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教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
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   -> 大数据 -> 大数据从入门到实战——Hive综合应用案例 ——学生成绩查询 -> 正文阅读

[大数据]大数据从入门到实战——Hive综合应用案例 ——学生成绩查询

第1关 计算每个班的语文总成绩和数学总成绩

---------- 禁止修改 ----------
 drop database if exists mydb cascade;
  set = false;
set hive.ignore.mapjoin.hint=false;
---------- 禁止修改 ----------

---------- begin ----------
create database if not exists mydb; 
use mydb;
create table if not exists score( name string comment '姓名',
chinese string comment '语文成绩', maths string comment '数学成绩' )
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step1_files/score.txt' into table score;
create table if not exists class( stuname string comment '姓名',
classname string comment '所在班级' )
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step1_files/class.txt' into table class;
select t1.classname,t1.chinese,t2.maths from(
select c.classname classname,sum(s.chinese) chinese from class c,score s
where and s.chinese>=60 group by c.classname) t1,(
select c.classname classname,sum(s.maths) maths from class c,score s
where and s.maths>=60 group by c.classname) t2
where t1.classname=t2.classname; 
--------- end ----------

第2关 查询选修了3门以上的课程的学生姓名

---------- 禁止修改 ----------
 drop database if exists mydb cascade;
  set = false;
set hive.ignore.mapjoin.hint=false;
---------- 禁止修改 ----------

---------- begin ----------
create database if not exists mydb; 
use mydb;
create table if not exists my_stu( id string comment '学生id',
name string comment '学生姓名', sex string comment '性别', age string comment '年龄', col string comment '所选的系' )
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_student.txt' into table my_stu;
create table if not exists my_score( id string comment '学生id',
courseid string comment '课程id', score string comment '成绩' )
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_score.txt' into table my_score; --创建表my_course
create table if not exists my_course( courseid string comment '课程id',
coursename string comment '课程名称' )
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_course.txt' into table my_course; 
select id,count(courseid) coursenum from my_score
group by id) t,my_stu stu
where t.coursenum>=3 and; 
--------- end ----------

第3关 课程选修人数

---------- 禁止修改 ----------
 drop database if exists mydb cascade;
  set = false;
set hive.ignore.mapjoin.hint=false;
---------- 禁止修改 ----------

---------- begin ----------
create database if not exists mydb;

use mydb;

create table if not exists my_stu(
id string comment '学生id',
name string comment '姓名',
sex string comment '性别',
age string comment '年龄',
col string comment '所选的系')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_student.txt' into table my_stu;

create table if not exists my_score(
id string comment '学生id',
courseid string comment '课程id',
score string comment '成绩')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_score.txt' into table my_score;

create table if not exists my_course(
courseid string comment '课程id',
coursename string comment '课程名称')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_course.txt' into table my_course;

select t2.coursename, count(*)
        select name, course.coursename coursename
                select name, score.courseid courseid
                from my_score score, my_stu stu
                where =
            ) as t1,
            my_course course
        where t1.courseid = course.courseid
    as t2
group by t2.coursename;
---------- end ---------- 

第4关 shujuku课程的平均成绩

---------- 禁止修改 ----------
 drop database if exists mydb cascade;
  set = false;
set hive.ignore.mapjoin.hint=false;
---------- 禁止修改 ----------

---------- begin ----------
create database if not exists mydb;

use mydb;

create table if not exists my_stu(
id string comment '学生id',
name string comment '姓名',
sex string comment '性别',
age string comment '年龄',
col string comment '所选的系')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_student.txt' into table my_stu;

create table if not exists my_score(
id string comment '学生id',
courseid string comment '课程id',
score string comment '成绩')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_score.txt' into table my_score;

create table if not exists my_course(
courseid string comment '课程id',
coursename string comment '课程名称')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
load data local inpath '/root/data/step2_files/my_course.txt' into table my_course;

select t3.coursename, t2.avg_score
        select t1.courseid courseid, avg(score.score) avg_score
                select courseid
                from my_course
                where my_course.coursename = 'shujuku'
            ) as t1,
            my_score score
        where t1.courseid = score.courseid
        group by t1.courseid
    ) as t2,
    my_course t3
where t2.courseid = t3.courseid;

---------- end ----------
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加:2021-12-28 22:59:51  更:2021-12-28 23:02:31 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
数码: 电脑 笔记本 显卡 显示器 固态硬盘 硬盘 耳机 手机 iphone vivo oppo 小米 华为 单反 装机 图拉丁

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