnabled() bool
RPCGasCap() uint64 // global gas cap for eth_call over rpc: DoS protection
RPCTxFeeCap() float64 // global tx fee cap for all transaction related APIs
UnprotectedAllowed() bool // allows only for EIP155 transactions.
// Blockchain API
SetHead(number uint64)
HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error)
HeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*types.Header, error)
CurrentHeader() *types.Header
CurrentBlock() *types.Block
BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error)
BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error)
BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*types.Block, error)
StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error)
StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error)
GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error)
GetTd(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) *big.Int
GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg core.Message, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, vmConfig *vm.Config) (*vm.EVM, func() error, error)
SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- core.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- core.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- core.ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
// Transaction pool API
// 交易池服务
SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *types.Transaction) error
GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*types.Transaction, common.Hash, uint64, uint64, error)
GetPoolTransactions() (types.Transactions, error)
GetPoolTransaction(txHash common.Hash) *types.Transaction
GetPoolNonce(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address) (uint64, error)
Stats() (pending int, queued int)
TxPoolContent() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, map[common.Address]types.Transactions)
TxPoolContentFrom(addr common.Address) (types.Transactions, types.Transactions)
SubscribeNewTxsEvent(chan<- core.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
// Filter API
BloomStatus() (uint64, uint64)
GetLogs(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) ([][]*types.Log, error)
ServiceFilter(ctx context.Context, session *bloombits.MatcherSession)
SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
SubscribePendingLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- core.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
Engine() consensus.Engine
backend接口有两个实现:./eth/api_backend.go? ??EthAPIBackend(全节点实现)
// EthAPIBackend implements ethapi.Backend for full nodes
type EthAPIBackend struct {
extRPCEnabled bool
allowUnprotectedTxs bool
eth *Ethereum
gpo *gasprice.Oracle
func (b *EthAPIBackend) SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *types.Transaction) error {
return b.eth.txPool.AddLocal(signedTx)
// TxPool contains all currently known transactions. Transactions
// enter the pool when they are received from the network or submitted
// locally. They exit the pool when they are included in the blockchain.
// The pool separates processable transactions (which can be applied to the
// current state) and future transactions. Transactions move between those
// two states over time as they are received and processed.
type TxPool struct {
// 池配置信息
config TxPoolConfig
// 链的配置
chainconfig *params.ChainConfig
// 链状态
chain blockChain
gasPrice *big.Int
txFeed event.Feed
scope event.SubscriptionScope
signer types.Signer
mu sync.RWMutex
istanbul bool // Fork indicator whether we are in the istanbul stage.
eip2718 bool // Fork indicator whether we are using EIP-2718 type transactions.
eip1559 bool // Fork indicator whether we are using EIP-1559 type transactions.
currentState *state.StateDB // Current state in the blockchain head
pendingNonces *txNoncer // Pending state tracking virtual nonces
currentMaxGas uint64 // Current gas limit for transaction caps
locals *accountSet // Set of local transaction to exempt from eviction rules
journal *txJournal // Journal of local transaction to back up to disk
pending map[common.Address]*txList // All currently processable transactions
queue map[common.Address]*txList // Queued but non-processable transactions
beats map[common.Address]time.Time // Last heartbeat from each known account
all *txLookup // All transactions to allow lookups
priced *txPricedList // All transactions sorted by price
chainHeadCh chan ChainHeadEvent
chainHeadSub event.Subscription
reqResetCh chan *txpoolResetRequest
reqPromoteCh chan *accountSet
queueTxEventCh chan *types.Transaction
reorgDoneCh chan chan struct{}
reorgShutdownCh chan struct{} // requests shutdown of scheduleReorgLoop
wg sync.WaitGroup // tracks loop, scheduleReorgLoop
initDoneCh chan struct{} // is closed once the pool is initialized (for tests)
changesSinceReorg int // A counter for how many drops we've performed in-between reorg.
// AddLocal enqueues a single local transaction into the pool if it is valid. This is
// a convenience wrapper aroundd AddLocals.
func (pool *TxPool) AddLocal(tx *types.Transaction) error {
errs := pool.AddLocals([]*types.Transaction{tx})
return errs[0]
// AddLocals enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid, marking the
// senders as a local ones, ensuring they go around the local pricing constraints.
// This method is used to add transactions from the RPC API and performs synchronous pool
// reorganization and event propagation.
func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs []*types.Transaction) []error {
return pool.addTxs(txs, !pool.config.NoLocals, true)
// addTxs attempts to queue a batch of transactions if they are valid.
func (pool *TxPool) addTxs(txs []*types.Transaction, local, sync bool) []error {
// Filter out known ones without obtaining the pool lock or recovering signatures
var (
errs = make([]error, len(txs))
news = make([]*types.Transaction, 0, len(txs))
for i, tx := range txs {
// If the transaction is known, pre-set the error slot
// 交易池的all字段是txLookup类型
// txLookup 有两个map
// type txLookup struct {
// slots int
// lock sync.RWMutex
// locals map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction
// remotes map[common.Hash]*types.Transaction
// 本地交易和其他节点同步的交易集合
// Get方法会先查询本地是否有,没有再查remotes中
if pool.all.Get(tx.Hash()) != nil {
errs[i] = ErrAlreadyKnown
// Exclude transactions with invalid signatures as soon as
// possible and cache senders in transactions before
// obtaining lock
// 判断交易的缓存中的签名和交易池的是否相等,相等返回交易中的缓存数据,否则
// 返回交易的发送者地址,并缓存到交易中,见下图代码
// 这步暂时没看出有什么作用?是其他地方会用交易的缓存数据?
_, err := types.Sender(pool.signer, tx)
if err != nil {
errs[i] = ErrInvalidSender
// Accumulate all unknown transactions for deeper processing
// 添加到news数组中
news = append(news, tx)
// for循环结束,判断是否有满足条件的交易
if len(news) == 0 {
return errs
// Process all the new transaction and merge any errors into the original slice
// 加读写锁
// 添加交易到池
newErrs, dirtyAddrs := pool.addTxsLocked(news, local)
var nilSlot = 0
for _, err := range newErrs {
for errs[nilSlot] != nil {
errs[nilSlot] = err
// Reorg the pool internals if needed and return
done := pool.requestPromoteExecutables(dirtyAddrs)
if sync {
return errs
// addTxsLocked attempts to queue a batch of transactions if they are valid.
// The transaction pool lock must be held.
func (pool *TxPool) addTxsLocked(txs []*types.Transaction, local bool) ([]error, *accountSet) {
dirty := newAccountSet(pool.signer)
errs := make([]error, len(txs))
for i, tx := range txs {
replaced, err := pool.add(tx, local)
errs[i] = err
if err == nil && !replaced {
return errs, dirty
// add validates a transaction and inserts it into the non-executable queue for later
// pending promotion and execution. If the transaction is a replacement for an already
// pending or queued one, it overwrites the previous transaction if its price is higher.
// If a newly added transaction is marked as local, its sending account will be
// be added to the allowlist, preventing any associated transaction from being dropped
// out of the pool due to pricing constraints.
func (pool *TxPool) add(tx *types.Transaction, local bool) (replaced bool, err error) {
// If the transaction is already known, discard it
// 判断集合中是否已经存在该交易
// 前面方法已经判断过,又判断一遍?
hash := tx.Hash()
if pool.all.Get(hash) != nil {
log.Trace("Discarding already known transaction", "hash", hash)
return false, ErrAlreadyKnown
// Make the local flag. If it's from local source or it's from the network but
// the sender is marked as local previously, treat it as the local transaction.
isLocal := local || pool.locals.containsTx(tx)
// If the transaction fails basic validation, discard it
// 校验交易数据
if err := pool.validateTx(tx, isLocal); err != nil {
log.Trace("Discarding invalid transaction", "hash", hash, "err", err)
return false, err
// If the transaction pool is full, discard underpriced transactions
// pool.all.Slots()当前所有交易占用的槽
// numSlots(tx) 计算该交易需要的槽,交易的int((tx.Size() + txSlotSize - 1) /。txSlotSize)。txSlotSize = 32 * 1024(32KB)
// pool.config.GlobalSlots 最大可执行交易槽
// pool.config.GlobalQueue 最大不可执行交易槽数
if uint64(pool.all.Slots()+numSlots(tx)) > pool.config.GlobalSlots+pool.config.GlobalQueue {
// If the new transaction is underpriced, don't accept it
// 抛弃低价交易
if !isLocal && pool.priced.Underpriced(tx) {
log.Trace("Discarding underpriced transaction", "hash", hash, "gasTipCap", tx.GasTipCap(), "gasFeeCap", tx.GasFeeCap())
return false, ErrUnderpriced
// We're about to replace a transaction. The reorg does a more thorough
// analysis of what to remove and how, but it runs async. We don't want to
// do too many replacements between reorg-runs, so we cap the number of
// replacements to 25% of the slots
if pool.changesSinceReorg > int(pool.config.GlobalSlots/4) {
return false, ErrTxPoolOverflow
// New transaction is better than our worse ones, make room for it.
// If it's a local transaction, forcibly discard all available transactions.
// Otherwise if we can't make enough room for new one, abort the operation.
// 删除低价交易(如果交易tx比较大,不超过32k,删除的交易可能会有多个remote的交易)
// 将txPricedList中的urgent排序堆,删除若干个交易,使得槽可以放下当前交易
// 感觉会删除pending列表的交易,这样的话当前交易会进入pending列表?
// 代码见下
drop, success := pool.priced.Discard(pool.all.Slots()-int(pool.config.GlobalSlots+pool.config.GlobalQueue)+numSlots(tx), isLocal)
// Special case, we still can't make the room for the new remote one.
if !isLocal && !success {
log.Trace("Discarding overflown transaction", "hash", hash)
return false, ErrTxPoolOverflow
// Bump the counter of rejections-since-reorg
pool.changesSinceReorg += len(drop)
// Kick out the underpriced remote transactions.
// 遍历出堆的交易,删除
for _, tx := range drop {
log.Trace("Discarding freshly underpriced transaction", "hash", tx.Hash(), "gasTipCap", tx.GasTipCap(), "gasFeeCap", tx.GasFeeCap())
// 删除交易
pool.removeTx(tx.Hash(), false)
// Try to replace an existing transaction in the pending pool
// 获取交易的发送者
from, _ := types.Sender(pool.signer, tx) // already validated
// 获取pending列表中该账号所有的交易,这些交易中是否含有当前交易相同的nonce值
//func (l *txList) Overlaps(tx *types.Transaction) bool {
// return l.txs.Get(tx.Nonce()) != nil
if list := pool.pending[from]; list != nil && list.Overlaps(tx) {
// Nonce already pending, check if required price bump is met
// 当前交易添加到列表,替换相同nonce值的交易
inserted, old := list.Add(tx, pool.config.PriceBump)
if !inserted {
return false, ErrReplaceUnderpriced
// New transaction is better, replace old one
if old != nil {
pool.all.Add(tx, isLocal)
pool.priced.Put(tx, isLocal)
pool.journalTx(from, tx)
log.Trace("Pooled new executable transaction", "hash", hash, "from", from, "to", tx.To())
// Successful promotion, bump the heartbeat[from] = time.Now()
return old != nil, nil
// New transaction isn't replacing a pending one, push into queue
// 如果当前交易的nonce值和pending中该账号的交易没有相同的,当前交易添加到queue列表中
replaced, err = pool.enqueueTx(hash, tx, isLocal, true)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Mark local addresses and journal local transactions
if local && !pool.locals.contains(from) {
log.Info("Setting new local account", "address", from)
pool.priced.Removed(pool.all.RemoteToLocals(pool.locals)) // Migrate the remotes if it's marked as local first time.
if isLocal {
pool.journalTx(from, tx)
log.Trace("Pooled new future transaction", "hash", hash, "from", from, "to", tx.To())
return replaced, nil
TxPool中字段 pending列表的数据结构:
pending map[common.Address]*txList // All currently processable transactions
// txList is a "list" of transactions belonging to an account, sorted by account
// nonce. The same type can be used both for storing contiguous transactions for
// the executable/pending queue; and for storing gapped transactions for the non-
// executable/future queue, with minor behavioral changes.
type txList struct {
// 交易的nonce值是否连续
strict bool // Whether nonces are strictly continuous or not
// 已排序的交易Map
txs *txSortedMap // Heap indexed sorted hash map of the transactions
// 最高交易价格
costcap *big.Int // Price of the highest costing transaction (reset only if exceeds balance)
// 最高花费的gas
gascap uint64 // Gas limit of the highest spending transaction (reset only if exceeds block limit)
// Discard finds a number of most underpriced transactions, removes them from the
// priced list and returns them for further removal from the entire pool.
// Note local transaction won't be considered for eviction.
func (l *txPricedList) Discard(slots int, force bool) (types.Transactions, bool) {
drop := make(types.Transactions, 0, slots) // Remote underpriced transactions to drop
for slots > 0 {
// 先将urgent堆中的交易,转移到floating堆中,再删除floating堆中交易
// Two heaps are used for sorting: the urgent heap (based on effective tip in the next
// block) and the floating heap (based on gasFeeCap). Always the bigger heap is chosen for
// eviction. Transactions evicted from the urgent heap are first demoted into the floating heap.
// In some cases (during a congestion, when blocks are full) the urgent heap can provide
// better candidates for inclusion while in other cases (at the top of the baseFee peak)
// the floating heap is better. When baseFee is decreasing they behave similarly.
if len(l.urgent.list)*floatingRatio > len(l.floating.list)*urgentRatio || floatingRatio == 0 {
// Discard stale transactions if found during cleanup
tx := heap.Pop(&l.urgent).(*types.Transaction)
if l.all.GetRemote(tx.Hash()) == nil { // Removed or migrated
atomic.AddInt64(&l.stales, -1)
// Non stale transaction found, move to floating heap
heap.Push(&l.floating, tx)
} else {
if len(l.floating.list) == 0 {
// Stop if both heaps are empty
// Discard stale transactions if found during cleanup
tx := heap.Pop(&l.floating).(*types.Transaction)
if l.all.GetRemote(tx.Hash()) == nil { // Removed or migrated
atomic.AddInt64(&l.stales, -1)
// Non stale transaction found, discard it
drop = append(drop, tx)
slots -= numSlots(tx)
// If we still can't make enough room for the new transaction
// 数据空间仍不足,交易重新保存到urgent堆中
if slots > 0 && !force {
for _, tx := range drop {
heap.Push(&l.urgent, tx)
return nil, false
return drop, true
func (pool *TxPool) removeTx(hash common.Hash, outofbound bool) {
// Fetch the transaction we wish to delete
// 从local和remote集合中查询需要删除的交易
tx := pool.all.Get(hash)
if tx == nil {
// 获得交易的发送者地址
addr, _ := types.Sender(pool.signer, tx) // already validated during insertion
// Remove it from the list of known transactions
// 从local和remote集合中删除该交易
if outofbound {
if pool.locals.contains(addr) {
// Remove the transaction from the pending lists and reset the account nonce
// 判断该交易是否在pending列表,若在,删除
if pending := pool.pending[addr]; pending != nil {
if removed, invalids := pending.Remove(tx); removed {
// If no more pending transactions are left, remove the list
if pending.Empty() {
delete(pool.pending, addr)
// Postpone any invalidated transactions
for _, tx := range invalids {
// Internal shuffle shouldn't touch the lookup set.
pool.enqueueTx(tx.Hash(), tx, false, false)
// Update the account nonce if needed
// 更新账号的nonce值
pool.pendingNonces.setIfLower(addr, tx.Nonce())
// Reduce the pending counter
pendingGauge.Dec(int64(1 + len(invalids)))
// Transaction is in the future queue
// 判断该交易是否在queue列表中,若在,删除
// 为什么不更新账号的nonce值?
if future := pool.queue[addr]; future != nil {
if removed, _ := future.Remove(tx); removed {
// Reduce the queued counter
if future.Empty() {
delete(pool.queue, addr)
delete(, addr)
// Add tries to insert a new transaction into the list, returning whether the
// transaction was accepted, and if yes, any previous transaction it replaced.
// If the new transaction is accepted into the list, the lists' cost and gas
// thresholds are also potentially updated.
func (l *txList) Add(tx *types.Transaction, priceBump uint64) (bool, *types.Transaction) {
// If there's an older better transaction, abort
old := l.txs.Get(tx.Nonce())
if old != nil {
if old.GasFeeCapCmp(tx) >= 0 || old.GasTipCapCmp(tx) >= 0 {
return false, nil
// thresholdFeeCap = oldFC * (100 + priceBump) / 100
a := big.NewInt(100 + int64(priceBump))
aFeeCap := new(big.Int).Mul(a, old.GasFeeCap())
aTip := a.Mul(a, old.GasTipCap())
// thresholdTip = oldTip * (100 + priceBump) / 100
b := big.NewInt(100)
thresholdFeeCap := aFeeCap.Div(aFeeCap, b)
thresholdTip := aTip.Div(aTip, b)
// Have to ensure that either the new fee cap or tip is higher than the
// old ones as well as checking the percentage threshold to ensure that
// this is accurate for low (Wei-level) gas price replacements
if tx.GasFeeCapIntCmp(thresholdFeeCap) < 0 || tx.GasTipCapIntCmp(thresholdTip) < 0 {
return false, nil
// Otherwise overwrite the old transaction with the current one
if cost := tx.Cost(); l.costcap.Cmp(cost) < 0 {
l.costcap = cost
if gas := tx.Gas(); l.gascap < gas {
l.gascap = gas
return true, old