【实验项目二】[SQL 语言与视图]
1.create table
use ClassLearnBase
create table Student(
sno char(8) primary key,
sname char(25),
sex char(5),
birthday date,
class char(20)
create table Teacher(
tno char(16) primary key,
tname char(25),
sex char(5),
birthday date,
prof char(50),
depart char(50)
create table Course(
cno char(12) primary key,
cname char(25),
tno char(16) foreign key references Teacher(tno)
create table Score(
sno char(8) foreign key references Student(sno),
cno char(12) foreign key references Course(cno),
degree tinyint,
primary key (sno, cno)
select * from Student
select * from Teacher
(1) basic ques
`select sname, sex, class from Student;`
`select distinct depart from Teacher;`
`select * from Student;`
select * from Score
where degree between 60 and 80
select * from Score
where degree in (85,86,88)
select * from Student
where class = 95031 or sex = '女'
select * from Student
order by class desc
select * from Score
order by cno asc, degree desc
select count(*) as classNum from Student
where class = 95031
select sno, cno from Score
where degree = max(degree)
select AVG(degree) from Score
where cno = 3-105
select AVG(degree) from Score
where cno like '3%'
group by cno
having count(cno)>=5
13、显示最低分大于70,最高分小于90 的sno列。
select sno from Score
group by sno
having max(degree)<90 and min(degree)>70
14、显示所有学生的 sname、 cno和degree列。
select st.sname, sc.cno, sc.degree
from Student as st, Score as sc
where st.sno = sc.sno
15、显示所有学生的 sname、 cname和degree列。
select st.sname, cs.cname, sc.degree
from Student as st, Score as sc, Course as cs
where st.sno = sc.sno and cs.cno = sc.cno
select cno, avg(degree) as average from
select Score.cno, Score.degree
from Student, Score
where Student.sno = Score.sno and class = 95033
as temp
group by cno
method 1
select temp.* from
select Student.*, Score.degree from Student, Score
where Student.sno = Score.sno and Score.cno = '3-105'
) as temp,
(select degree from Score where sno = '109' and cno = '3-105') as tar
where temp.degree > tar.degree
method 2
select temp.* from
select Student.*, Score.degree from Student, Score
where Student.sno = Score.sno and Score.cno = '3-105'
) as temp
where temp.degree > (select degree from Score where sno = '109' and cno = '3-105')
select Score.* from Score,
select sno, max(degree) as max_degree from Score
group by sno
having count(*)>1
) as temp
where (Score.sno = temp.sno and Score.degree<temp.max_degree)
same as the 17
20、显示出和学号为“108”的同学同年出生的所有学生的sno、sname和 birthday列。
select sno, sname, birthday from Student,
(select year(birthday) as y from Student
where sno = '108') as tar
year(birthday) = tar.y
and sno != 108
select sc.sno, sc.degree from Score as sc,
select cno from Course, Teacher
where Teacher.tname = '张旭'
and Teacher.tno = Course.tno
) as th
where sc.cno = th.cno
select tname from Teacher
Teacher.tno in
(select Course.tno from Score, Course
where Score.cno = Course.cno
group by Course.tno,Course.cno
having count(*)>5)
select * from Student
where class in (95033, 95031)
select distinct cno from Score
where Score.degree>85
select Course.cname, Course.cno from Course, Teacher
where Teacher.depart = '计算机系' and Teacher.tno = Course.tno
select tname, prof from Teacher
where depart in ('计算机系','电子工程系')
select cno, sno, degree from Score
where cno = 3-105 and degree>
select min(degree) from Score where cno = 3-245
order by degree desc
select cno, sno, degree from Score
where cno = 3-105 and degree>
select max(degree) from Score where cno = 3-245
select distinct tname, depart from Teacher, Course where Teacher.tno = Course.tno
select tname, depart from Teacher where tno not in (select tno from Course)
31、列出所有老师和同学的 姓名、性别和生日。
select temp.*
from (select sname name_, sex, birthday from Student union all
select tname, sex, birthday from Teacher
) temp;
(2) more ques
select sno from Score
where cno in (select distinct cno from Score where sno = 103)
select distinct sno from Score,
(select cno from Score
where sno = 103
) as temp
where Score.cno = temp.cno
and Score.sno <> 103
select sname from Student
where sno in
select sno from Score
group by sno
having count(*)>(select count(*) from Course)
(3) caution tips
1. the sub select could not appear in the where plus compare period
2. to import data