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[大数据]SQLite学习之路② Pager模块介绍和Pager对象(2021SC@SDUSC)

SQLite 学习之路 第二节 模块介绍和Pager对象




对于Lock manager:为了实验数据文件的并发控制,锁管理模块必须确保事务在访问数据页之前,一定先对数据文件上锁。

对于Page cache:当应用程序访问数据库文件时,pager模块会以块为单位进行缓存,每一个连接都有自己独有的pager模块,因此每个连接都有自己独有的缓存。

对于Log manager:是保证了事务的原子性,要么完整写入数据,要么不写入数据。日志记录了事务在更新数据库文件之前的数据,如果数据写入过程中发生异常中断,在下一次连接时会把日志里记录的原始数据还原回数据库文件。





struct Pager {
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;          /* OS functions to use for IO */
  u8 exclusiveMode;           /* Boolean. True if locking_mode==EXCLUSIVE */
  u8 journalMode;             /* One of the PAGER_JOURNALMODE_* values */
  u8 useJournal;              /* Use a rollback journal on this file */
  u8 noSync;                  /* Do not sync the journal if true */
  u8 fullSync;                /* Do extra syncs of the journal for robustness */
  u8 extraSync;               /* sync directory after journal delete */
  u8 syncFlags;               /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL otherwise */
  u8 walSyncFlags;            /* See description above */
  u8 tempFile;                /* zFilename is a temporary or immutable file */
  u8 noLock;                  /* Do not lock (except in WAL mode) */
  u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
  u8 memDb;                   /* True to inhibit all file I/O */

  ** The following block contains those class members that change during
  ** routine operation.  Class members not in this block are either fixed
  ** when the pager is first created or else only change when there is a
  ** significant mode change (such as changing the page_size, locking_mode,
  ** or the journal_mode).  From another view, these class members describe
  ** the "state" of the pager, while other class members describe the
  ** "configuration" of the pager.
  u8 eState;                  /* Pager state (OPEN, READER, WRITER_LOCKED..) */
  u8 eLock;                   /* Current lock held on database file */
  u8 changeCountDone;         /* Set after incrementing the change-counter */
  u8 setSuper;                /* Super-jrnl name is written into jrnl */
  u8 doNotSpill;              /* Do not spill the cache when non-zero */
  u8 subjInMemory;            /* True to use in-memory sub-journals */
  u8 bUseFetch;               /* True to use xFetch() */
  u8 hasHeldSharedLock;       /* True if a shared lock has ever been held */
  Pgno dbSize;                /* Number of pages in the database */
  Pgno dbOrigSize;            /* dbSize before the current transaction */
  Pgno dbFileSize;            /* Number of pages in the database file */
  Pgno dbHintSize;            /* Value passed to FCNTL_SIZE_HINT call */
  int errCode;                /* One of several kinds of errors */
  int nRec;                   /* Pages journalled since last j-header written */
  u32 cksumInit;              /* Quasi-random value added to every checksum */
  u32 nSubRec;                /* Number of records written to sub-journal */
  Bitvec *pInJournal;         /* One bit for each page in the database file */
  sqlite3_file *fd;           /* File descriptor for database */
  sqlite3_file *jfd;          /* File descriptor for main journal */
  sqlite3_file *sjfd;         /* File descriptor for sub-journal */
  i64 journalOff;             /* Current write offset in the journal file */
  i64 journalHdr;             /* Byte offset to previous journal header */
  sqlite3_backup *pBackup;    /* Pointer to list of ongoing backup processes */
  PagerSavepoint *aSavepoint; /* Array of active savepoints */
  int nSavepoint;             /* Number of elements in aSavepoint[] */
  u32 iDataVersion;           /* Changes whenever database content changes */
  char dbFileVers[16];        /* Changes whenever database file changes */

  int nMmapOut;               /* Number of mmap pages currently outstanding */
  sqlite3_int64 szMmap;       /* Desired maximum mmap size */
  PgHdr *pMmapFreelist;       /* List of free mmap page headers (pDirty) */
  ** End of the routinely-changing class members

  u16 nExtra;                 /* Add this many bytes to each in-memory page */
  i16 nReserve;               /* Number of unused bytes at end of each page */
  u32 vfsFlags;               /* Flags for sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
  u32 sectorSize;             /* Assumed sector size during rollback */
  int pageSize;               /* Number of bytes in a page */
  Pgno mxPgno;                /* Maximum allowed size of the database */
  i64 journalSizeLimit;       /* Size limit for persistent journal files */
  char *zFilename;            /* Name of the database file */
  char *zJournal;             /* Name of the journal file */
  int (*xBusyHandler)(void*); /* Function to call when busy */
  void *pBusyHandlerArg;      /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */
  int aStat[4];               /* Total cache hits, misses, writes, spills */
  int nRead;                  /* Database pages read */
  void (*xReiniter)(DbPage*); /* Call this routine when reloading pages */
  int (*xGet)(Pager*,Pgno,DbPage**,int); /* Routine to fetch a patch */
  char *pTmpSpace;            /* Pager.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
  PCache *pPCache;            /* Pointer to page cache object */
  Wal *pWal;                  /* Write-ahead log used by "journal_mode=wal" */
  char *zWal;                 /* File name for write-ahead log */


struct Pager {
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;          /* 访问磁盘IO所用的文件系统接口 */
  u8 exclusiveMode;           /* 是否在使用EXCLUSIVE锁 */
  u8 journalMode;             /* 日志模式 */
  u8 useJournal;              /* 是否使用日志 */
  u8 noSync;                  /*  如果为真,不对日志写入磁盘,如数据库是内存模式的存储 */
  u8 fullSync;                /* 修改日志后是否立即刷盘 */
  u8 extraSync;               /* 删除日志后立即刷新磁盘 */
  u8 ckptSyncFlags;           /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL for checkpoint */
  u8 walSyncFlags;            /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL for wal writes */
  u8 syncFlags;               /* SYNC_NORMAL or SYNC_FULL otherwise */
  u8 tempFile;                /* 临时文件或只读文件 */
  u8 noLock;                  /* Do not lock (except in WAL mode) */
  u8 readOnly;                /* True for a read-only database */
  u8 memDb;                   /* 内存模式的数据库,不对磁盘操作 */
  ** The following block contains those class members that change during
  ** routine operation.  Class members not in this block are either fixed
  ** when the pager is first created or else only change when there is a
  ** significant mode change (such as changing the page_size, locking_mode,
  ** or the journal_mode).  From another view, these class members describe
  ** the "state" of the pager, while other class members describe the
  ** "configuration" of the pager.
  u8 eState;                  /* Pager state (OPEN, READER, WRITER_LOCKED..) */
  u8 eLock;                   /* Current lock held on database file */
  u8 changeCountDone;         /* Set after incrementing the change-counter */
  u8 setMaster;               /* True if a m-j name has been written to jrnl */
  u8 doNotSpill;              /* Do not spill the cache when non-zero */
  u8 subjInMemory;            /* True to use in-memory sub-journals */
  u8 bUseFetch;               /* True to use xFetch() */
  u8 hasHeldSharedLock;       /* True if a shared lock has ever been held */
  Pgno dbSize;                /* Number of pages in the database */
  Pgno dbOrigSize;            /* dbSize before the current transaction */
  Pgno dbFileSize;            /* Number of pages in the database file */
  Pgno dbHintSize;            /* Value passed to FCNTL_SIZE_HINT call */
  int errCode;                /* One of several kinds of errors */
  int nRec;                   /* Pages journalled since last j-header written */
  u32 cksumInit;              /* Quasi-random value added to every checksum */
  u32 nSubRec;                /* Number of records written to sub-journal */
  Bitvec *pInJournal;         /* One bit for each page in the database file */
  sqlite3_file *fd;           /* File descriptor for database */
  sqlite3_file *jfd;          /* File descriptor for main journal */
  sqlite3_file *sjfd;         /* File descriptor for sub-journal */
  i64 journalOff;             /* Current write offset in the journal file */
  i64 journalHdr;             /* Byte offset to previous journal header */
  sqlite3_backup *pBackup;    /* Pointer to list of ongoing backup processes */
  PagerSavepoint *aSavepoint; /* Array of active savepoints */
  int nSavepoint;             /* Number of elements in aSavepoint[] */
  u32 iDataVersion;           /* Changes whenever database content changes */
  char dbFileVers[16];        /* Changes whenever database file changes */
  int nMmapOut;               /* Number of mmap pages currently outstanding */
  sqlite3_int64 szMmap;       /* Desired maximum mmap size */
  PgHdr *pMmapFreelist;       /* List of free mmap page headers (pDirty) */
  ** End of the routinely-changing class members
  u16 nExtra;                 /* Add this many bytes to each in-memory page */
  i16 nReserve;               /* Number of unused bytes at end of each page */
  u32 vfsFlags;               /* Flags for sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
  u32 sectorSize;             /* Assumed sector size during rollback */
  int pageSize;               /* Number of bytes in a page */
  Pgno mxPgno;                /* Maximum allowed size of the database */
  i64 journalSizeLimit;       /* Size limit for persistent journal files */
  char *zFilename;            /* Name of the database file */
  char *zJournal;             /* Name of the journal file */
  int (*xBusyHandler)(void*); /* Function to call when busy */
  void *pBusyHandlerArg;      /* Context argument for xBusyHandler */
  int aStat[3];               /* Total cache hits, misses and writes */
  int nRead;                  /* Database pages read */
  void (*xReiniter)(DbPage*); /* Call this routine when reloading pages */
  int (*xGet)(Pager*,Pgno,DbPage**,int); /* Routine to fetch a patch */
  void *(*xCodec)(void*,void*,Pgno,int); /* Routine for en/decoding data */
  void (*xCodecSizeChng)(void*,int,int); /* Notify of page size changes */
  void (*xCodecFree)(void*);             /* Destructor for the codec */
  void *pCodec;               /* First argument to xCodec... methods */
  char *pTmpSpace;            /* Pager.pageSize bytes of space for tmp use */
  PCache *pPCache;            /* Pointer to page cache object */
  Wal *pWal;                  /* Write-ahead log used by "journal_mode=wal" */
  char *zWal;                 /* File name for write-ahead log */


** Allocate and initialize a new Pager object and put a pointer to it
** in *ppPager. The pager should eventually be freed by passing it
** to sqlite3PagerClose().
** The zFilename argument is the path to the database file to open.
** If zFilename is NULL then a randomly-named temporary file is created
** and used as the file to be cached. Temporary files are be deleted
** automatically when they are closed. If zFilename is ":memory:" then
** all information is held in cache. It is never written to disk.
** This can be used to implement an in-memory database.
** The nExtra parameter specifies the number of bytes of space allocated
** along with each page reference. This space is available to the user
** via the sqlite3PagerGetExtra() API.  When a new page is allocated, the
** first 8 bytes of this space are zeroed but the remainder is uninitialized.
** (The extra space is used by btree as the MemPage object.)
** The flags argument is used to specify properties that affect the
** operation of the pager. It should be passed some bitwise combination
** of the PAGER_* flags.
** The vfsFlags parameter is a bitmask to pass to the flags parameter
** of the xOpen() method of the supplied VFS when opening files.
** If the pager object is allocated and the specified file opened
** successfully, SQLITE_OK is returned and *ppPager set to point to
** the new pager object. If an error occurs, *ppPager is set to NULL
** and error code returned. This function may return SQLITE_NOMEM
** (sqlite3Malloc() is used to allocate memory), SQLITE_CANTOPEN or
** various SQLITE_IO_XXX errors.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3PagerOpen(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,       /* The virtual file system to use */
  Pager **ppPager,         /* OUT: Return the Pager structure here */
  const char *zFilename,   /* Name of the database file to open */
  int nExtra,              /* Extra bytes append to each in-memory page */
  int flags,               /* flags controlling this file */
  int vfsFlags,            /* flags passed through to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
  void (*xReinit)(DbPage*) /* Function to reinitialize pages */
  u8 *pPtr;
  Pager *pPager = 0;       /* Pager object to allocate and return */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;      /* Return code */
  int tempFile = 0;        /* True for temp files (incl. in-memory files) */
  int memDb = 0;           /* True if this is an in-memory file */
  int memJM = 0;           /* Memory journal mode */
# define memJM 0
  int readOnly = 0;        /* True if this is a read-only file */
  int journalFileSize;     /* Bytes to allocate for each journal fd */
  char *zPathname = 0;     /* Full path to database file */
  int nPathname = 0;       /* Number of bytes in zPathname */
  int useJournal = (flags & PAGER_OMIT_JOURNAL)==0; /* False to omit journal */
  int pcacheSize = sqlite3PcacheSize();       /* Bytes to allocate for PCache */
  u32 szPageDflt = SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;  /* Default page size */
  const char *zUri = 0;    /* URI args to copy */
  int nUriByte = 1;        /* Number of bytes of URI args at *zUri */
  int nUri = 0;            /* Number of URI parameters */

  /* Figure out how much space is required for each journal file-handle
  ** (there are two of them, the main journal and the sub-journal).  */
  journalFileSize = ROUND8(sqlite3JournalSize(pVfs));

  /* Set the output variable to NULL in case an error occurs. */
  *ppPager = 0;

  if( flags & PAGER_MEMORY ){
    memDb = 1;
    if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
      zPathname = sqlite3DbStrDup(0, zFilename);
      if( zPathname==0  ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
      nPathname = sqlite3Strlen30(zPathname);
      zFilename = 0;

  /* Compute and store the full pathname in an allocated buffer pointed
  ** to by zPathname, length nPathname. Or, if this is a temporary file,
  ** leave both nPathname and zPathname set to 0.
  if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
    const char *z;
    nPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
    zPathname = sqlite3DbMallocRaw(0, nPathname*2);
    if( zPathname==0 ){
      return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
    zPathname[0] = 0; /* Make sure initialized even if FullPathname() fails */
    rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename, nPathname, zPathname);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK ){
        if( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW ){
          rc = SQLITE_OK;
    nPathname = sqlite3Strlen30(zPathname);
    z = zUri = &zFilename[sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename)+1];
    while( *z ){
      z += strlen(z)+1;
      z += strlen(z)+1;
    nUriByte = (int)(&z[1] - zUri);
    assert( nUriByte>=1 );
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nPathname+8>pVfs->mxPathname ){
      /* This branch is taken when the journal path required by
      ** the database being opened will be more than pVfs->mxPathname
      ** bytes in length. This means the database cannot be opened,
      ** as it will not be possible to open the journal file or even
      ** check for a hot-journal before reading.
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
      return rc;

  /* Allocate memory for the Pager structure, PCache object, the
  ** three file descriptors, the database file name and the journal
  ** file name. The layout in memory is as follows:
  **     Pager object                    (sizeof(Pager) bytes)
  **     PCache object                   (sqlite3PcacheSize() bytes)
  **     Database file handle            (pVfs->szOsFile bytes)
  **     Sub-journal file handle         (journalFileSize bytes)
  **     Main journal file handle        (journalFileSize bytes)
  **     Ptr back to the Pager           (sizeof(Pager*) bytes)
  **     \0\0\0\0 database prefix        (4 bytes)
  **     Database file name              (nPathname+1 bytes)
  **     URI query parameters            (nUriByte bytes)
  **     Journal filename                (nPathname+8+1 bytes)
  **     WAL filename                    (nPathname+4+1 bytes)
  **     \0\0\0 terminator               (3 bytes)
  ** Some 3rd-party software, over which we have no control, depends on
  ** the specific order of the filenames and the \0 separators between them
  ** so that it can (for example) find the database filename given the WAL
  ** filename without using the sqlite3_filename_database() API.  This is a
  ** misuse of SQLite and a bug in the 3rd-party software, but the 3rd-party
  ** software is in widespread use, so we try to avoid changing the filename
  ** order and formatting if possible.  In particular, the details of the
  ** filename format expected by 3rd-party software should be as follows:
  **   - Main Database Path
  **   - \0
  **   - Multiple URI components consisting of:
  **     - Key
  **     - \0
  **     - Value
  **     - \0
  **   - \0
  **   - Journal Path
  **   - \0
  **   - WAL Path (zWALName)
  **   - \0
  ** The sqlite3_create_filename() interface and the databaseFilename() utility
  ** that is used by sqlite3_filename_database() and kin also depend on the
  ** specific formatting and order of the various filenames, so if the format
  ** changes here, be sure to change it there as well.
  pPtr = (u8 *)sqlite3MallocZero(
    ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager)) +            /* Pager structure */
    ROUND8(pcacheSize) +                 /* PCache object */
    ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile) +             /* The main db file */
    journalFileSize * 2 +                /* The two journal files */
    sizeof(pPager) +                     /* Space to hold a pointer */
    4 +                                  /* Database prefix */
    nPathname + 1 +                      /* database filename */
    nUriByte +                           /* query parameters */
    nPathname + 8 + 1 +                  /* Journal filename */
    nPathname + 4 + 1 +                  /* WAL filename */
    3                                    /* Terminator */
  assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR(journalFileSize)) );
  if( !pPtr ){
    sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
  pPager = (Pager*)pPtr;                  pPtr += ROUND8(sizeof(*pPager));
  pPager->pPCache = (PCache*)pPtr;        pPtr += ROUND8(pcacheSize);
  pPager->fd = (sqlite3_file*)pPtr;       pPtr += ROUND8(pVfs->szOsFile);
  pPager->sjfd = (sqlite3_file*)pPtr;     pPtr += journalFileSize;
  pPager->jfd =  (sqlite3_file*)pPtr;     pPtr += journalFileSize;
  assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pPager->jfd) );
  memcpy(pPtr, &pPager, sizeof(pPager));  pPtr += sizeof(pPager);

  /* Fill in the Pager.zFilename and pPager.zQueryParam fields */
                                          pPtr += 4;  /* Skip zero prefix */
  pPager->zFilename = (char*)pPtr;
  if( nPathname>0 ){
    memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname);   pPtr += nPathname + 1;
    if( zUri ){
      memcpy(pPtr, zUri, nUriByte);       pPtr += nUriByte;

  /* Fill in Pager.zJournal */
  if( nPathname>0 ){
    pPager->zJournal = (char*)pPtr;
    memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname);   pPtr += nPathname;
    memcpy(pPtr, "-journal",8);           pPtr += 8 + 1;
    pPtr = (u8*)(pPager->zJournal + sqlite3Strlen30(pPager->zJournal)+1);
    pPager->zJournal = 0;

  /* Fill in Pager.zWal */
  if( nPathname>0 ){
    pPager->zWal = (char*)pPtr;
    memcpy(pPtr, zPathname, nPathname);   pPtr += nPathname;
    memcpy(pPtr, "-wal", 4);              pPtr += 4 + 1;
    sqlite3FileSuffix3(zFilename, pPager->zWal);
    pPtr = (u8*)(pPager->zWal + sqlite3Strlen30(pPager->zWal)+1);
    pPager->zWal = 0;

  if( nPathname ) sqlite3DbFree(0, zPathname);
  pPager->pVfs = pVfs;
  pPager->vfsFlags = vfsFlags;

  /* Open the pager file.
  if( zFilename && zFilename[0] ){
    int fout = 0;                    /* VFS flags returned by xOpen() */
    rc = sqlite3OsOpen(pVfs, pPager->zFilename, pPager->fd, vfsFlags, &fout);
    assert( !memDb );
    memJM = (fout&SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY)!=0;
    readOnly = (fout&SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY)!=0;

    /* If the file was successfully opened for read/write access,
    ** choose a default page size in case we have to create the
    ** database file. The default page size is the maximum of:
    **    + The value returned by sqlite3OsSectorSize()
    **    + The largest page size that can be written atomically.
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      int iDc = sqlite3OsDeviceCharacteristics(pPager->fd);
      if( !readOnly ){
        if( szPageDflt<pPager->sectorSize ){
          if( pPager->sectorSize>SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE ){
            szPageDflt = SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
            szPageDflt = (u32)pPager->sectorSize;
          int ii;
          for(ii=szPageDflt; ii<=SQLITE_MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; ii=ii*2){
            if( iDc&(SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC|(ii>>8)) ){
              szPageDflt = ii;
      pPager->noLock = sqlite3_uri_boolean(pPager->zFilename, "nolock", 0);
      if( (iDc & SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE)!=0
       || sqlite3_uri_boolean(pPager->zFilename, "immutable", 0) ){
          vfsFlags |= SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
          goto act_like_temp_file;
    /* If a temporary file is requested, it is not opened immediately.
    ** In this case we accept the default page size and delay actually
    ** opening the file until the first call to OsWrite().
    ** This branch is also run for an in-memory database. An in-memory
    ** database is the same as a temp-file that is never written out to
    ** disk and uses an in-memory rollback journal.
    ** This branch also runs for files marked as immutable.
    tempFile = 1;
    pPager->eState = PAGER_READER;     /* Pretend we already have a lock */
    pPager->eLock = EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;    /* Pretend we are in EXCLUSIVE mode */
    pPager->noLock = 1;                /* Do no locking */
    readOnly = (vfsFlags&SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY);

  /* The following call to PagerSetPagesize() serves to set the value of
  ** Pager.pageSize and to allocate the Pager.pTmpSpace buffer.
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    assert( pPager->memDb==0 );
    rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pPager, &szPageDflt, -1);
    testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );

  /* Initialize the PCache object. */
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    nExtra = ROUND8(nExtra);
    assert( nExtra>=8 && nExtra<1000 );
    rc = sqlite3PcacheOpen(szPageDflt, nExtra, !memDb,
                       !memDb?pagerStress:0, (void *)pPager, pPager->pPCache);

  /* If an error occurred above, free the  Pager structure and close the file.
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    return rc;

  PAGERTRACE(("OPEN %d %s\n", FILEHANDLEID(pPager->fd), pPager->zFilename));
  IOTRACE(("OPEN %p %s\n", pPager, pPager->zFilename))

  pPager->useJournal = (u8)useJournal;
  /* pPager->stmtOpen = 0; */
  /* pPager->stmtInUse = 0; */
  /* pPager->nRef = 0; */
  /* pPager->stmtSize = 0; */
  /* pPager->stmtJSize = 0; */
  /* pPager->nPage = 0; */
  pPager->mxPgno = SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT;
  /* pPager->state = PAGER_UNLOCK; */
  /* pPager->errMask = 0; */
  pPager->tempFile = (u8)tempFile;
          || tempFile==PAGER_LOCKINGMODE_EXCLUSIVE );
  pPager->exclusiveMode = (u8)tempFile;
  pPager->changeCountDone = pPager->tempFile;
  pPager->memDb = (u8)memDb;
  pPager->readOnly = (u8)readOnly;
  assert( useJournal || pPager->tempFile );
  pPager->noSync = pPager->tempFile;
  if( pPager->noSync ){
    assert( pPager->fullSync==0 );
    assert( pPager->extraSync==0 );
    assert( pPager->syncFlags==0 );
    assert( pPager->walSyncFlags==0 );
    pPager->fullSync = 1;
    pPager->extraSync = 0;
    pPager->syncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL;
    pPager->walSyncFlags = SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL | (SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL<<2);
  /* pPager->pFirst = 0; */
  /* pPager->pFirstSynced = 0; */
  /* pPager->pLast = 0; */
  pPager->nExtra = (u16)nExtra;
  assert( isOpen(pPager->fd) || tempFile );
  if( !useJournal ){
    pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_OFF;
  }else if( memDb || memJM ){
    pPager->journalMode = PAGER_JOURNALMODE_MEMORY;
  /* pPager->xBusyHandler = 0; */
  /* pPager->pBusyHandlerArg = 0; */
  pPager->xReiniter = xReinit;
  /* memset(pPager->aHash, 0, sizeof(pPager->aHash)); */
  /* pPager->szMmap = SQLITE_DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE // will be set by btree.c */

  *ppPager = pPager;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** Return the sqlite3_file for the main database given the name
** of the corresonding WAL or Journal name as passed into
** xOpen.
SQLITE_API sqlite3_file *sqlite3_database_file_object(const char *zName){
  Pager *pPager;
  while( zName[-1]!=0 || zName[-2]!=0 || zName[-3]!=0 || zName[-4]!=0 ){
  pPager = *(Pager**)(zName - 4 - sizeof(Pager*));
  return pPager->fd;


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