select SNo,Class,SN
from S
select *
from C
select distinct Class
from S
select *
from C
where CT>60
select SNo,SN,birthday
from S
where datename(year,birthday)=1986
select SNo,CNo
from SC
where Score_1>=80 and Score_2>80 and Score_3>80
select SNo,SN,Class
from S
where SN like '张%'
select *
from S
where right(Class,2)=05 and Sex='男'
select SNo,CNo
from SC
where Score_1 is null or Score_2 is null or Score_3 is null
select sum(Score_1) as 总分
from SC
where SNo=1538
select count(SNo) as 选课人数
from SC
where CNo='K001'
select count(distinct Class) as 班级数量
from S
select SNo,avg(Score_1) 作业1平均分,avg(Score_2) 作业2平均分,avg(Score_3) 作业3平均分
from SC
group by SNo
having count(CNo)>=3
select S.SNo,SN,CN
from S,C,SC
where S.SNo=SC.SNo and SC.CNo=C.CNo and SN='于兰兰'
select R4.SNo,R4.SN,R3.CN
(select CNo,CN from C) as R3
inner join
(select R1.SNo,R1.SN,R2.CNo
(select SNo,SN from S where SN='于兰兰') as R1
inner join
(select CNo,SNo from SC) as R2
on R1.SNo=R2.SNo) as R4
on R3.CNo=R4.CNo