CREATE table cla(--创建班级表 claid integer primary key,--班级编号 claname VARCHAR2(20) not null --班级名称
create table studen(--创建表 stuno integer primary key,--学生编号 stuname VARCHAR(20) not null,--学生姓名 studate date not null,--入学时间 claid integer,--班级 constraint fk_cla_studen foreign key(claid) references cla(claid)
) --添加班级表 insert into cla values(1,'20网络三班') insert into cla values(2,'20网络四班') insert into cla values(3,'20网络五班') --添加学生表 insert all into studen VALUES(1,'张三',to_date('2020-09-08','YYYY-MM-DD'),1) into studen VALUES(2,'李四',to_date('2020-09-07','YYYY-MM-DD'),3) into studen VALUES(3,'王五',to_date('2020-09-06','YYYY-MM-DD'),2) SELECT * from dual; --查询学生姓名,学号和所在班级名称 SELECT stuno,stuname,claname from studen join cla on cla.CLAID=studen.CLAID; -- 创建序列,使用序列完成数据的添加 -- 给班级表添加序列 create sequence sequ_cla start with 20 increment by 2; select sequ_cla.nextval from dual; insert into cla values(sequ_cla.nextval,'20网络八班'); select * from cla;
create sequence seq_studen --给哪个表添加序列 start with 100 increment by 2;
--sequence两个属性:currval:序列的当前值 ?nextval:序列的下一个值 SELECT seq_studen.nextval from dual; insert into studen values(seq_studen.nextval,'图图',to_date('2020-09-08','YYYY-MM-DD'),1) SELECT * from studen;
-- 第三章 DECLARE ?type table_dept is table of dept%rowtype index by binary_integer; ?v_deptno integer; ?? begin insert into dept VALUES(110,'管理部','北京'); end;
declare ? type emp_table_type is table of emp%rowtype; ? v_emp_table emp_table_type; ? v_max_sal emp.sal%type; begin? ? for dept_row in(select * from dept) loop ? select max(sal) into v_max_sal ? from emp ? ? where emp.deptno=dept_row.deptno; ? select * ?bulk collect ?into v_emp_table ? from emp ? where sal=v_max_sal; ? dbms_output.put_line('部门编号:' || dept_row.deptno); ? dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------'); ? if v_emp_table.count>0 then ? ? for i in v_emp_table.first..v_emp_table.last loop ? ? dbms_output.put_line(v_emp_table(i).ename || ' ' || v_emp_table(i).sal); ? end loop; ? else ? dbms_output.put_line('该部门暂无员工'); ?? ? end if; ? dbms_output.put_line('----------------------------'); ? end loop; ? end; ? ?
select *from dept;
declare type table_emp is table of emp%rowtype; v_emp_table table_emp; v_sal emp.sal%type; begin for dept in (select * from dept) loop select max(sal) into v_sal from emp where emp.DEPTNO=dept.DEPTNO; select * bulk collect into v_emp_table from emp where sal=v_sal; dbms_output.put_line('部门编号:'||DEPT.DEPTNO); if v_emp_table.count>0 then for i in v_emp_table.first..v_emp_table.last loop dbms_output.put_line('员工姓名:'||v_emp_table(i).ENAME||'员工工资:'||v_emp_table(i).SAL); end loop; else dbms_output.put_line('该部门没有员工!'); end if; end loop; end;
declare? ?v_dept_row DEPT%rowtype; begin ? v_dept_row.DEPTNO:=50; ? v_dept_row.DNAME:='ADMINISTRATOR'; ? v_dept_row.AREA:='BEIJING'; ? insert into dept values v_dept_row; end; select t.* from DEPT t
--- ? ?
DECLARE v_dept_row dept%rowtype; type dept_table is table of dept%rowtype index by binary_integer; v_dept_table dept_table; begin v_dept_table(0).deptno:=70; v_dept_table(0).dname:='人事部'; v_dept_table(0).area:='北京'; v_dept_table(1).deptno:=80; v_dept_table(1).dname:='行政部'; v_dept_table(1).area:='北京'; v_dept_table(2).deptno:=90; v_dept_table(2).dname:='研发部'; v_dept_table(2).area:='北京'; -- for循环 for i in 0..v_dept_table.count-1 loop INSERT into dept VALUES(v_dept_table(i).deptno,v_dept_table(i).dname,v_dept_table(i).AREA); end loop; end;
-- 要求查询出各部门工资最高的雇员 -- 1.知道有哪些部门 -- 2.每个部门的最高工资 -- 3.查询出工资最高的员工信息
DECLARE type emp_table is table of emp%rowtype index by binary_integer; v_empMaxSal_table emp_table;-- 工资最高的员工信息 v_max_sal emp.sal%type;--记录最高工资 begin-- 知道有哪些部门 for ?dept_row in (select * from dept) loop-- dbms_output.put_line(dept_row.empno); --查询部门工资最高是多少 select max(sal) into v_max_sal from emp where deptno=dept_row.DEPTNO; --3.查询出工资最高员工信息 --bulk collect 将查询出来的数据一次性添加到collECTion SELECT * bulk collect into v_empMaxSal_table from emp where sal=v_max_sal; dbms_output.put_line('部门编号:'||dept_row.DEPTNO); if v_empMaxSal_table.count>0 then --说明这个部门是有人的 -- ?for i in 1..v_empMaxSal_table.count loop for i in v_empMaxSal_table.first..v_empMaxSal_table.last loop dbms_output.put_line('员工编号:'||v_empMaxSal_table(i).empno||'员工姓名:'||v_empMaxSal_table(i).ENAME||'员工工资'||v_empMaxSal_table(i).sal); end loop; else-- 这个部门没人 dbms_output.put_line('该部门没有员工!!'); end if; dbms_output.put_line('===================='); end loop; end;
insert into dept VALUES(60,'人事部','北京'); SELECT * from dept; SELECT * from emp; ----------- 第五章 --向部门表dept中插入两条部门信息,要求创建存储过程proc _ insert _ dept实现 create or REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_insert_dept is begin INSERT all? into dept VALUES(50,'后勤部','北京') into dept VALUES(60,'总部','北京') SELECT * from dual; end; call proc_insert_dept();
---创建函数名“fun_getEmpInfo”,该函数包含一个输入参数雇员名称param_ename、一个输出参数部门名称param_dname和一个返回值返回岗位信息 create or replace function fun_scj(param_ename emp.ename%type,param_dname out dept.dname%type) return VARCHAR2 as param_job emp.job%type; begin select e.job,d.dname into param_job,param_dname from emp e,dept d where e.DEPTNO=d.DEPTNO and e.ename=param_ename; ---upper(e.ENAME)=upper(param_ename);
return param_job; end; declare? param_ename VARCHAR2(20):='天天'; param_dname VARCHAR2(20); param_job VARCHAR2(20); begin param_job:=fun_scj(param_ename,param_dname); dbms_output.put_line('员工名称'||param_ename); dbms_output.put_line('部门名称'||param_dname); dbms_output.put_line('员工岗位'||param_job); end; ------编写过程,命名为“proc_storage”,向该存储过程传入需要出库的商品编号和出库数量,执行出库操作并返回完成状态、商品名称、原库存和现有库存。其中“0”表示出库成功,“1”表示找不到该商品,“2”表示库存不足。商品表(商品编号,商品库存,商品名称) CREATE table stor( sid INTEGER primary key, sal number(10,0) not null, gname VARCHAR2(20) not null );
CREATE or REPLACE procedure ?proc_storage (v_SID stor.SID%type,--商品编号 v_sal stor.SAL%type,-- 出库数量 v_gname out stor.GNAME%type,-- 商品名称 v_flag out integer,--出库状态 v_oldstor out stor.sal%type,-- 原库存 v_newstro out stor.sal%type) -- 现库存 is begin -- 根据商品编号查询出商品名称和商品原库存记录到 v_oldstor,v_gname select sal,gname into v_oldstor,v_gname from stor where sid=v_sid; if v_sal>v_oldstor then-- 库存不足 v_flag:=2; else-- 库存不足 v_newstro:=v_oldstor-v_sal;-- 现库存数量 UPDATE stor set sal=v_newstro where sid=v_sid;-- 更新数据库中商品数量 v_flag:=0; end if; EXCEPTION when ?no_data_found then v_flag:=1; dbms_output.put_line('输入的商品不存在'); end;
-- 需要定义变量接收输出参数 所以需要plsql块 DECLARE v_gname ?stor.GNAME%type;-- 商品名称 v_flag integer;--出库状态 v_oldstor ?stor.sal%type;-- 原库存 v_newstro ?stor.sal%type;-- 现库存 begin proc_storage(1,15,v_gname,v_flag,v_oldstor,v_newstro); dbms_output.put_line(v_flag); end;
insert into stor VALUES(1,10,'商品a'); insert into stor VALUES(2,100,'商品b');
---创建函数名“fun_getEmpInfo”,该函数包含一个输入参数雇员名称param_ename、一个输出参数部门名称param_dname和一个返回值返回岗位信息 CREATE or REPLACE function fun_getEmpInfo(v_ename emp.ename%type,v_dname out dept.dname%type) return VARCHAR2 is v_job emp.job%type; begin select e.job, d.dname into v_job,v_dname from emp e join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno where ename=v_ename; return v_job; end; DECLARE v_job emp.job%type; v_dname dept.dname%type; begin v_job:=fun_getEmpInfo('天天',v_dname); dbms_output.put_line(v_job||'=='||v_dname); end;
SELECT * from emp; select * from dept;
--- 第六章 --1.
create table score( id integer primary key,--主键 sid integer not null unique,-- 学号 chinese number(3,0), math number(3,0), english number(3,0), rank number(4,0) --总分 );
create table scj( sid integer primary key, sname VARCHAR2(20) not null, sal varchar(20) not null
) insert into score(id,sid,chinese,math,english) values(1,1001,85,99,99); insert into score(id,sid,chinese,math,english) values(2,1002,95,89,90); insert into score(id,sid,chinese,math,english) values(3,1003,95,79,90); insert into score(id,sid,chinese,math,english) values(4,1004,90,90,99); select * from score;
declare cursor cur_score is select * from score; v_sum number; v_rank number; begin -- 使用for循环简化游标 for score_row in cur_score loop -- 循环获取每一行数据 -- 把当前学生的成绩相加 v_sum:= score_row.chinese+score_row.math+score_row.english; --看表中其他成绩之和有几个比v_sum大 -- 0-1 --1-2 --2-3 select count(*) into v_rank from score where chinese+math+english>v_sum; v_rank:=v_rank+1;--当前这个学生的排名 update score set rank=v_rank where; end loop; end;
declare? cursor cur_score is select * from score; v_sum number; v_rank number; begin for score_row in cur_score loop v_sum:=score_row.CHINESE+score_row.math+score_row.english; select count(*) into v_rank from score where CHINESE+math+ENGLISH>v_sum; update score set rank=v_rank where; end loop; end;
---使用游标完成,输出每位员工的工作年限(年,月) declare cursor cur_work is ? select ENAME,HIREDATE,trunc(months_between(sysdate,HIREDATE) / 12) as spandyears, ?? ?trunc(mod(months_between(sysdate,HIREDATE),12)) as months from emp; r_work cur_work%rowtype; begin for r_work in cur_work loop dbms_output.put_line(r_work.ename||'已经工作了'||r_work.spandyears||'年零'||r_work.months||'月'); end loop; end;
create table sjb( scjid VARCHAR2(4) primary key, sname VARCHAR2(20) ) create sequence scj_seq START with 1 INCREMENT by 1;
create or replace trigger sjb_trigger before insert on sjb for each row begin select scj_seq.nextval into :new.scjid from dual; end; insert into sjb(sname) VALUES('程程'); insert into sjb(sname) VALUES('称称'); commit; select * from sjb;
--输出员工工作年限 declare -- 定义 -- ? 年 首先知道两个日期相差多少个月,除以12,取整 ? cursor cur_emp is? select HIREDATE,ename,floor(months_between(sysdate,HIREDATE) /12) as sysyear, floor(mod(months_between(sysdate,HIREDATE) ,12)) as year from emp; begin for v_row in cur_emp loop dbms_output.put_line(v_row.ename||'=='||v_row.sysyear||'年'||v_row.year||'月'); end loop; end; create trigger tri_primary_auto before insert on dept for each row ?begin ?-- 将序列中的值into需要添加到这一行的deptno中 ?select seq_dept.nextval into :new.deptno from dual; ?end; insert into dept(dname,area) VALUES('text','test'); select * from emp; select * from dept;