这两天遇到了查询mysql速度慢的问题,经过各种排查,mysql语句添加ORDER BY和不添加,速度不能相提并论。这里记录一下解决问题的两种情况。
sql语句如下:(当天数据1万多条,未添加索引时,执行时间1分钟。去掉ORDER BY a.begintime desc时,47毫秒查询完成!检查了表结构,mytable1_20211020、mytable2_20211020均无索引,mytable1_20211020添加索引jobid,mytable2_20211020表添加索引mcssn,同样的sql语句,这次执行完47毫秒)
SELECT a.bizno,a.jobid,a.begintime,a.title,b.status FROM mytable1_20211020 a
left join mytable2_20211020 b ON a.jobid = b.mcssn
where 1=1 ORDER BY a.begintime desc
LIMIT 0,10;
sql语句如下:(当天表里有4万多条数据,有添加索引,执行时间8秒。去掉ORDER BY a.datetime desc查询62毫秒完成!检测了表结构,able1_20211020表里有添加索引:datetime, userid ,可依然耗时较长)
select b.name as mername,CONCAT(a.datetime)as date,a.mcssn,a.requestsn,a.realname,
e.commodity_name as productid,f.bankname as bankname from table1_20211020 a
left join user b on a.userid=b.data_key
LEFT JOIN product e on a.transtype=e.transtype and a.productid=e.commodity_type
left join bankinfo f on a.bankid=f.bankid
where a.datetime BETWEEN "2021-10-20 00:00" and "2021-10-20 23:59"
and a.userid in ("6bd379", "1a020c", "5db1e6", "84e832", "4afd12")
ORDER BY a.datetime desc
limit 0,10;
select * from (
select b.name as mername,CONCAT(a.datetime)as date,a.mcssn,a.requestsn,a.realname,
e.commodity_name as productid,f.bankname as bankname from table1_20211020 a
left join user b on a.userid=b.data_key
LEFT JOIN product e on a.transtype=e.transtype and a.productid=e.commodity_type
left join bankinfo f on a.bankid=f.bankid
where a.datetime BETWEEN "2021-10-20 00:00" and "2021-10-20 23:59"
and a.userid in ("6bd379", "1a020c", "5db1e6", "84e832", "4afd12")
limit 0,10
) t ORDER BY a.date desc;
优化前sql和优化后sql不同在于,ORDER BY放到了查询外面,就是先在子查询查出需要的数据,在所要的几条数据中进行排序