[root@gree128 conf]# sqoop version [root@gree128 conf]# sqoop help [root@gree128 conf]# sqoop help list-databases
展示mysql的数据库 [root@gree128 ~]# sqoop list-databases \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306 \ --username root \ --password 123456
------------------------------------------- [root@gree128 ~]# sqoop list-tables \ > --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ > --username root \ > --password root
----------------将mysql数据库中的表数据导入到HDFS--------------------------- sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/d1 \ --m 1

--------------将表数据导入到HDFS,并且分为两个文件----------------------------- sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/demo2 \ --split-by classId \ --fields-terminated-by '\t' \ --m 2

------------mysql 导入数据到hive (一,先创建hive表,导入数据)------------------------------- 先创建表kb15.student_mysql,数据结构与mysql中student相同 [root@gree128 ~]# sqoop create-hive-table \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --hive-table kb15.student_mysql?
hive> show tables; OK student_mysql
hive> desc student_mysql; OK id ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?int ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? name ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?string ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? age ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?int ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? gender ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?string ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? telephone ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?string ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? email ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?string ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? classid ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?int ? ? ? ? ??
[root@gree128 ~]# sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --hive-table kb15.student_mysql \ --hive-import \ --m 1

---------------mysql 导入数据到hive (二,创建hive表导入数据,一次性完成)---------------------------- 导入到student表 [root@gree128 ~]# sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --hive-import \ --hive-database kb15 \ --m 1

查找条件 ?where -------------where------------------------------ [root@gree128 ~]# sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --where "classId=1" \ --target-dir /sqoop/d3 \ --delete-target-dir \ --m 1

[root@gree128 ~]# sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --where "telephone='13613309876'" \ --target-dir /sqoop/d4 \ --delete-target-dir \ --m 1

[root@gree128 ~]# sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --where "telephone='13613309876' and classId=2" \ --target-dir /sqoop/d5 \ --delete-target-dir \ --m 1

-------------- query ----------------------------- sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --query 'select id,name,age,gender,telephone,email,classId from student where id>3 and classId=4 and $CONDITIONS' \ --target-dir /sqoop/d6 \ --delete-target-dir \ --m 1

sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --query 'select id,name,age,gender,telephone,email,classId from student where id>3 and classId=4 and $CONDITIONS' \ --target-dir /sqoop/d7 \ --delete-target-dir \ --fields-terminated-by '\t' \ --split-by classId \ --m 1

-----------增量导入-------------------------------- sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/in1 \ --m 1 insert into student(name,age,gender,telephone,email,classId) values ("刘勇",24,"男","13695847598","liuyong@qq.com",1), ("刘小勇",2,"男","1360000000","liuxiaoyong@qq.com",1)
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --target-dir /sqoop/in1 \ --incremental append \ --check-column id \ --last-value 4 \ --m 1

-------------incremental 增量导入 lastmodified ? <append ?, ?merge-key> ------------------------------ create table student3( id int, name varchar(32), last_mod timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp )
insert into student3(id,name) values(1,'zhangxiaohua'),(2,'litiechui');
select * from student3;
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student3 \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/in2 \ --m 1

insert into student3(id,name) values(3,'zhaodaqiang'),(4,'chenxiaowang');
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student3 \ --target-dir /sqoop/in2 \ --incremental lastmodified \ --check-column last_mod \ --last-value "2021-11-24 17:08:34" \ --append \ --m 1

-----------------incremental增量导入 ? lastmodified ? <append ?, ?merge-key> --------------------------
sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student3 \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/incre3 \ --m 1

insert into student3(id,name) values(5,'zhaoweiwei'),(6,'liangshanbo');
导入全部的数据 sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student3 \ --target-dir /sqoop/incre3 \ --incremental lastmodified \ --check-column last_mod \ --last-value "2021-11-24 17:12:59" \ --merge-key id \ --m 1

导入新增的数据 sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student3 \ --target-dir /sqoop/incre3 \ --incremental lastmodified \ --check-column last_mod \ --last-value "2021-11-24 17:12:34" \ --append \ --m 1

------------导出 export---- allowinsert updateonly --------------------------- [root@gree128 tmp]# vi ./teacher.txt?
1,gree,jy,dsj 2,cat,leader,dsj
[root@gree128 tmp]# hdfs dfs -mkdir ?-p/sqoop/exportdata/ [root@gree128 tmp]# hdfs dfs -put ./teacher.txt /sqoop/exportdata/
[root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop export \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table teacher \ --export-dir /sqoop/exportdata/ \ --update-key id \ --update-mode allowinsert
先修改表数据,在运行语句 [root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop export \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table teacher \ --export-dir /sqoop/exportdata2/ \ --update-key id \ --update-mode updateonly ?(表数据只读)
[root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop export \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table teacher \ --export-dir /sqoop/exportdata3/ \ --update-key id \ --update-mode allowinsert
-----------job --------------------------------
sqoop job --create demojob -- import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://gree128:3306/mybatisdb \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table student \ --delete-target-dir \ --target-dir /sqoop/job/ \ --m 1
sqoop job的基本语句
[root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop job --list [root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop job --exec demojob? ? ? ? ? 执行 [root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop job --delete demojob [root@gree128 tmp]# sqoop job --show demojob