实验一 1.创建用户utest,密码为utest1。 在这里插入图片描述 2、为utest用户赋予connect权和dba权。   3、收回utest用户dba权限。 
4、使用utest用户登录。(使用connect命令)。  实验二 1第一关: ①向Course表中插入一行,数据为: insert into Course(cno,cname,ccredit,snumber) values(‘C50’,‘Oracle’,4,100);
②使用Insert语句为CS系学生学生选择必修课C50。 insert into SC(sno,cno) select sno,‘C50’ from Student where sdept=‘CS’ and not exists(select* from SC where sno=Student.sno and cno=‘C50’);
select * from sc where sno in (select sno from student where sdept=‘CS’)
③将Oracle课程的先行课修改为“DB”课程的课程号(使用子查询完成) update Course set cpno=(select cno from Course where cname=‘DB’) where cname=‘Oracle’;
Select * from course
④将CS系“DB”课程成绩为空的学生选课信息删除。 delete from SC where sno in(select sno from Student where sdept=‘CS’) and cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘DB’) and grade is null;
select * from sc where sno in (select sno from student where sdept=‘CS’) and cno in (select cno from course where cname=‘DB’)
2 第二关 ①查询CS系年龄大于20岁的学生,列出学号,姓名,性别。
select sno,sname,ssex from Student where sdept=‘CS’ and sage>10;
②查询选了’DB’课程的学生的学号。 select sno from SC where cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘DB’);
③查询CS系没有选’DB’课程的学生的学号,姓名,系。 select sno,sname,sdept from Student where not exists(select* from SC where sno=Student.sno and cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘DB’)) and sdept=‘CS’;
④查询男(‘m’)同学选择了’DB’课程,但是没有选’Oracle’课程的学生,列出学号,姓名。(课程名要区分大小写) select sno,sname from Student where ssex=‘m’ and sno in(select sno from SC where cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘DB’)) and sno not in(select sno from SC where cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘Oracle’));
3第三关 ①查询每个学生的平均分,列出学生的学号,平均分(列名为savg),并按平均分降序排列。 select sno,avg(grade) as savg from SC group by sno order by savg desc;
②查询选课人数大于等于3人的课程,列出课程号,课程名,选课人数(列名为scnt),并按课程号升序排列。 select SC.cno,cname,count(sno) as scnt from Course,SC where Course.cno=SC.cno group by SC.cno,cname having count(sno)>=3 order by SC.cno;
③查询选课人数最多的课程。列出课程号,课程名。 select Course.cno,cname from Course,SC where Course.cno=SC.cno group by Course.cno,cname having count(sno)>=all(select count(sno) from SC group by SC.cno);
④查询CS系选课人数最多的课程。列出课程号,课程名,CS系的选课人数(列名为CScnt)。 select SC.cno,cname,count(Student.sno)as CScnt from Course,SC,Student where SC.sno=Student.sno and SC.cno=Course.cno and sdept=‘CS’ group by SC.cno,cname having count(Student.sno)>=all(select count(Student.sno)from SC,Course,Student where SC.sno=Student.sno and SC.cno=Course.cno and sdept=‘CS’ group by SC.cno,cname);
实验三. 第一关 1 declare vsname varchar(20); vsage smallint; begin select sname,sage into vsname,vsage from Student where sno=‘005’; dbms_output.put_line(‘005号同学的姓名:’||vsname); dbms_output.put_line(‘005号同学的年龄:’||vsage); end;
2 declare vsno char(10); vsname varchar(20); vsage smallint; vssex char(2); begin select sno,sname,sage,ssex into vsno,vsname,vsage,vssex from Student where sage>=all(select sage from Student); if vssex=‘m’ then dbms_output.put_line(vsno||’,’||vsname||’,’||vsage||’,’||‘帅哥’); else dbms_output.put_line(vsno||’,’||vsname||’,’||vsage||’,’||‘美女’); end if; end;
第二关 备注:由于oracle版本问题,测试窗口一直执行,没有结果,所以用sql窗口进行试验(执行了22分钟都没有结果)
1将‘004’号同学的年龄改为18岁,系别改为‘CS’,为CS系年龄最小的同学选‘C01’号课程。 将‘004’号同学的年龄改为18岁,系别改为‘CS’
update Student set sage=18,sdept=‘CS’ where sno=‘004’;
insert into SC(sno,cno) select sno,‘C01’ from Student where sdept=‘CS’ and sage<=all (select sage from Student where sdept=‘CS’) and not exists (select*from SC where sno=Student.sno and cno=‘C01’);
insert into SC(sno,cno) values(‘022’,‘C22’); 将选课人数最多的课程的最大选课人数(snumber)改为105。
update Course set snumber=105 where cno in(select cno from SC where Course.cno=SC.cno group by SC.cno having count(sno)>=all (select count(sno) from SC group by SC.cno));
实验四 1第一关: ①查询‘111’号同学的姓名,使用异常判断,若没有这个同学,则添加一条学号为‘111’的学生信息,姓名为‘张三’,其他属性为空,并输出:‘111’号同学已被成功添加。 若存在该同学,则输出(冒号为中文状态下的冒号): 111号同学的姓名:查询出的姓名 若不存在该同学,则输出: 111号同学已被成功添加。 先查询student 没有学号为111的学生
程序代码: DECLARE vsno char(10); vsname varchar(20); BEGIN vsno := ‘111’; select sname into vsname from Student where sno=vsno; dbms_output.put_line(‘111号同学的姓名:’||vsname); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into Student(sno,sname) values (‘111’,‘张三’); dbms_output.put_line(’‘111’号同学已被成功添加。’); commit; END;
②打印‘C50’号课程的当前选课人数和最大选课人数(Snumber)。若出现异常,则判断C50号课程是否存在,若不存在,则添加C50课程(‘C50’,‘NewCourse’,null,3,100),再让001号同学和003号同学选修C50号课程,成绩分别为80分和90分,最后打印C50号课程的当前选课人数和最大选课人数。打印格式如下: 若C50存在,则打印格式如下(其中的逗号和冒号是中文状态下的): (查询出的C50的课程名)课程当前选课人数:(查出来的人数),最大选课人数:(查出来的最大人数) 如:DB课程当前选课人数:80,最大选课人数:100 若C50不存在,则打印格式(其中的逗号和冒号是中文状态下的): 添加NewCourse课程成功,课程当前选课人数:(查出来的人数),最大选课人数:(查出来的最大人数) 如:添加NewCourse课程成功,课程当前选课人数:10,最大选课人数:100(注:添加课程为c52) 首先查看course表,没有c52课程
declare vsnumber2 course.snumber%type; vsum int; vcname varchar2(20); begin select cname,snumber into vcname,vsnumber2 from Course where cno=‘C52’; select count() into vsum from SC where cno=‘C52’; dbms_output.put_line(vcname||‘课程当前选课人数:’||vsum||’,最大选课人数:’||vsnumber2); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND THEN insert into Course values (‘C52’,‘NewCourse’,null,3,100); insert into SC values (‘077’,‘C52’,80); update Course set snumber=snumber+1 where cno=‘C52’; insert into SC values (‘088’,‘C52’,90); update Course set snumber=snumber+1 where cno=‘C52’; select count() into vsum from SC where cno=‘C52’ ; select snumber into vsnumber2 from course where cno=‘C51’; dbms_output.put_line(‘添加NewCourse课程成功,课程当前选课人数:’||vsum||’,最大选课人数:’||vsnumber2); commit; end;
第二关. 为English系年龄最大的同学选C52课程,并打印选课结果和该同学的选课数,若该生已经选择了C52课程,则打印该生的平均分。使用嵌套块中的异常判断,若没有English系,则将Student表中的E系修改为English系,并打印:已成功将E系修改为English系,然后退出程序。若没有C52课程,请添加C52课程(‘C52’,‘NC’,null,2,100)并打印:C52课程添加成功,然后退出程序。
首先查看student表 无English 有E系
declare vsno char(10); vsname varchar(20); vcno char(10); vcname varchar(20); vavg int; vsum int; n int; begin –判别English系是否存在 begin select sno into vsno from Student where sdept=‘English’and sage=(select max(sage)from Student where sdept=‘English’); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then update Student set sdept=‘English’ where sdept=‘E’; dbms_output.put_line(‘已成功将E系修改为English系’); end; –判别‘C52’课程是否存在 begin select cno into vcno from Course where cno=‘C52’; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into Course values(‘C52’,‘NC’,null,2,100); dbms_output.put_line(‘C52课程添加成功’); end; –为English系的年龄最大的同学选C52课程 begin select sno,sname into vsno,vsname from Student where sdept=‘English’ and sage=(select max(sage)from Student where sdept=‘English’); select count() into n from SC where sno=vsno and cno=vcno; if(n>0)then select avg(grade) into vavg from SC where sno=vsno; dbms_output.put_line(vsname||‘同学的平均成绩为:’||vavg); else insert into SC(sno,cno) select sno,‘C52’ from Student where sno=vsno; select cname into vcname from Course where cno=‘C52’; select count()into vsum from SC where sno=vsno; dbms_output.put_line(‘已为’||vsname||‘同学选择了课程’||vcname||’,该同学的选课门数为:’||vsum); end if; end; commit; end;
实验五 第一关 ① 注:将题目条件改为选大数据的 English 系学生
declare cursor c1 is select Student.sno,sname,grade from Student,SC where SC.sno=Student.sno and sdept=‘English’ and cno in(select cno from Course where cname=‘大数据’) group by Student.sno,sname,grade order by Student.sno; begin dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘姓名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(’-------------------------’); for i in c1 loop dbms_output.put_line(rpad(i.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.grade,10,’ ')); end loop; end;
declare lname Student.sname%type; cursor c2 is select Student.sno,sname,sdept,cname,grade from Student,Course,SC where Student.sno=SC.sno and SC.cno=Course.cno and sdept=‘English’ group by Student.sno,sname,sdept,cname,grade order by Student.sno,cname; begin dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘姓名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘系别’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(’=============================================’); for i in c2 loop if c2%rowcount>1 then if(i.sname!=lname) then dbms_output.put_line(’---------------------------------------------’); end if; end if; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(i.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sdept,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.cname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.grade,10,’ ')); lname:=i.sname; end loop; end;
第二关 ①
declare rc sys_refcursor; lastsno Student.sno%type; cnt int; vsno Student.sno%type; vcname Course.cname%type; vgrade SC.grade%type; vccredit Course.ccredit%type; begin open rc for select Student.sno,cname,grade,ccredit from Student,Course,SC where Student.sno=SC.sno and Course.cno=SC.cno and ssex=‘m’ group by Student.sno,cname,grade,ccredit order by Student.sno,cname; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘所得学分’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,40,’=’)); loop fetch rc into vsno,vcname,vgrade,vccredit; exit when rc%notfound; if (rc%rowcount>1) then if(vsno!=lastsno) then dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’-’,35,’-’)); select count(lastsno) into cnt from SC where sno=lastsno; dbms_output.put_line(trim(lastsno)||‘同学的选课数:’||cnt||‘门’); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,40,’=’)); end if; end if; if (vgrade<60) then dbms_output.put_line(rpad(vsno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(vcname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(vgrade,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘0’,10,’ ‘)); else dbms_output.put_line(rpad(vsno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(vcname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(vgrade,10,’ ‘)||rpad(vccredit,10,’ ‘)); end if; lastsno:=vsno; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’-’,35,’-’)); select count(lastsno) into cnt from SC where sno=lastsno; dbms_output.put_line(trim(lastsno)||‘同学的选课数:’||cnt||‘门’); close rc; end;
第一关 1、
程序代码: create or replace function Fs1(vcno Course.cno%type) return Course.cpno%type is vcpno Course.cpno%type; vpcname Course.cname%type; vcname Course.cname%type; begin select cname into vcname from Course where cno=vcno; begin select cpno into vcpno from Course where cno=vcno; select cname into vpcname from Course where cno=vcpno; return (vcname||‘课程的先行课为:’||vpcname); exception when no_data_found then return (vcname||‘课程没有先行课。’); end; exception when no_data_found then return (vcno||‘课程不存在。’); end;
测试代码 begin dbms_output.put_line(Fs1(‘001’)); dbms_output.put_line(Fs1(‘C01’)); dbms_output.put_line(Fs1(‘C52’)); end; 2、
程序代码 create or replace function Fs2(vsno SC.sno%type) return number is vvsno SC.sno%type; cnt number; begin select sno into vvsno from Student where sno=vsno; begin select count(*) into cnt from SC where sno=vvsno; return cnt; end; exception when no_data_found then return -1; end; 测试代码 begin if(Fs2(‘002’)=-1) then dbms_output.put_line(‘002号同学不存在。’); else dbms_output.put_line(‘002号同学的选课门数为:’||Fs2(‘002’)); end if; if(Fs2(‘111’)=-1)then dbms_output.put_line(‘111号同学不存在。’); else dbms_output.put_line(‘111号同学的选课门数为:’||Fs2(‘111’)); end if; if(Fs2(‘123’)=-1)then dbms_output.put_line(‘123号同学不存在。’); else dbms_output.put_line(‘123号同学的选课门数为:’||Fs2(‘123’)); end if; end;
第二关 1
程序代码 create or replace procedure Ps1(vcname varchar) is vcno SC.cno%type; rc sys_refcursor; v_s SC%rowtype; begin select cno into vcno from Course where cname=vcname; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,25,’=’)); open rc for select sno,cno,grade from SC where cno=vcno group by sno,cno,grade order by sno; loop fetch rc into v_s; exit when rc%notfound; if(v_s.grade is null) then dbms_output.put_line(rpad(v_s.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(v_s.cno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(-1,10,’ ‘)); else dbms_output.put_line(rpad(v_s.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(v_s.cno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(v_s.grade,10,’ ‘)); end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,25,’=’)); close rc; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line(vcname||‘课程不存在。’); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,25,’=’)); end; 测试代码 begin Ps1(‘数据库’); dbms_output.put_line(‘Oracle’||rpad(’=’,25,’=’)); Ps1(‘Oracle’); end;
第三关 1
程序代码 create or replace procedure Ps2(vsno Student.sno%type,outputs out varchar) is vsname Student.sname%type; cnt int; vsdept Student.sdept%type; vcno Course.cno%type; vgrade SC.grade%type; begin select sname into vsname from Student where sno=vsno; begin select cno into vcno from Course where cname=‘大数据’; select count(*) into cnt from SC where sno=vsno and cno=vcno; if(cnt>0) then select sdept into vsdept from Student where sno=vsno; select grade into vgrade from SC where sno=vsno and cno=vcno; outputs:=vsname||‘同学的系别为:’||vsdept||’,大数据的成绩为:’||vgrade; end if; if(cnt=0) then select sdept into vsdept from Student where sno=vsno; if(vsdept=‘English’) then insert into SC(sno,cno) values(vsno,vcno); commit; outputs:=‘已成功为’||vsname||‘同学选择了大数据课程。’; else outputs:=vsname||‘同学没有选择大数据课程。’; end if; end if; end; exception when no_data_found then outputs:=vsno||‘号同学不存在。’; end;
测试代码 declare outputs varchar(1000); begin Ps2(‘001s’,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps2(‘003’,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps2(‘004’,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps2(‘040’,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); end;
程序代码 create or replace procedure Ps3(vsname Student.sname%type,vcname Course.cname%type,vgrade SC.grade%type,outputs out varchar) is psno Student.sno%type; pcno Course.cno%type; cnt int; begin select sno into psno from Student where sname=vsname; begin select cno into pcno from Course where cname=vcname; begin if(vgrade>100 or vgrade<0) then update SC set grade=null where sno=psno and cno=pcno; commit; outputs:=‘成绩必须在0到100分之间。’; else select count(*) into cnt from SC where sno=psno and cno=pcno; if(cnt=0) then insert into SC values(psno,pcno,vgrade); commit; outputs:=‘已经成功为’||trim(psno)||‘号同学选择了’||vcname||‘课程,成绩为’||vgrade; end if; if(cnt>0) then if(vgrade is null) then outputs:=‘已将’||trim(psno)||‘号同学’||vcname||‘课程的成绩改为未考试’; else update SC set grade=vgrade where sno=psno and cno=pcno; commit; outputs:=‘已将’||trim(psno)||‘号同学’||vcname||‘课程的成绩改为’||vgrade; end if; end if; end if; end; exception when no_data_found then outputs:=vcname||‘课程不存在。’; end; exception when no_data_found then outputs:=vsname||‘同学不存在。’; end;
测试代码 declare outputs varchar(1000); begin Ps3(‘zr’,‘大数据’,86,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps3(‘zr’,‘大数据’,null,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps3(‘zrs’,‘大数据’,86,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps3(‘zr’,‘大数据s’,86,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); Ps3(‘zr’,‘大数据’,120,outputs); dbms_output.put_line(outputs); end;
create or replace package pks1 is vsno student.sno%type; cursor c1 is select student.sno,sname,cname,grade from student,sc,course where student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno and sc.sno=vsno order by grade desc; procedure ps1(vsdept student.sdept%type); function fs1(vsno student.sno%type) return int; end pks1;
create or replace package body pks1 is procedure ps1(vsdept student.sdept%type) is cnt int; cnt1 int; begin select count() into cnt from student where sdept=vsdept; if(cnt=0) then vsno:=’-1’; else begin select count() into cnt1 from sc where sno in (select sno from student where sdept=vsdept); if(cnt1=0) then vsno:=‘2’; else select sc.sno into vsno from student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and sdept=vsdept group by sc.sno having avg(grade)>=all(select avg(grade) from student,sc where student.sno = sc.sno and sdept=vsdept group by sc.sno); end if; end; end if; end ps1; function fs1(vsno student.sno%type) return int is sumccredit int; begin select sum(ccredit) into sumccredit from course,sc where course.cno=sc.cno and sno=vsno and grade>=60; return sumccredit; end fs1; end pks1;
代码: declare psdept1 Student.sdept%type:=‘CS’; psdept2 Student.sdept%type:=‘English’; psdept3 Student.sdept%type:=‘软件体系’; begin pks1.ps1(psdept1); if (pks1.vsno=’-1’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept1||‘系不存在。’); elsif(pks1.vsno=’-2’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept1||‘系的同学没有选课记录。’); else dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘姓名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); for i in pks1.c1 loop dbms_output.put_line(rpad(i.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.cname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.grade,10,’ ‘)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); dbms_output.put_line(trim(pks1.vsno)||‘号同学获得的总学分为:’||pks1.fs1(pks1.vsno)); end if;
pks1.ps1(psdept2); if (pks1.vsno=’-1’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept2||‘系不存在。’); elsif(pks1.vsno=’-2’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept2||‘系的同学没有选课记录。’); else dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘姓名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); for i in pks1.c1 loop dbms_output.put_line(rpad(i.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.cname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.grade,10,’ ‘)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); dbms_output.put_line(trim(pks1.vsno)||‘号同学获得的总学分为:’||pks1.fs1(pks1.vsno)); end if;
pks1.ps1(psdept3); if (pks1.vsno=’-1’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept3||‘系不存在。’); elsif(pks1.vsno=’-2’) then dbms_output.put_line(psdept3||‘系的同学没有选课记录。’); else dbms_output.put_line(rpad(‘学号’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘姓名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘课程名’,10,’ ‘)||rpad(‘成绩’,10,’ ‘)); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); for i in pks1.c1 loop dbms_output.put_line(rpad(i.sno,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.sname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.cname,10,’ ‘)||rpad(i.grade,10,’ ‘)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(rpad(’=’,35,’=’)); dbms_output.put_line(trim(pks1.vsno)||‘号同学获得的总学分为:’||pks1.fs1(pks1.vsno)); end if; end;
第二关 程序部分截图
程序代码 create or replace package body pks2 is procedure pSCnumber(vsno varchar) is num number(20); begin execute immediate ‘create table SC_Number(sno char(10),Scnt number(20))’; commit; select count(*) into num from sc where sno = vsno; execute immediate ‘insert into SC_Number values(:1,:2)’ using vsno,num; commit; exception when others then execute immediate ‘update SC_Number set scnt = scnt + 1 where sno =:1’ using vsno; if SQL%NOTFOUND then execute immediate ‘insert into SC_Number values(:1,:2)’ using vsno,1; end if; commit; end pSCnumber;
procedure ps1(vsname student.sname%type,vcname course.cname%type,vgrade sc.grade%type,results out varchar) is sgrade number(20); scno varchar(20); ssno varchar(20); ssnumber number(20); num number(20) := 1; num1 number(20) := 1; num2 number (20); begin begin select cno,snumber into scno,ssnumber from course where cname=vcname; exception when no_data_found then num:=0; end; begin select sno into ssno from student where sname=vsname; exception when no_data_found then num1:=0; end; if num = 0 and num1 = 0 then results := vsname||‘同学不存在。’||vcname||‘课程不存在。’; elsif num = 0 and num1 != 0 then results := vsname||‘同学不存在。’; elsif num = 1 and num1 = 0 then results := vcname||‘课程不存在。’; else begin select grade into sgrade from sc where sno = ssno and cno = scno; update sc set grade = vgrade where sno = ssno and cno = scno; commit; if vgrade is null then results := ‘已将’||trim(ssno)||‘号同学的’||trim(scno)||‘号课程成绩从’||sgrade||‘修改为未考试’; else results := ‘已将’||trim(ssno)||‘号同学的’||trim(scno)||‘号课程成绩从’||sgrade||‘修改为’||vgrade; end if; exception when no_data_found then select count() into num2 from sc where cno = scno; if num2 >= ssnumber then results := trim(scno)||‘号课程已经满额了,当前选课人数’||num2||’,最大选课人数’||ssnumber; else insert into sc values(ssno,scno,vgrade); commit; pSCnumber(ssno); if vgrade is null then results := trim(ssno)||‘号同学,选修了’||trim(scno)||‘号课程,成绩为未考试’; else results := trim(ssno)||‘号同学,选修了’||trim(scno)||‘号课程,成绩为’||vgrade; end if; end if; end; end if; end ps1; function fs1(vsno student.sno%type) return varchar is results varchar(500); num number(20); begin select count() into num from student where sno = rpad(vsno,10); if num = 0 then results := vsno||‘号同学不存在。’; return results; else delete from sc where sno = rpad(vsno,10); execute immediate ‘delete from SC_Number where sno = :1’ using rpad(vsno,10); delete from student where sno = rpad(vsno,10); commit; results := vsno||‘号同学已被删除。’; return results; end if; end fs1; procedure ps2(results out varchar) is begin execute immediate ‘drop table SC_Number’; results := ‘SC_Number表被成功删除。’; exception when others then results := ‘SC_Number表不存在。’; end ps2; end pks2;
实验八 第一关 第一题 截图:
代码: create or replace trigger tr_student_update before update on student for each row begin if(:old.sage>=20) then raise_application_error(’-20000’,‘不能修改20岁以上的同学系别。’); end if; end;
第二题 截图:
代码: create or replace trigger tr_course_insert before insert on course for each row begin if(:new.cno like ‘C%’ and :new.cno is not null) then raise_application_error(-20000,‘课程号以C开头的课程,先行课不能为空。’); end if; end;
create or replace trigger tr_sc_delete before delete on sc for each row declare tcno sc.cno%type; begin select cno into tcno from course where cname=‘DB’; if(:old.cno=tcno) then raise_application_error(-20000,‘不能删除数据库课程的选课信息。’); end if; end; 测试:
代码: create or replace trigger tr_SC_Update after update on sc for each row declare tsdept student.sdept%type; begin select sdept into tsdept from student where sno = :new.sno; if(tsdept=‘CS’) then if(:new.grade is not null and :new.grade<:old.grade) then raise_application_error(-20000,‘CS系学生的成绩只能增加不能减少。’); end if; if(:new.grade is null) then raise_application_error(-20000,‘CS系学生的成绩不能修改为空。’); end if; end if; end; 测试:
第二关 第一题
代码: create or replace trigger tr_student_delete before delete on student for each row begin if deleting then delete from sc where sno = :old.sno; end if; end;
第二题 第一步 增加冗余列
代码: create or replace trigger tr_sc_IDU after insert or delete or update on sc for each row begin if inserting then update student set scnt = scnt+1 where sno = :new.sno; end if; if deleting then update student set scnt = scnt-1 where sno = :old.sno; end if; if updating then update student set scnt = scnt+1 where sno = :new.sno; update student set scnt = scnt-1 where sno = :old.sno; end if; end;
第三关 添加冗余列
代码: create or replace trigger tr_student_sumc_IDU before insert or delete or update of sno,cno,grade on sc for each row declare ssumC number(10); begin if inserting then if :new.grade is not null and :new.grade >= 60 then select sumC into ssumC from student where sno = :new.sno; if ssumC is null then update student set sumC = (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; else update student set sumC = sumC + (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; end if; end if; end if; if deleting then if :old.grade is not null and :old.grade >= 60 then update student set sumC = sumC - (select ccredit from course where cno = :old.cno) where sno = :old.sno; end if; end if; if updating then if :new.sno = :old.sno then if :new.grade is not null and :new.grade >= 60 then select sumC into ssumC from student where sno = :new.sno; if ssumC is null then update student set sumC = (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; else update student set sumC = sumC + (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; end if; if :old.grade is not null and :old.grade >= 60 then update student set sumC = sumC - (select ccredit from course where cno = :old.cno) where sno = :old.sno; end if; end if; else if :new.grade is not null and :new.grade >= 60 then select sumC into ssumC from student where sno = :new.sno; if ssumC is null then update student set sumC = (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; else update student set sumC = sumC + (select ccredit from course where cno = :new.cno) where sno = :new.sno; end if; end if; if :old.grade is not null and :old.grade >= 60 then update student set sumC = sumC - (select ccredit from course where cno = :old.cno) where sno = :old.sno; end if; end if; end if; end; 测试: 关于插入的测试 (1)插入成绩为空的行,然后观察sumc的变化。
(2)插入成绩不及格的行,然后观察sumc的变化。 (3)插入成绩及格的行,然后观察sumc的变化。 关于删除的测试 (4)删除成绩为空的行,然后观察sumc的变化。 (5)删除成绩不及格的行,然后观察sumc的变化。 (6)删除成绩及格的行,然后观察sumc的变化。 (7)删除某一个同学的所有选课记录,然后观察sumc的变化。 关于修改的测试 (9)将一行的成绩从空修改为不及格,然后观察sumc的变化。 (10)将一行的成绩从空修改为及格,然后观察sumc的变化。 (11)将一行的成绩从及格修改为不及格,然后观察sumc的变化。 (12)将某一个同学的学号修改为另一个学号(例如,将001改为020,其中020是未选课的同学),然后观察sumc的变化。 第四关
截图 :
代码: create or replace trigger tr_SC_IDU after insert or delete or update on sc for each row declare tsumG int; tsumG2 int; begin if inserting then –插入成绩不为空的行 if(:new.grade is not null) then select sumG into tsumG from Student where sno=:new.sno; –没有选课的同学 if(tsumG is null) then update Student set sumG=:new.grade where sno=:new.sno; else –总成绩不为空的同学选课 update Student set sumG=sumG+:new.grade where sno=:new.sno; end if; end if; end if;
if deleting then if(:old.grade is not null) then update Student set sumG=sumG-(:old.grade) where sno=:old.sno; select sumG into tsumG from Student where sno=:old.sno; if(tsumG=0) then update Student set sumG=null where sno=:old.sno; end if; end if; end if;
if updating then if(:new.sno=:old.sno) then if(:old.grade is null and :new.grade is not null) then select sumG into tsumG from Student where sno=:new.sno; if(tsumG is null) then update Student set sumG=:new.grade where sno=:new.sno; else update Student set sumG=sumG+(:new.grade) where sno=:new.sno; end if; end if; if(:old.grade is not null and :new.grade is not null) then update Student set sumG=sumG-(:old.grade)+(:new.grade) where sno=:old.sno; end if; if(:old.grade is not null and :new.grade is null) then update Student set sumG=sumG-(:old.grade) where sno=:old.sno; select sumG into tsumG from Student where sno=:old.sno; if(tsumG=0) then update Student set sumG=null where sno=:old.sno; end if; end if; else select sumG into tsumG from Student where sno=:new.sno; if(:old.grade is not null) then if(tsumG is null) then update Student set sumG=(:old.grade) where sno=:new.sno; else update Student set sumG=sumG+(:old.grade) where sno=:new.sno; end if; update Student set sumG=sumG-(:old.grade) where sno=:old.sno; select sumG into tsumG2 from Student where sno=:old.sno; if(tsumG2=0) then update Student set sumG=null where sno=:old.sno; end if; end if; end if; end if; end; 测试: 关于插入的测试 (1)为某位没有选课的同学选课,插入成绩为空的行,然后观察sumG的变化。 (2)为某位没有选课的同学选课,插入成绩不为空的行,然后观察sumG的变化。 (3)为总成绩部位空的同学选课,插入成绩不为空的行,然后观察sumG的变化。 关于删除的测试 (1)删除成绩为空的行,然后观察sumG的变化。 (2)删除成绩不为的行,然后观察sumG的变化。 (3)删除某一个同学的所有选课记录,然后观察sumG的变化。 (4)关于修改的测试 (1)将一行的成绩从空修改为一份分数,然后观察sumG的变化。 (2)将一行的成绩从有分数修改空,然后观察sumG的变化。 (3)将某一个同学的学号修改为另一个学号(例如,将001改为020,其中020是未选课的同学),然后观察sumG的变化。