- Create a new table called loans with columns named LNO NUMERIC (3), EMPNO NUMERIC (4), TYPE CHAR(1), AMNT NUMERIC (8,2)
create table loans2019274072(
 ? - Insert the following data
LNO???????????? EMPNO?????? TYPE?????????? AMNT ????????????? 23????????? 7499??????????????????? M?????????? 20000.00 ????????????? 42????????? 7499??????????????????? C?????????? 2000.00 ????????????? 65????????? 7844??????????????????? M?????????? 3564.00 insert into loans2019274072 values (23,7499,'M',20000.00);
insert into loans2019274072 values (42,7499,'C',2000.00);
insert into loans2019274072 values (65,7844,'M',3564.00);
 ? ? - Check that you have created 3 new records in Loans.
select * from loans2019274072;  ? - The Loans table must be altered to include another column OUTST NUMERIC(8,2)
alter table loans2019274072 add column (OUTST NUMERIC(8,2));  ? - Add 10% interest to all M type loans
update loans2019274072 set amnt=amnt*1.1 where type='M';  ? - Remove all loans less than £3000.00
delete from loans2019274072 where amnt<3000;  ? - Change the name of loans table to accounts
alter table loan2019274072 rename account2019274072;  ? - Change the name of column LNO to LOANNO.
ALTER TABLE xujiani2019274072.account2019274072 CHANGE COLUMN `LNO` `LOANNO` DECIMAL(3,0) NOT NULL ;  ? ? - Create a view for use by personnel in department 30 showing employee name, number, job and hiredate.
create view dept30_2019274072 as select ename, empno, job, hiredate from emp2019274072 where deptno=30;  ? - Use the view to show employees in department 30 having jobs which are not salesman.
select ename,job from dept30_2019274072 where job!='salesman';  ? - Create a view which shows summary information for each department.
create view view_dept2019274072 as select * from dept2019274072;  ?