Execute using query statement (example: select * from tableName)
Support C++ or pure blueprint calls
Synchronous and asynchronous support
Support MYSQL 5.x.x - 8.x.x series
used in C++
/// synchronous connection example ///
Mysql = UMysqlConnectSubsystem::Get();
Results = NewObject<UMysqlResult>();
Mysql->Connect("", 3306, "username", "pw", "TableName", Results);
if (!Results->IsSucceed)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: ConnectError: %s"), *Results->Msg);
//Get the total number of rows
Mysql->Query("SELECT count(1) FROM `testtable`", Results);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: Count: IsSucceed = %d, msg = %s, count = %d"), Results->IsSucceed, *Results->Msg, Results->getCount());
//get row
Mysql->Query("SELECT * FROM `testtable`", Results);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: rows: IsSucceed = %d, msg = %s, Num = %d"), Results->IsSucceed, *Results->Msg, Results->getRows().Num());
/// Asynchronous connection example ///
Mysql = UMysqlConnectSubsystem::Get();
Results = NewObject<UMysqlResult>();
const FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo(0, FMath::Rand(), TEXT("ConnectCallback"), this);
Mysql->AConnect("", 3306, "username", "pw", "TableName", Results, this, LatentInfo);
//Asynchronous callback function
void APluginProjectGameModeBase::ConnectCallback()
if (!Results->IsSucceed)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: ConnectError: %s"), *Results->Msg);
//Get the total number of rows
const FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo(0, FMath::Rand(), TEXT("fetch_count_Callback"), this);
Mysql->AQuery("SELECT count(1) FROM `testtable`", Results, this, LatentInfo);
//Asynchronous callback function
void APluginProjectGameModeBase::fetch_count_Callback()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: Count: IsSucceed = %d, msg = %s, count = %d"), Results->IsSucceed, *Results->Msg, Results->getCount());
//get row
const FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo(0, FMath::Rand(), TEXT("fetch_rows_Callback"), this);
Mysql->AQuery("SELECT * FROM `testtable`", Results, this, LatentInfo);
//Asynchronous callback function
void APluginProjectGameModeBase::fetch_rows_Callback()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("MYSQL: rows: IsSucceed = %d, msg = %s, Num = %d"), Results->IsSucceed, *Results->Msg, Results->getRows().Num());