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   -> 大数据 -> MS SQL Server Connectors By Thread Pool | DTSQLServerTP plugin instructions -> 正文阅读

[大数据]MS SQL Server Connectors By Thread Pool | DTSQLServerTP plugin instructions

This plugin mainly supports the use of thread pool asynchronous connection and asynchronous operation of SQL Server database in UE4 blueprint.

?1. Database connection 【 Create SQL Server】



Host: database IP address

Port: database open port

User: database username

Password: database password

DBName: Specifies the database library name of the connection

Thread Pool Count:The number of connection threads


Success: Returns whether the database connection is successful

Error No: The connection error returns the error number, and the success returns 0

Error Msg: Connection error returns error message

2. Operate the database [Execute SQL]


SQL: SQL statement to execute, supports SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, EXEC. Basically all SQL statements are supported, and the database can be manipulated directly here.
Some knowledge of SQL syntax is required.


Success: Returns whether the operation was executed successfully

Error No: Error number, returns 0 successfully

Error Msg: Execution error returns error message

Result: Returns the database result set.?

3. Result set decomposition

The result set returned by Result is an array of MAP, an array is equal to the information of one row, and the data of this row is stored in a MAP.

You can also use the built-in function of this plugin to convert the output result set to JSON.

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加:2022-04-22 18:43:14  更:2022-04-22 18:45:28 
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