1. 例如: 分页查询 当传入start和size 时,按照传入的参数分页查询,如果没有传入时,查询全部数据
<select id="queryPage" resultMap="resultBaseScore" parameterType="com.example.mybatis1.domain.Score">
-- 如果着两个参数不为空,就查询start 和size
select * from score
<if test="start !=null and size != null">
limit #{start},#{size}
2 例如:
<select id="queryparam" resultMap="resultBaseScore" parameterType="com.example.mybatis1.domain.Score">
select * from score
<if test="sNO !=null and sNo!='' ">
and s_no=#{sNo}
<if test="cNo !=null and cNo!='' ">
and c_No=#{cNo}
3 set
<update id="updataStudent" parameterType="com.example.mybatis1.domain.Student">
updata student
<if test="sname!=null and sname!='' ">
<if test="sage!=null and sage!='' ">
4 trim 可以代替where 和set
select * from score
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and ">
<if test="sNo !=null and sNo !='' ">
and s_no = #{sNo}
<if test="cNO !=null and cNo !='' ">
and c_no =#{cNo}
5 foreach 批量插入,批量查询  注意 一定要写 @param 1 #{ 这是java中的字段}
<select id="getBooksByIds" parameterType="com.example.mybatis1.domain.Student">
select * from student where id in
<foreach collection="sNos" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
2 批量插入 
<insert id="batchAddStudent">
insert into student sname,sage values
<foreach collection="students" separator="," item="student">