今天有个同事的项目中mongodb 被黑客攻占了,然后数据库被清掉,留下了一堆“案发现场”,还整了一个段话,附上给大家伙瞧瞧。。。。
All your data is a backed up. You must pay 0.021 BTC to 1Di1cM1QgTxZuwsxp9nRBc6UXUAhbMN7YX 48 hours for recover it. After 48 hours expiration we will leaked and exposed all your data. In case of refusal to pay, we will contact the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR and notify them that you store user data in an open form and is not safe. Under the rules of the law, you face a heavy fine or arrest and your base dump will be dropped from our server! You can buy bitcoin here, does not take much time to buy https://localbitcoins.com or https://buy.moonpay.io/ After paying write to me in the mail with your DB IP: recmydb+1oylt@onionmail.org and you will receive a link to download your database dump.
排查出的问题就不说,说了丢人,我看这位同事的端口限制也是针对的几个ip连接,其余的漏洞都堵的差不多了,就写一下mongodb 的创建账户密码的过程吧,这个他没做,感觉也是光着屁股在裸奔,不过所幸让他们上线前执行了我的脚本,数据马上恢复过来了,没丢失。唉。 再一个为啥要写这个博客,因为我那同事搞了一下午都没搞定创建账户密码,我觉得还是自己写一下,记录一下,以免后面自己也记不清了。。。。
- 由于我们这个是宝塔安装的mongodb,所以进入宝塔的默认目录
cd /www/server/mongodb/bin
命令: mongo
3,进入 admin 数据库
命令: use admin
4, 设置admin 用户密码
db.createUser({user: 'root', pwd: 'pwr23', roles: ['root']})
db.auth('root', 'pwr23')
返回1:成功 0:失败
6,创建一个新的数据库 test
命令: mongo
8,进入 admin 数据库
命令: use admin
db.createUser({ user: 'rootDev', pwd: 'wddmin23', roles: [{ role: 'root', db: 'admin' }] })
authorization 修改为 enabled 开启认证

11,重启一下 mongodb 就行辣
