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[区块链]What Is An NFT? Non-Fungible Tokens Explained

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seem to have exploded out of the ether this year. From art and music to tacos and toilet paper, these digital assets are selling like 17th-century?exotic Dutch tulips—some for millions of dollars.


But are NFTs worth the money—or the hype? Some experts say they’re a bubble poised to pop, like the dotcom craze or Beanie Babies. Others believe NFTs are here to stay, and that they will change investing forever.


What Is an NFT?

An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with?cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos.


Although they’ve been around since 2014, NFTs are gaining notoriety now because they are becoming an increasingly popular way to buy and sell digital artwork. A staggering?$174 million?has been spent on NFTs since November 2017.


NFTs are also generally one of a kind, or at least one of a very limited run, and have unique identifying codes. “Essentially, NFTs create digital scarcity,” says Arry Yu, chair of the Washington Technology Industry Association Cascadia Blockchain Council and managing director of Yellow Umbrella Ventures.

NFT通常也是一种,或者至少是一种非常有限的运行方式,并且具有唯一的识别代码。“本质上,NFT制造了数字稀缺性,”华盛顿技术产业协会区块链委员会主席、投资公司董事总经理Arry Yu说。

This stands in stark contrast to most digital creations, which are almost always infinite in supply. Hypothetically, cutting off the supply should raise the value of a given asset, assuming it’s in demand


But many NFTs, at least in these early days, have been digital creations that already exist in some form elsewhere, like iconic video clips from NBA games or securitized versions of digital art that’s already floating around on Instagram


For instance, famous digital artist Mike Winklemann, better known as “Beeple” crafted a composite of 5,000 daily drawings to create perhaps the most famous NFT of the moment, “EVERYDAYS: The First 5000 Days,” which sold at Christie’s for a?record-breaking $69.3 million.

例如,著名数字艺术家Mike Winklemann,即众所周知的“Beeple”制作了一幅由5000幅每日的绘画的合成图,创作了可能是当下最著名的NFT作品《Everyday:the First 5000 Days》,在Christie’s拍卖行以创纪录的6930万美元售出。

Anyone can view the individual images—or even the entire collage of images online for free. So why are people willing to spend millions on something they could easily screenshot or download?


Because an NFT allows the buyer to own the original item. Not only that, it contains built-in authentication, which serves as proof of ownership. Collectors value those “digital bragging rights” almost more than the item itself.


How Is an NFT Different from Cryptocurrency?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It’s generally built using the same kind of programming as cryptocurrency, like?Bitcoin?or?Ethereum, but that’s where the similarity ends.


Physical money and cryptocurrencies are “fungible,” meaning they can be traded or exchanged for one another. They’re also equal in value—one dollar is always worth another dollar; one Bitcoin is always equal to another Bitcoin. Crypto’s fungibility makes it a trusted means of conducting transactions on the blockchain.


NFTs are different. Each has a digital signature that makes it impossible for NFTs to be exchanged for or equal to one another (hence, non-fungible). One NBA Top Shot clip, for example, is not equal to EVERYDAYS simply because they’re both NFTs. (One NBA Top Shot clip isn’t even necessarily equal to another NBA Top Shot clip, for that matter.)


How Does an NFT Work?

NFTs exist on a blockchain, which is a distributed public ledger that records transactions. You’re probably most familiar with blockchain as the underlying process that makes cryptocurrencies possible.


Specifically, NFTs are typically held on the?Ethereum?blockchain, although other blockchains support them as well.


An NFT is created, or “minted” from digital objects that represent both tangible and intangible items, including:






???Videos and sports highlights




???Virtual avatars and video game skins


???Designer sneakers




Even tweets count. Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sold his first ever tweet as an NFT for more than $2.9 million.

举例Tweet。Twitter联合创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)以超过290万美元的价格出售了他作为NFT发布的第一条推文。

Essentially, NFTs are like physical collector’s items, only digital. So instead of getting an actual oil painting to hang on the wall, the buyer gets a digital file instead.


They also get exclusive ownership rights. That’s right: NFTs can have only one owner at a time. NFTs’ unique data makes it easy to verify their ownership and transfer tokens between owners. The owner or creator can also store specific information inside them. For instance, artists can sign their artwork by including their signature in an NFT’s metadata


How to Buy NFTs

If you’re keen to start your own NFT collection, you’ll need to acquire some key items:


First, you’ll need to get a digital wallet that allows you to store NFTs and cryptocurrencies. You’ll likely need to purchase some?cryptocurrency, like Ether, depending on what currencies your NFT provider accepts. You can buy crypto using a credit card on platforms like Coinbase, Kraken, eToro and even PayPal and Robinhood now. You’ll then be able to move it from the exchange to your wallet of choice.


You’ll want to keep fees in mind as you research options. Most exchanges charge at least a percentage of your transaction when you buy crypto.


Popular NFT Marketplaces

Once you’ve got your wallet set up and funded, there’s no shortage of NFT sites to shop. Currently, the largest NFT marketplaces are:


??? This peer-to-peer platform bills itself a purveyor of “rare digital items and collectibles.” To get started, all you need to do is create an account to browse NFT collections. You can also sort pieces by sales volume to discover new artists.

??? 这个点对点平台自称是“稀有数字物品和收藏品”的供应商,首先,您只需创建一个帐户来浏览NFT展品。你还可以按销售量对作品进行分类,以发现新的艺术家

???Rarible: Similar to OpenSea, Rarible is a democratic, open marketplace that allows artists and creators to issue and sell NFTs. RARI tokens issued on the platform enable holders to weigh in on features like fees and community rules.

???Rarible: 与OpenSea类似,Rarible是一个民主、开放的市场,允许艺术家和创作者发行和销售NFT。平台上发行的RARI代币让持有者能够权衡费用和了解社区规则。

???Foundation: Here, artists must receive “upvotes” or an invitation from fellow creators to post their art. The community’s exclusivity and cost of entry—artists must also purchase “gas” to mint NFTs—means it may boast higher-caliber artwork. For instance, Nyan Cat creator Chris Torres sold the NFT on the Foundation platform. It may also mean higher prices — not necessarily a bad thing for artists and collectors seeking to capitalize, assuming the demand for NFTs remains at current levels, or even increases over time.

???Foundation: 在这里,艺术家必须获得其他创作者的邀请,才能发布他们的作品。社区的排他性和进入成本--艺术家必须购买“gas”来获得NFT,这意味着它可能拥有更高质量的艺术品。例如,NANYCAT创建者Chris Torres在基础平台上出售NFT。这也可能意味着更高的价格——对于寻求资本化的艺术家和收藏家来说,这不一定是一件坏事,前提是NFT的需求保持在当前水平,甚至随着时间的推移而增加。

Although these platforms and others are host to thousands of NFT creators and collectors, be sure you do your research carefully before buying. Some artists have fallen victim to impersonators who have listed and sold their work without their permission.


In addition, the verification processes for creators and NFT listings aren’t consistent across platforms — some are more stringent than others. OpenSea and Rarible, for example, do not require owner verification for NFT listings. Buyer protections appear to be sparse at best, so when shopping for NFTs, it may be best to keep the old adage “caveat emptor” (let the buyer beware) in mind.


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