全部删除 (删除stu_name、score两个字段重复的数据)
select * from tb_4 where stu_name in (select a.stu_name from (select stu_name from tb_4 group by stu_name, score having count(1) > 1)a)
and score in (select a.score from (select score from tb_4 group by stu_name, score having count(1) > 1)a)
delete from tb_4 where stu_name in (select a.stu_name from (select stu_name from tb_4 group by stu_name, score having count(1) > 1)a)
and score in (select a.score from (select score from tb_4 group by stu_name, score having count(1) > 1)a)