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   -> 大数据 -> 【MySQL】数据处理之增删改 -> 正文阅读


# 第十一章 数据处理之增删改

#0. 储备工作
use atguigudb;
create table if not exists emp1(
id int,
`name` varchar(15),
hire_date date,
salary double(10,2)

desc emp1;

select *?
from emp1;


#方式1. 一条一条的添加数据
#① 没有指明添加的字段

VALUES (1,'TOM','2000-12-21',3400);? ?#注意:一定要按照声明的字段的先后顺序添加
#② 指明要添加的字段 (字段)
insert INTO emp1(id, hire_date, salary, `name`)
# 说明 没有进行赋值的hire_date的值为null
insert INTO emp1(id, salary, `name`)
#③ 同时插入多条数据
insert into emp1(id, `name`,salary)

#方式2. 将查询结构插入到表中
select * from emp1;

insert into emp1 (id, `name`,salary, hire_date)
select employee_id, last_name, salary, hire_date ?#查询的字段一定要与添加到的表的字段一一对应
from employees
where department_id in (70,60);

desc emp1;
desc employees;

#说明 :emp1表中要添加数据的字段的长度不能低于employees表中的


update emp1
set hire_date = curdate()
where id = 5;

select * from emp1;

update emp1
set hire_date = curdate(), salary =6000
where id = 4;

select * from emp1;

update emp1
set salary = salary*1.2
where name like '%a%';

select * from emp1;?
update employees
set department_id = 10000
where employee_id = 102;

#删除数据 delete from …… where……
delete from emp1
where id = 1;
delete from departments
where department_id = 50;

# 如果希望执行完以后不自动提交数据,则需要使用 set autocommit = FALSE.

#4. MySQL8的新特性:计算列
use atguigudb;
create table test1(
a int,
b int,
c int generated always as (a+b) virtual ?#字段c即为计算列

insert into test1 (a,b)

select *
from test1;

update test1
set a=100;

# 1、创建数据库test01_library
create database if not exists test01_library;
use tese01_library;

#2、创建表 books,表结构如下:
create table if not exists books(
id int,
name varchar(50),
authors varchar(100),
price float,
pubdate year,
note varchar(100),
num int

select * from books;

# 3、向books表中插入记录
# ? 1)不指定字段名称,插入第一条记录
insert into books?
value(1,'Tal of AAA', 'Dickes', 23, 1995, 'novel',11);
# ? 2)指定所有字段名称,插入第二记录
insert into books(id,name,authors,price,pubdate,note,num)
values(2,'EmmaT','Jane lura',35,1993,'joke',22);
# ? 3)同时插入多条记录(剩下的所有记录)
insert into books(id,name,authors,price,pubdate,note,num)
(3,'Story of Jane','Jane Tim',40,2001,'novel',0),
(4,'Lovey Day','George Byron',20,2005,'novel',30),
(5,'Old land','Honore Blade',30,2010,'law',0),
(6,'The Battle','Upton Sara',30,1999,'medicine',40),
(7,'Rose Hood','Richard haggard',28,2008,'cartoon',28);

# 4、将小说类型(novel)的书的价格都增加 5 。
update books
set price = price + 5;
select * from books;

# 5、将名称为EmmaT的书的价格改为 40 ,并将说明改为drama。
update books
set price = 40, note = 'drama'
where name = 'EmmaT';
select * from books;

# 6、删除库存为 0 的记录。
delete from books
where num = 0;
select * from books;

# 7、统计书名中包含a字母的书
select *?
from books
where name like '%a%';

# 8、统计书名中包含a字母的书的数量和库存总量
select count(*),sum(num)
from books
where name like '%a%';

# 9、找出“novel”类型的书,按照价格降序排列
select *
from books
where note = 'novel'
order by price desc;

# 10、查询图书信息,按照库存量降序排列,如果库存量相同的按照note升序排列
select *
from books
order by num desc, note;

# 11、按照note分类统计书的数量
select note, count(*)
from books
group by note;

# 13、查询所有图书,每页显示 5 本,显示第二页
select *
from books
limit 5,5;

# 14、按照note分类统计书的库存量,显示库存量最多的
select books.note
from books, (select note,max(num)
from books
group by note
order by max(num) desc
limit 1) t_note_num
where books.note = t_note_num.note;

# 15、查询书名达到 10 个字符的书,不包括里面的空格
select *
from books
where length(REPLACE(name,' ','')) >= 10;

# 16、查询书名和类型,其中note值为novel显示小说,law显示法律,medicine显示医药,cartoon显示卡通,joke显示笑话
select name, ? ?case note when 'novel' then '小说'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? when 'law' then '法律'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? when 'medicine' then '医药'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? when 'cartoon' then '卡通'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? when 'joke'then '笑话'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? end details
from books;?

?? ??? ?
# 17、查询书名、库存,其中num值超过 30 本的,显示滞销,大于 0 并低于 10 的,显示畅销,为 0 的显示需要无货
select name, num, case when num >30 then '滞销'
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ? when num>0 and num<10 then '畅销'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?when num = 0 then '无货'
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?end details
from books;

# 18、统计每一种note的库存量,并合计总量
select note, sum(num)
from books
group by note with rollup;

# 19、统计每一种note的数量,并合计总量
select note, count(*)
from books
group by note with rollup;

# 20、统计库存量前三名的图书
select name
from books
order by num desc
limit 0,3;

# 21、找出最早出版的一本书
select name?
from books
where pubdate = (
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?select min(pubdate)
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?from books
?? ??? ??? ??? ? );

# 22、找出novel中价格最高的一本书
select name
from books
where note = 'novel' and price = (
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? select max(price)
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? from books
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? where note = 'novel'
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?);

# 23、找出书名中字数最多的一本书,不含空格
select name
from books
where length(REPLACE(name,' ','')) >= all(
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?select length(REPLACE(name,' ',''))
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?from books
?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?)

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加:2022-08-19 19:12:48  更:2022-08-19 19:13:13 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
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