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实现select stuno,stuname from student where stuname = #{stuName}and stuage = #{stuAge}


	<select id="queryStuByNOrAWishSQLTag" 	 parameterType="student"	resultType="student" >
		select stuno,stuname,stuage from student where 1=1
		<!--<if test="student有stuName属性 且不为null">,这里这个stuName是类的属性 -->
		<if test="stuName !=null and stuName!=''  "> 
			and stuname = #{stuName}
		<if test="stuAge !=null and stuAge!=0  "> 
			 and  stuage = #{stuAge}

第二种写法:<where>会自动处理第一个<if>标签中的 and,但不会处理之后<if>中的and

	<select id="queryStuByNOrAWishSQLTag" 	 parameterType="student"	resultType="student" >
		select stuno,stuname,stuage from student
			<if test="stuName !=null and stuName!=''  "> 
				and stuname = #{stuName}
			<if test="stuAge !=null and stuAge!=0  "> 
				 and stuage = #{stuAge}

实现:查询学号为1、2、3的学生信息 select stuno,stuname from student where stuno in(1,2,3)

<foreach>迭代的类型:数组、对象数组、集合、属性(某个类中有属性: List<Integer>之类)

public class Grade {
	private List<Integer> stuNos ;
	<!-- 将多个元素值 放入对象的属性中 -->
	<select id="queryStudentsWithNosInGrade"  parameterType="grade" resultType="student">
	  	select * from student 
	  		 <if test="stuNos!=null and stuNos.size>0">
	  		 	<foreach collection="stuNos" open=" and  stuno in (" close=")" item="stuNo" separator=",">   
	<!-- 将多个元素值 放入数组中 int[] stuNos = {1,2,3} ,传递的是什么参数名(stuNos),在mapper.xml中 必须用array代替该数组-->
	<select id="queryStudentsWithArray"  parameterType="int[]" resultType="student">
	  	select * from student 
	  		 <if test="array!=null and array.length">
	  		 	<foreach collection="array" open=" and  stuno in (" close=")" item="stuNo" separator=",">   
	<!-- 将多个元素值 放入数组中 List<Integer> stuNos 值[1,2,3],传递的是什么参数名(stuNos),在mapper.xml中 必须用list代替该数组 -->
	<select id="queryStudentsWithList"  parameterType="list" resultType="student">
	  	select * from student 
	  		 <if test="list!=null and list.size>0">
	  		 	<foreach collection="list" open=" and  stuno in (" close=")" item="stuNo" separator=",">   


Student[] students = {student0,student1,student2}  //每个studentx包含一个学号属性
	<!-- 将多个元素值 放入对象数组中Student[] students = {student0,student1,student2}  每个studentx包含一个学号属性 -->
	<select id="queryStudentsWithObjectArray"  parameterType="Object[]"  resultType="student">
	  	select * from student 
	  		 <if test="array!=null and array.length>0">
	  		 	<foreach collection="array" open=" and  stuno in (" close=")" item="stuNo" separator=",">   


<sql id="objectArrayStunos">
	  		 <if test="array!=null and array.length>0">
	  		 	<foreach collection="array" open=" and  stuno in (" close=")" 
	  		 		item="student" separator=",">   
	<!-- 将多个元素值 放入对象数组中Student[] students = {student0,student1,student2}  每个studentx包含一个学号属性 -->
	<select id="queryStudentsWithObjectArray"  parameterType="Object[]" resultType="student">
	  	select * from student 
	  	<!--如果sql片段和  引用处不在同一个文件中,则需要 在refid 引用时  加上namespace:
	   <include refid="org.koma.mapper.XxxMapper.xxxxxxxx"></include> -->
	   <include refid="objectArrayStunos"></include>



	<!--查询结果使用业务扩展类接收 -->
	<select id="queryStudentByNoWithOO" 	parameterType="int"  	resultType="StudentBusiness" >
		select s.*,c.* from student s  inner join studentcard c
		on s.cardid=c.cardid
		where s.stuno = #{stuNo}
public class StudentBusiness  extends Student{//学生业务扩展类
	private int cardId;
	private String cardInfo ;

使用 resultMap 实现一对一:

	<select id="queryStudents"   parameterType="int" resultMap="student_card_map">
		select  c.*,s.* from student s
		inner join studentcard c 
		on s.classid = c.classid 
		where s.stuno = #{stuNo}
	<!-- 类-表的对应关系 -->
	<resultMap type="student" id="student_card_map">
			<id  property="stuNo" column="stuNo"/>
			<result  property="stuName" column="stuName"/>
			<result  property="stuAge" column="stuAge"/>
			<!-- 一对一,对象成员使用association映射,javaType指定属性的类型-->
			<association property="card" javaType="studentCard">
				<id  property="cardId" column="cardId"/>
				<result  property="cardInfo" column="cardInfo"/>
@Data       //学生类 包含:1学生信息    2学生证信息
public class Student implements Serializable{
	private int stuNo ;
	private String stuName ;
	private int stuAge ;
	private String graName ;
	private boolean stuSex ;
	private StudentCard card ;//包括俩字段:cardId和cardInfo

使用 resultMap 实现一对多:

	<!--查询XX班的班级信息,和XX班的所有学生信息 -->
	<select id="queryClassAndStudents"   parameterType="int" resultMap="class_student_map">
		select  c.*,s.* from student s
		inner join studentclass c 
		on c.classid = s.classid
		where c.classid = #{classId}
	<resultMap type="studentClass" id="class_student_map">
			<!-- 因为 type的主类是班级,因此先配置班级的信息-->
			<id  property="classId" column="classId"/>
			<result  property="className" column="className"/>
			<!-- 配置成员属性学生,一对多; 属性的元素类型 ofType -->
			<collection property="students" ofType="student">
				<id  property="stuNo" column="stuNo"/>
				<result  property="stuName" column="stuName"/>
				<result  property="stuAge" column="stuAge"/>
public class StudentClass {
	private int classId;//外键
	private String className;
	//增加学生属性 (通过该字段,让Student类和StudentClass类建立起关联)
	List<Student> students ;
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加:2021-11-22 12:24:30  更:2021-11-22 12:25:49 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
数码: 电脑 笔记本 显卡 显示器 固态硬盘 硬盘 耳机 手机 iphone vivo oppo 小米 华为 单反 装机 图拉丁

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