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1. 基础知识

QGIS是一个开源的基础地理信息系统平台软件,是在 GNU 公共许可证 (GPL) 版本 2 或更高版本下发布的,这也意味着用户始终可以免费地获取、修改和使用QGIS。开发技术基于C++和Qt库,具有跨平台的特性,可运行在包括macos、windows等操作系统在内的多个终端平台上。
支持的栅格数据格式:GRASS、USGS DEM、ArcInfo binary grid、 ArcInfo ASCII grid、 ERDAS Imagine 、SDTS、GeoTiff、Tiff with world file 、WMS、WCS。
支持的矢量数据格式:ESRI Shapefiles、PostgreSQL/PostGIS、 GRASS、GeoPackage、SpatiaLite、其他OGR 所支持的格式(、MSSQL、Oracle、WFS。

2. 与ArcGIS的区别

1) QGIS的接口粒度不如ArcGIS精细。ArcEngine采用接口化编程技术,定义了大量的接口,接口的定义更为细致严谨,接口封装的更为成熟。这表现到二次开发过程中、逻辑严谨性相同的情况下,QGIS的判断条件更多或者处理流程更多,其编码量往往比ArcGIS更大。
2) QGIS采用的是OGC的矢量数据定义标准,而ArcGIS可以支持OGC标准,但又定义了自己的数据标准。空间数据库的存储上表现为WKB结构与OGC定义的标准WKB结构不一致,数据类型表现为QGIS有point、multipoint、linestring、multilinestring、polygon、multipolygon、geometrycollection等几何类型,而ArcGIS简化为point、multipoint、line、polygon这几种类型。这也影响到在开发数据写入、数据处理等相关功能时的代码量,QGIS需要编写更多的代码来进行数据类型一致性判断和数据类型转换。
3) QGIS的数据精度模型和ArcGIS不一致。这是制约QGIS在国内应用最重要因素,相同的作业成本下,生产出符合标准的数据难度更大。一方面是因为QGIS精度模型确实没有ArcGIS完善,另一方面行业内的数据质检软件大多是基于ArcGIS开发的,甚至数据标准中似乎也渗透着ArcGIS的“基因”。但是在空间关系的定义上,两个软件几乎完全一致,都是在九交模型的基础上定义的拓扑规则。
4) 软件体量比ArcGIS小。与ArcGIS动则几个G的安装包相比,QGIS只需要几百M。QGIS只需要C++和python环境即可运行在不同的平台上,而ArcGIS则需要一系列环境部署,特别是令新人头疼的许可。ArcGIS小版本升级都可能伴随着环境的重新部署,而QGIS版本升级很少强制要求环境升级。对比版本升级所带来的部署成本和代码维护成本,QGIS有明显的优势。
5) 性能。这里指的是软件运行时的包含时间、空间、稳定性的综合性能。由于ArcEngine的层层封装,在数据读、写、空间计算上效率极其慢,甚至循环体内会有偶发性的错误,这些问题开发人员又难以从根本上解决。相比而言,QGIS的数据读、写、空间计算效率则快的多,当然内存占有率则取决于开发人员的编码质量,总体上都是自主可控的。在性能上,要显著优于ArcEngine。当然,与ArcGIS Desktop相比,当前版本的渲染效率、稳定性等很多方面还是有一定差距的。

3. 基本的开发技术


4. 几个入门的基础类

4.1. QgsProject


QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
for (QgsMapLayer* layer :layers.values())
    if (QgsVectorLayer* vlayer=dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>(layer))
      qDebug() << vlayer->id();

4.2. QgsVectorLayer

对应一个矢量图层,ArcGIS Engine的IFeatureLayer通过组合IFeatureClass和ITable来构建矢量图层对象,而在QGIS中只用了QgsVectorLayer一个类来管理一个独立的数据源连接和数据渲染。

void QgisApp::deleteSelected( QgsMapLayer *layer, QWidget *parent, bool checkFeaturesVisible )
  if ( !layer )
    layer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();//获取图层树选中的图层

  if ( !parent )
    parent = this;

  if ( !layer )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
                                      tr( "To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend" ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
  if ( !vlayer )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Vector Layer Selected" ),
                                      tr( "Deleting features only works on vector layers" ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
  if ( !( vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures ) )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Provider does not support deletion" ),
                                      tr( "Data provider does not support deleting features" ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
  if ( !vlayer->isEditable() )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not editable" ),
                                      tr( "The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar." ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );

  const int numberOfSelectedFeatures = vlayer->selectedFeatureCount();
  if ( numberOfSelectedFeatures == 0 )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Features Selected" ),
                                      tr( "The current layer has no selected features" ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
  //display a warning
  if ( checkFeaturesVisible )
    QgsFeature feat;
    QgsFeatureIterator it = vlayer->getSelectedFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setNoAttributes() );
bool allFeaturesInView = true;
    QgsRectangle viewRect = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, mMapCanvas->extent() );

    while ( it.nextFeature( feat ) )
      if ( allFeaturesInView && !viewRect.intersects( feat.geometry().boundingBox() ) )
        allFeaturesInView = false;

    if ( !allFeaturesInView )
      // for extra safety to make sure we are not removing geometries by accident
      int res = QMessageBox::warning( mMapCanvas, tr( "Delete %n feature(s) from layer \"%1\"", nullptr, numberOfSelectedFeatures ).arg( vlayer->name() ),
                                      tr( "Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?" ),
                                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
      if ( res != QMessageBox::Yes )
  QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext infoContext;
  if ( QgsVectorLayerUtils::impactsCascadeFeatures( vlayer, vlayer->selectedFeatureIds(), QgsProject::instance(), infoContext, QgsVectorLayerUtils::IgnoreAuxiliaryLayers ) )
    QString childrenInfo;
    int childrenCount = 0;
    const auto infoContextLayers = infoContext.layers();
    for ( QgsVectorLayer *chl : infoContextLayers )
      childrenCount += infoContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size();
      childrenInfo += ( tr( "%1 feature(s) on layer \"%2\", " ).arg( infoContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size() ).arg( chl->name() ) );

    // for extra safety to make sure we know that the delete can have impact on children and joins
    int res = QMessageBox::question( mMapCanvas, tr( "Delete at least %1 feature(s) on other layer(s)" ).arg( childrenCount ),
                                     tr( "Delete %1 feature(s) on layer \"%2\", %3 as well\nand all of its other descendants.\nDelete these features?" ).arg( numberOfSelectedFeatures ).arg( vlayer->name() ).arg( childrenInfo ),
                                     QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
    if ( res != QMessageBox::Yes )
  vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Features deleted" ) );
  int deletedCount = 0;
  QgsVectorLayer::DeleteContext context( true, QgsProject::instance() );
  if ( !vlayer->deleteSelectedFeatures( &deletedCount, &context ) )
    visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Problem deleting features" ),
                                      tr( "A problem occurred during deletion from layer \"%1\". %n feature(s) not deleted.", nullptr, numberOfSelectedFeatures - deletedCount ).arg( vlayer->name() ),
                                      Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
    const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> contextLayers = context.handledLayers( false );
    // if it affects more than one non-auxiliary layer, print feedback for all descendants
    if ( contextLayers.size() > 1 )
      deletedCount = 0;
      QString feedbackMessage;
      for ( QgsVectorLayer *contextLayer : contextLayers )
        feedbackMessage += tr( "%1 on layer %2. " ).arg( context.handledFeatures( contextLayer ).size() ).arg( contextLayer->name() );
        deletedCount += context.handledFeatures( contextLayer ).size();
      visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "%1 features deleted: %2" ).arg( deletedCount ).arg( feedbackMessage ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );

    showStatusMessage( tr( "%n feature(s) deleted.", "number of features deleted", deletedCount ) );

4.3. QgsMapCanvas


void QgsMapCanvas::refreshMap()
  Q_ASSERT( mRefreshScheduled );

  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "CANVAS refresh!" ), 3 );
  stopRendering(); // if any...

  mSettings.setExpressionContext( createExpressionContext() );
  mSettings.setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );

  if ( !mTheme.isEmpty() )
    // IMPORTANT: we MUST set the layer style overrides here! (At the time of writing this
    // comment) retrieving layer styles from the theme collection gives an XML snapshot of the
    // current state of the style. If we had stored the style overrides earlier (such as in
    // mapThemeChanged slot) then this xml could be out of date...
    // TODO: if in future QgsMapThemeCollection::mapThemeStyleOverrides is changed to
    // just return the style name, we can instead set the overrides in mapThemeChanged and not here
    mSettings.setLayerStyleOverrides( QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection()->mapThemeStyleOverrides( mTheme ) );

  // render main annotation layer above all other layers
  QgsMapSettings renderSettings = mSettings;
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> allLayers = renderSettings.layers();
  allLayers.insert( 0, QgsProject::instance()->mainAnnotationLayer() );//主要注记图层
  renderSettings.setLayers( allLayers );//渲染图层

  // create the renderer job
  Q_ASSERT( !mJob );
  mJobCanceled = false;
  if ( mUseParallelRendering )//多线程并行渲染
    mJob = new QgsMapRendererParallelJob( renderSettings );
  else //单线程串行渲染
    mJob = new QgsMapRendererSequentialJob( renderSettings );

  connect( mJob, &QgsMapRendererJob::finished, this, &QgsMapCanvas::rendererJobFinished );//渲染结束后,更新状态信息
  mJob->setCache( mCache );//设置缓存对象
  mJob->setLayerRenderingTimeHints( mLastLayerRenderTime );


  // from now on we can accept refresh requests again
  // this must be reset only after the job has been started, because
  // some providers (yes, it's you WCS and AMS!) during preparation
  // do network requests and start an internal event loop, which may
  // end up calling refresh() and would schedule another refresh,
  // deleting the one we have just started.
  mRefreshScheduled = false;


  emit renderStarting();//触发开始渲染的状态


QImage QgsMapRendererJob::composeImage( const QgsMapSettings &settings,
                                        const std::vector<LayerRenderJob> &jobs,
                                        const LabelRenderJob &labelJob,
                                        const QgsMapRendererCache *cache
  QImage image( settings.deviceOutputSize(), settings.outputImageFormat() );
  image.setDevicePixelRatio( settings.devicePixelRatio() );
  image.setDotsPerMeterX( static_cast<int>( settings.outputDpi() * 39.37 ) );
  image.setDotsPerMeterY( static_cast<int>( settings.outputDpi() * 39.37 ) );
  image.fill( settings.backgroundColor().rgba() );

  QPainter painter( &image );

  int i = 0;
  for ( const LayerRenderJob &job : jobs )
    if ( job.layer && job.layer->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "rendering/renderAboveLabels" ) ).toBool() )
      continue; // skip layer for now, it will be rendered after labels

    QImage img = layerImageToBeComposed( settings, job, cache );
    if ( img.isNull() )
      continue; // image is not prepared and not even in cache

    painter.setCompositionMode( job.blendMode );
    painter.setOpacity( job.opacity );

#if DEBUG_RENDERING QString( "/tmp/final_%1.png" ).arg( i ) );

    painter.drawImage( 0, 0, img );

  // IMPORTANT - don't draw labelJob img before the label job is complete,
  // as the image is uninitialized and full of garbage before the label job
  // commences
  if ( labelJob.img && labelJob.complete )
    painter.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver );
    painter.setOpacity( 1.0 );
    painter.drawImage( 0, 0, *labelJob.img );
  // when checking for a label cache image, we only look for those which would be drawn between 30% and 300% of the
  // original size. We don't want to draw massive pixelated labels on top of everything else, and we also don't need
  // to draw tiny unreadable labels... better to draw nothing in this case and wait till the updated label results are ready!
  else if ( cache && cache->hasAnyCacheImage( LABEL_PREVIEW_CACHE_ID, 0.3, 3 ) )
    const QImage labelCacheImage = cache->transformedCacheImage( LABEL_PREVIEW_CACHE_ID, settings.mapToPixel() );
    painter.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver );
    painter.setOpacity( 1.0 );
    painter.drawImage( 0, 0, labelCacheImage );

  // render any layers with the renderAboveLabels flag now
  for ( const LayerRenderJob &job : jobs )
    if ( !job.layer || !job.layer->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "rendering/renderAboveLabels" ) ).toBool() )

    QImage img = layerImageToBeComposed( settings, job, cache );
    if ( img.isNull() )
      continue; // image is not prepared and not even in cache

    painter.setCompositionMode( job.blendMode );
    painter.setOpacity( job.opacity );

    painter.drawImage( 0, 0, img );

#if DEBUG_RENDERING "/tmp/final.png" );
  return image;

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加:2021-09-09 11:50:45  更:2021-09-09 11:52:35 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
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