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   -> 大数据 -> SQL-查询语句 -> 正文阅读


use student

Select *
From student 

select sno,sname,ssex,birthday
from student 

select grade,sno,sname,ssex,birthday
from student 

select sno as 学号,sname 姓名,性别=ssex,birthday
from student 

select getdate()
select year(getdate())

select sno as 学号,sname 姓名,性别=ssex,年龄=year(getdate())-year(birthday)
from student 

select A=3+7
from student

select all  specialty  --所有的行
from student 

select distinct  specialty  --去掉重复的行
from student 

select top 3 *
from student

select top 3 * --取前三名
from SC
order by score desc

select top 3 with ties * --取前三名
from SC
order by score desc

select top 30 percent * --取前30%
from SC
order by score desc

select * from student where grade='2020级'

select * from student where grade='2020级' and ssex='女'

select * from sc where score>=80

--区间运算符Between And

select * from student where birthday between '2001-1-1' and  '2001-12-31'


select * from student where birthday>='2001-1-1' and  birthday<='2001-12-31'

select * from student where not birthday between '2001-1-1' and  '2001-12-31'
select * from student where birthday<'2001-1-1' or  birthday>'2001-12-31'


select * from sc where score between 80 and 89
select * from sc where score>=80 and score<=89

--集合运算符IN (  )
--查询计算机和网络安全专业   ('计算机','网络安全')
select * from student where specialty in('计算机','网络安全')
select * from student where specialty ='计算机' or specialty ='网络安全'

--查询非计算机和非网络安全专业  not in  ('计算机','网络安全')
select * from student where specialty not  in('计算机','网络安全')
select * from student where specialty <>'计算机' and specialty <>'网络安全'

--模糊运算符 Like '% _' %任意字符,_单个字符,[]单个指定的字符 
select * from student where sname like '张%'

--查询 第二字是玲 
select * from student where sname like '_玲%'
--查询 含玲 
select * from student where sname like '%玲%'

select * from student where sname like '[张王]%'
select * from student where sname like '[^张王]%'

select * from student where sname like '%\_%' escape '\'

--空值NULL 无意义
select * from Sc where score is null
select * from Sc where score is not null

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加:2022-04-06 23:15:00  更:2022-04-06 23:16:50 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
教程: HTML教程 CSS教程 JavaScript教程 Go语言教程 JQuery教程 VUE教程 VUE3教程 Bootstrap教程 SQL数据库教程 C语言教程 C++教程 Java教程 Python教程 Python3教程 C#教程
数码: 电脑 笔记本 显卡 显示器 固态硬盘 硬盘 耳机 手机 iphone vivo oppo 小米 华为 单反 装机 图拉丁

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