在上一章结尾我们最终生成了MultibandTileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] 对象,一切都是为了最重要的步骤——计算——做准备.
2. 计算NDVI
val ndviTiledRDD: TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] =
tiledRDD.withContext { rdd =>
rdd.mapValues { tile =>
tile.convert(DoubleConstantNoDataCellType).combineDouble(0, 1) { (r, nir) =>
(nir - r) / (nir + r)
我们知道NDVI的算法是(nir-r)/(nir+r) ,但如何将算法应用到Geotrellis中去呢?换句话说,我们需要明确,算法操作的对象是谁.
2.1 分离出Tile
Tile 是我们精细操作的核心.- 需要在计算中保留元数据,使之不丢失空间信息.
所以,我们的首要任务是从上文的结果中找到Tile .
我们在上一步生成了一个MultibandTileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] 对象,即RDD[(SpatialKey, MultibandTile)] with Metadata[TileLayerMetadata[SpatialKey]] ,想要得到其中的MultiBandTile ,需要两个步骤:
- 将RDD[K,V] with Metadata还原为RDD[K,V]
- 从RDD[K,V]中获取我们所需要的V,即MultibandTile.在本例中,实际是其子类:ArrayMultiBandTile.
val ndviTiledRDD: TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] =
tiledRDD.withContext { rdd: RDD[(SpatialKey, MultibandTile)] =>
rdd.mapValues { tile: MultibandTile =>
这部分的主体是withContext 方法,代码如下:
implicit class WithContextWrapper[K, V, M](val rdd: RDD[(K, V)] with Metadata[M]) {
def withContext[K2, V2](f: RDD[(K, V)] => RDD[(K2, V2)]) =
new ContextRDD(f(rdd), rdd.metadata)
可以看出,仅仅是较为简单的隐式转换,实现了将TileLayerRDD类型数据中的RDD抽出来单独计算,最终和原有的元数据重新打包为一个ContextRDD 对象的功能.
最终,我们又得到了一个熟悉的ContextRDD对象,它既可以被称为ContextRDD[SpatialKey, Tile, TileLayerMetadata[SpatialKey]] ,也可以用RDD[(SpatialKey, Tile)] with Metadata[TileLayerMetadata[SpatialKey]] 或者更方便的TileLayerRDD[SpatialKey] 来称呼.
2.2 Tile与计算核心
.combineDouble(0, 1) { (r, nir) => (nir - r) / (nir + r) }
- 类型转换:convert
- 按指定的方式合并波段:combineDouble
2.2.1 类型转换
- 首先,我们无法确定原始数据的类型.在本例中计算NDVI时需要保证数据类型为浮点型.我们实际选择了Double类型,也可以根据实际需求选择float类型.
- 其次,我们想使用Geotrellis类型默认值作为识别Nodata值时的策略,因此选用了DoubleConstantNoDataCellType作为目标类型.
这部分的主体是Tile.convert 方法,整理后代码如下:
def convert(newCellType: CellType): MultibandTile = {
// 创建容纳新数据的数组
val newBands = Array.ofDim[Tile](bandCount)
cfor(0)(_ < bandCount, _ + 1) { i =>
// 逐个处理每个波段
newBands(i) = band(i).convert(newCellType)
def band(bandIndex: Int): Tile = {
// 定义ArrayMultibandTile时传入
class ArrayMultibandTile(_bands: Array[Tile]) extends MultibandTile with MacroMultibandCombiners {
val bandCount = _bands.size
case class Chip(
window: GridBounds[Int],
bands: Array[MutableArrayTile],
intersectingSegments: Int,
var segmentsBurned: Int = 0
val bands = Array.fill(bandSubsetLength)(ArrayTile.empty(cellType, window.width, window.height))
val chip = Chip(window, bands, segments.length)
上方代码的核心是ArrayTile.empty 方法:
def empty(t: CellType, cols: Int, rows: Int): MutableArrayTile =
t match {
// 根据实际情况调用不同的类进行初始化.
case _: BitCells => BitArrayTile.empty(cols, rows)
case ct: ByteCells => ByteArrayTile.empty(cols, rows, ct)
def convert(targetCellType: CellType): ArrayTile = {
val tile = ArrayTile.alloc(targetCellType, cols, rows)
if(!cellType.isFloatingPoint) {
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
tile.set(col, row, get(col, row))
} else {
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
tile.setDouble(col, row, getDouble(col, row))
def getDouble(col: Int, row: Int) = applyDouble(row * cols + col)
def alloc(t: CellType, cols: Int, rows: Int): MutableArrayTile =
t match {
case _: BitCells => BitArrayTile.ofDim(cols, rows)
case ct: DoubleCells => DoubleArrayTile.ofDim(cols, rows, ct)
def ofDim(cols: Int, rows: Int, cellType: DoubleCells with NoDataHandling): DoubleArrayTile =
cellType match {
case DoubleCellType =>
new DoubleRawArrayTile(Array.ofDim[Double](cols * rows), cols, rows)
case DoubleConstantNoDataCellType =>
new DoubleConstantNoDataArrayTile(Array.ofDim[Double](cols * rows), cols, rows)
case udct: DoubleUserDefinedNoDataCellType =>
new DoubleUserDefinedNoDataArrayTile(Array.ofDim[Double](cols * rows), cols, rows, udct)
final case class DoubleConstantNoDataArrayTile(arr: Array[Double], val cols: Int, val rows: Int)
extends DoubleArrayTile(arr, cols, rows) {
def applyDouble(i: Int): Double = arr(i)
final case class DoubleUserDefinedNoDataArrayTile(arr: Array[Double], val cols: Int, val rows: Int, val cellType: DoubleUserDefinedNoDataCellType)
extends DoubleArrayTile(arr, cols, rows)
with UserDefinedDoubleNoDataConversions {
def applyDouble(i: Int): Double = udd2d(arr(i))
从上面的代码可知,类型转换的逻辑很简单:将多波段影像中的每一个波段按照按照用户指定的数据类型重新取值,放到新的容器中去.我们也可以一窥多波段影像存储数据的结构: 
2.2.2 合并波段
def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int)(f: (Double, Double) => Double): Tile = {
val band1 = band(b0)
val band2 = band(b1)
val result = ArrayTile.empty(cellType, cols, rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
result.setDouble(col, row, f(band1.getDouble(col, row), band2.getDouble(col, row)))
def combineDouble(subset: Seq[Int])(f: Seq[Double] => Double): Tile = {
subset.foreach({ b => require(0 <= b && b < bandCount, "All elements of subset must be present") })
val subsetSize = subset.size
val subsetArray = subset.toArray
val result = ArrayTile.empty(cellType, cols, rows)
val values: Array[Double] = Array.ofDim(subsetSize)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
cfor(0)(_ < subsetSize, _ + 1) { i =>
values(i) = _bands(subsetArray(i)).getDouble(col, row)
result.setDouble(col, row, f(values))
tile.combineDouble(0, 1, 2, 3) { (b0, b1, b2, b3) => }
3. ArrayMultibandTile类及MultibandTile类的特质
ArrayMultibandTile的继承结构如下: 
但我们可以发现,其中的三个特质是找不到对应的代码文件的.因为这些代码都是编译前通过文本模板生成的,定义于project/Boilerplate.scala 文件中.我们无需了解模板是如何运作的,只需要知道模板最终生成的内容是什么,再按照常规的方式分析即可.
3.1 MacroCombinableMultibandTile和MacroCombineFunctions特质
package geotrellis.macros
trait MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T] {
def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner3): T
def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner3): T
def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner10): T
def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner10): T
package geotrellis.macros
trait DoubleTileCombiner3 {
val b0: Int; val b1: Int; val b2: Int
def apply(b0: Double, b1: Double, b2: Double): Double
trait DoubleTileCombiner10 {
val b0: Int; val b1: Int; val b2: Int; val b3: Int; val b4: Int; val b5: Int; val b6: Int; val b7: Int; val b8: Int; val b9: Int
def apply(b0: Double, b1: Double, b2: Double, b3: Double, b4: Double, b5: Double, b6: Double, b7: Double, b8: Double, b9: Double): Double
package geotrellis.macros
import scala.language.experimental.macros
trait MacroCombineFunctions[T, MBT <: MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T]] {
def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int) => Int): T =
macro MultibandTileMacros.intCombine3_impl[T, MBT]
def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double) => Double): T =
macro MultibandTileMacros.doubleCombine3_impl[T, MBT]
def combine(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int, b9: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) => Int): T =
macro MultibandTileMacros.intCombine10_impl[T, MBT]
def combineDouble(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int, b9: Int)(f: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) => Double): T =
macro MultibandTileMacros.doubleCombine10_impl[T, MBT]
package geotrellis.macros
import spire.macros.InlineUtil
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object MultibandTileMacros {
def intCombine3_impl[T, MBT <: MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T]](c: Context)(b0: c.Expr[Int], b1: c.Expr[Int], b2: c.Expr[Int])(f: c.Expr[(Int, Int, Int) => Int]): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
val self = c.Expr[MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T]](c.prefix.tree)
val tree =
q"""$self.combineIntTileCombiner(new geotrellis.macros.IntTileCombiner3 {
val b0 = $b0; val b1 = $b1; val b2 = $b2
def apply(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int): Int = $f(b0, b1, b2)
new InlineUtil[c.type](c).inlineAndReset[T](tree)
def doubleCombine10_impl[T, MBT <: MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T]](c: Context)(b0: c.Expr[Int], b1: c.Expr[Int], b2: c.Expr[Int], b3: c.Expr[Int], b4: c.Expr[Int], b5: c.Expr[Int], b6: c.Expr[Int], b7: c.Expr[Int], b8: c.Expr[Int], b9: c.Expr[Int])(f: c.Expr[(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) => Double]): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
val self = c.Expr[MacroCombinableMultibandTile[T]](c.prefix.tree)
val tree =
q"""$self.combineDoubleTileCombiner(new geotrellis.macros.DoubleTileCombiner10 {
val b0 = $b0; val b1 = $b1; val b2 = $b2; val b3 = $b3; val b4 = $b4; val b5 = $b5; val b6 = $b6; val b7 = $b7; val b8 = $b8; val b9 = $b9
def apply(b0: Double, b1: Double, b2: Double, b3: Double, b4: Double, b5: Double, b6: Double, b7: Double, b8: Double, b9: Double): Double = $f(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9)
new InlineUtil[c.type](c).inlineAndReset[T](tree)
- MacroCombineFunctions特质实现了这样一种功能:它通过宏生成了若干combine/combineDouble方法的重载,以支持从3个波段参数到10个波段参数的融合方法.
- 这个宏是这样实现的:
- 将上下文限定在继承MacroCombinableMultibandTile的类中
- 调用该上下文中的combineIntTileCombiner/combineDoubleTileCombiner方法,并构建其需要的参数
- 通过宏将方法挂载到对应的combine/combineDouble方法的重载上
- 在宏定义中,需要接收指定参数的combineIntTileCombiner/combineDoubleTileCombiner方法
- 该方法在MacroCombinableMultibandTile中定义
- 需要的不同参数在IntTileCombiners/DoubleTileCombiners.scala中定义
3.2 MacroMultibandCombiners特质
package geotrellis.raster
import geotrellis.macros._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
trait MacroMultibandCombiners { self: MultibandTile =>
def combineIntTileCombiner(combiner: IntTileCombiner3): Tile = {
val band0 = band(combiner.b0); val band1 = band(combiner.b1); val band2 = band(combiner.b2)
val result = ArrayTile.empty(targetCellType, cols, rows)
val arr = Array.ofDim[Int](bandCount)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
result.set(col, row, combiner(band0.get(col, row), band1.get(col, row), band2.get(col, row)))
def combineDoubleTileCombiner(combiner: DoubleTileCombiner10): Tile = {
val band0 = band(combiner.b0); val band1 = band(combiner.b1); val band2 = band(combiner.b2); val band3 = band(combiner.b3); val band4 = band(combiner.b4); val band5 = band(combiner.b5); val band6 = band(combiner.b6); val band7 = band(combiner.b7); val band8 = band(combiner.b8); val band9 = band(combiner.b9)
val result = ArrayTile.empty(targetCellType, cols, rows)
val arr = Array.ofDim[Int](bandCount)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
result.setDouble(col, row, combiner(band0.getDouble(col, row), band1.getDouble(col, row), band2.getDouble(col, row), band3.getDouble(col, row), band4.getDouble(col, row), band5.getDouble(col, row), band6.getDouble(col, row), band7.getDouble(col, row), band8.getDouble(col, row), band9.getDouble(col, row)))
不难看出,其原理与上文提到的双波段融合一致,只是用[type]combiner[arity] 代替了f(b0,b1)
为什么需要多此一举,专门定义一个新的类型来包装一下f(b0,b1...) 方法呢?其实很简单,因为f(b0,b1...) 是在运行时定义的,而宏是在编译期定义的,不专门定义一个包装无法通过编译,因此为了实现这个功能,需要专门定义一个包装对象.
4. 总结