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[区块链]Fully decentralized NFT system towards Metaverse: Next generation Seatlab business model

Fully decentralized NFT system towards Metaverse:

Next generation Seatlab business model


Democracy is the fundamental bedrock in our societies, but it has been increasingly encroached in the recent years following appalling reports of voter frauds and election tampering. Coming from the firm position of upholding such value, we came up with this voting

  • Consulting with the Seatlab
    • image-20220227104141166
  • Literature reviews about the pain points in the NFT system
    • Fully decentralized
  • Challenge
    • Equality

What it does

Core function

Event voting.

A user can create an event: set up a title, description, image, date, price (The price can be set in Ethereum), availability of seats (limited seats or not, if limited - the number of seats). When the event is created it is showed in the list of events. Other users can buy tickets for this event. All funds from the ticket’s sale go to the event creator directly.

Ticket buying

A user can see the list of events and can choose and buy a ticket for it. The user can pay by Ethereum depends on event’s settings. The user can see the list of all its tickets. The user can send its ticket to another user. All tickets are ERC721 tokens that means that users can do any action available for these type of tokens.



New system


How we built it

We implemented a voting contract. The main problems of electronic voting is how to assign voting rights to the correct persons and how to prevent manipulation. We shows how delegated voting can be done so that vote counting is automatic and completely transparent at the same time.
The idea is to create one contract per ballot, providing a short name for each option. Then the creator of the contract who serves as chairperson will give the right to vote to each address individually.
The persons behind the addresses can then choose to either vote themselves or to delegate their vote to a person they trust.
At the end of the voting time, winningProposal() will return the proposal with the largest number of votes.


Challenges we ran into

Since none of the members had come into contact with web3/dapp development, the learning curve at the start was slightly daunting, but once we got hang of it, our development agility quickly ramped up and we managed to come up with innovative ideas based on current implementations.Integration with known APIs (MetaMask, for instance) was also quite time-consuming due to environment incompatibility issues, but the trials do look promising.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

What we learned


What’s next for Web3

  • A further system integration between the ticket voting and ticket selling
  • Deployment.
  • Adding Support for more ERC20 tokens.
  • Dynamic Pricing to mitigate effect of fluctuating price of eth.
  • Adding Support for multiple event admins.
  • Optimizing UI and UX.
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加:2022-03-04 15:38:48  更:2022-03-04 15:38:53 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
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