student表  score表  teacher表  course表 
create table if not exists student(
id int,
name string,
birthday string,
sex string
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location '/data/myschool/student';
create table if not exists teacher(
tid int,
tname string
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location '/data/myschool/teacher';
create table if not exists score(
sid int,
cid int,
scores int
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location '/data/myschool/score';
create table if not exists course(
cid int,
cname string,
tid int
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location '/data/myschool/course';
select stu.*,sco1.scores 01scores,sco2.scores 02scores from
student stu join score sco1
on stu.id=sco1.sid and sco1.cid=1
left join score sco2
on stu.id=sco2.sid and sco2.cid=2
where sco1.scores>sco2.scores;
select stu.*,sco1.scores 01scores,sco2.scores 02scores from
student stu join score sco1
on stu.id=sco1.sid and sco1.cid=1
left join score sco2
on stu.id=sco2.sid and sco2.cid=2
where sco1.scores<sco2.scores;
select stu.id,stu.name,avg(sco.scores)
from student stu join score sco
on stu.id=sco.sid
group by stu.id,stu.name
having avg(sco.scores)>60;
4.查询平均成绩小于60分的同学的学生编号和学生姓名和平均成绩 – (包括有成绩的和无成绩的)
select stu.id,stu.name,round(avg(sco.scores),2) as avg_scores
from student stu join score sco
on stu.id=sco.sid
group by stu.id,stu.name
having avg(sco.scores)<60
union all
select stu1.id,stu1.name,0 as avg_scores
from student stu1
where stu1.id not in
(select distinct sid from score);
select stu.id,stu.name,count(cid),sum(scores)
from student stu left join score sco
on stu.id=sco.sid
group by stu.id,stu.name;
select count(tid) as num,'姓李的老师' as teal
from teacher
where tname like '李%';
select stu.*
from student stu join score sco on stu.id=sco.sid
join course cor on sco.cid=cor.cid
join teacher tea on tea.tid=cor.tid
where tea.tname='张三';
select s.* from student s
where s.id not in
(select stu.id
from student stu join score sco on stu.id=sco.sid
join course cor on sco.cid=cor.cid
join teacher tea on tea.tid=cor.tid
where tea.tname='张三');
select stu.*
from student stu
(select sid as tmpid from score
where cid=1
union all
select sid as tmpid from score
where cid=2) ss on stu.id=ss.tmpid
group by stu.id,stu.name,stu.birthday,stu.sex,ss.tmpid
having count(ss.tmpid)=2;
select stu.*
from student stu
join (select sid from score where cid=1) sco1
on stu.id=sco1.sid
left join (select sid from score where cid=2) sco2
on stu.id=sco2.sid
where sco2.sid is null;
select student.* from student
left join(
select sid
from score
group by sid
having count(cid)=3)tmp
on student.id=tmp.sid
where tmp.sid is null;
select stu.* from student stu
join (select cid from score where sid=1) tmp1
join (select sid,cid from score) tmp2
on tmp1.cid=tmp2.cid and stu.id=tmp2.sid
where stu.id not in (1)
group by stu.id,name,birthday,sex;
select stu.*,count(tmp2.cid) from student stu
join (select cid from score where sid=1) tmp1
join (select sid,cid from score) tmp2
on tmp1.cid=tmp2.cid and stu.id=tmp2.sid
where stu.id not in (1)
group by stu.id,name,birthday,sex
having count(tmp2.cid) in (select count(cid) from score where sid=1);
select stu.id,stu.name from student stu
left join (select sid,cid from score) sco
left join (select cid,tid from course) cor
left join (select tid from teacher where tname='张三') tea
on stu.id=sco.sid and sco.cid=cor.cid and tea.tid=cor.tid
group by stu.id,name
having count(tea.tid)=0;
select stu.*,tmp.savg from student stu
join (select sid,count(cid) noc,round(avg(scores),1) savg
from score where scores<60 group by sid having noc>=2) tmp
on tmp.sid=stu.id;
select stu.*,tmp.scores from student stu join
(select sid,scores from score where cid=1 and scores<60) tmp
on stu.id=tmp.sid
order by tmp.scores desc;
select a.sid,tmp1.scores as c1,tmp2.scores as c2,tmp3.scores as c3,
round(avg (a.scores),2) as avgScore
from score a
left join (select sid,scores from score s1 where cid='01')tmp1 on tmp1.sid=a.sid
left join (select sid,scores from score s2 where cid='02')tmp2 on tmp2.sid=a.sid
left join (select sid,scores from score s3 where cid='03')tmp3 on tmp3.sid=a.sid
group by a.sid,tmp1.scores,tmp2.scores,tmp3.scores order by avgScore desc;
select course.cid,course.cname,tmp.maxScore,tmp.minScore,tmp.avgScore,tmp.passRate,tmp.moderate,tmp.goodRate,tmp.excellentRates from course
max(scores) as maxScore,
min(scores) as minScore,
round(avg(scores),2) avgScore,
round(sum(case when scores>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(cid),2)passRate,
round(sum(case when scores>=60 and scores<70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(cid),2) moderate,
round(sum(case when scores>=70 and scores<80 then 1 else 0 end)/count(cid),2) goodRate,
round(sum(case when scores>=80 and scores<90 then 1 else 0 end)/count(cid),2) excellentRates
from score group by cid) tmp on tmp.cid=course.cid;
19、按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名:– row_number() over()分组排序功能(mysql没有该方法)
select cid,sid,scores,row_number() over(partition by cid order by scores desc)
from score;
select score.sid,student.name,sum(scores) sum_sco,row_number() over(order by sum(scores) desc) no
from score join student on score.sid=student.id
group by score.sid,student.name;
select score.cid,round(avg(scores),2) avg_scores,course.tid
from score join
course on score.cid=course.cid
group by score.cid,course.tid
order by avg_scores desc;
select tmp.cid,stu.*,tmp.scores,tmp.cno from
student stu join
(select cid,sid,scores,row_number() over(partition by cid order by scores desc) cno
from score) tmp
on stu.id=tmp.sid
where tmp.cno between 2 and 3;
round(sum(case when score.scores>=85 and score.scores<=100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(score.scores),2) as 100and85,
round(sum(case when score.scores>=70 and score.scores<85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(score.scores),2) as 85and70,
round(sum(case when score.scores>=60 and score.scores<70 then 1 else 0 end)/count(score.scores),2) as 70and60,
round(sum(case when score.scores>=0 and score.scores<60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(score.scores),2) as 60and0
from score left join course
on score.cid = course.cid
group by score.cid,course.cname;
select sid,round(avg(scores),2) as avgs,row_number() over(order by avg(scores) desc)
from score
group by sid;
select tmp.cid,stu.*,tmp.scores,tmp.cno from
student stu join
(select cid,sid,scores,row_number() over(partition by cid order by scores desc) cno
from score) tmp
on stu.id=tmp.sid
where tmp.cno<=3;
select cid,count(scores) as cnum
from score
group by cid;
select sid,count(cid) as cnum
from score
group by sid
having count(cid)=2;
select sex,count(1) as pnum
from student
group by sex;
select *
from student
where name like '%风%';
select name,sex,count(id)
from student
group by name,sex;
select *
from student
where year(birthday)=1990;
select cid,round(avg(scores),2) as avgs,row_number() over(order by round(avg(scores),2) desc,cid asc)
from score
group by cid;
select stu.id,stu.name,avg(scores) as avgs
from student stu join
score sco on stu.id=sco.sid
group by stu.id,stu.name
having avg(scores)>85;
select stu.name,sco.scores
from student stu
join score sco
join course cor
on stu.id=sco.sid and sco.cid=cor.cid
where cor.cname='数学' and sco.scores<60;
select stu.id,tmp.chinese,tmp.math,tmp.english
from student stu
left join
(select sco.sid id,
sum(case cor.cname when '语文' then sco.scores else 0 end) as chinese,
sum(case cor.cname when '数学' then sco.scores else 0 end) as math,
sum(case cor.cname when '英语' then sco.scores else 0 end) as english
from score sco
join course cor on sco.cid=cor.cid
group by sco.sid
) tmp on stu.id=tmp.id;
select stu.name,cor.cname,sco.scores
from score sco
left join student stu on sco.sid=stu.id
join course cor on sco.cid=cor.cid
where sco.scores>70;
select sid
from score
where scores<60
group by sid;
select sco.sid,stu.name
from score sco
join student stu
on sco.sid=stu.id
where cid=1 and scores>=80;
select cid,count(sid)
from score
group by cid;
select stu.*,sco.cid,max(sco.scores) max_score
from score sco
left join student stu
on stu.id=sco.sid
join course cor
on sco.cid=cor.cid
join teacher tea
on tea.tid=cor.tid
where tea.tname='张三'
group by sco.cid,stu.id,stu.name,stu.birthday,stu.sex
limit 1;
select s1.sid,s1.cid,s1.scores
from score s1,score s2
where s1.cid<>s2.cid and s1.scores=s2.scores;
select tmp.cid,stu.*,tmp.scores,tmp.cno from
student stu join
(select cid,sid,scores,row_number() over(partition by cid order by scores desc) cno
from score) tmp
on stu.id=tmp.sid
where tmp.cno<=3;
43、统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过5人的课程才统计): –要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列
select cid,count(sid) as num
from score
group by cid
having num>=5
order by num desc,cid asc;
select sid
from score
group by sid
having count(cid)>=2;
select stu.*
from student stu
(select sid,count(cid) cnum from score group by sid) tmp
on stu.id=tmp.sid
where tmp.cnum=3;
46、查询各学生的年龄(周岁): –按照出生日期来算,当前月日 < 出生年月的月日则,年龄减一
with tmp as
(select id,year(current_date())-year(birthday) as tage
from student)
select stu.id,sum(case month(current_date())>month(stu.birthday) when true then tmp.tage-1 else tmp.tage end) s_age
from student stu
join tmp
on stu.id=tmp.id
group by stu.id;
select *
from student
where weekofyear(concat(year(current_date()),'-',date_format(birthday,'MM-dd')))=
select *
from student
where weekofyear(concat(year(current_date()),'-',date_format(birthday,'MM-dd')))=
select *
from student
where month(birthday)=month(current_date());
select * from student where month(birthday)=12