//底层数据包接收的源头 大约在此处 //再上去就是 监控 fd的守护进程了 void H4Protocol::OnDataReady( int fd ) ? ?
hci_packetizer_.OnDataReady(fd, hci_packet_type_);
void HciPacketizer::OnDataReady( int fd, HciPacketType packet_type )? {
? ? //ALOGE( "HciPacketizer::OnDataReady state_ = %x", state_ ); ?? ? ? ? switch (state_) { ? ? ? case HCI_PREAMBLE: {
? ? ? //ALOGE( "bytes_read_ = %x", bytes_read_ ); ?? ??? ? ? ? ? ssize_t bytes_read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( ? ? ? ? ? read(fd, preamble_ + bytes_read_, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?preamble_size_for_type[packet_type] - bytes_read_)); ? ? ? if (bytes_read == 0) { ? ? ? ? // This is only expected if the UART got closed when shutting down. ? ? ? ? ALOGE("%s: Unexpected EOF reading the header!", __func__); ? ? ? ? sleep(5); ?// Expect to be shut down within 5 seconds. ? ? ? ? return; ? ? ? } ? ? ? if (bytes_read < 0) { ? ? ? ? LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: Read header error: %s", __func__, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?strerror(errno)); ? ? ? }
?? ? ?//ALOGE( "bytes_read = %x", bytes_read ); ? ? ? bytes_read_ += bytes_read; ?? ? ?//ALOGE( "bytes_read_ = %x", bytes_read_ ); ? ? ? if (bytes_read_ == preamble_size_for_type[packet_type]) { ? ? ? ? size_t packet_length = HciGetPacketLengthForType(packet_type, preamble_); ? ? ? ? packet_.resize(preamble_size_for_type[packet_type] + packet_length); ? ? ? ? memcpy(packet_.data(), preamble_, preamble_size_for_type[packet_type]); ? ? ? ? bytes_remaining_ = packet_length; ? ? ? ? state_ = HCI_PAYLOAD; ? ? ? ? bytes_read_ = 0; ? ? ? } ? ? ? break; ? ? }
? ? case HCI_PAYLOAD: { ? ? ? ssize_t bytes_read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read( ? ? ? ? ? fd, ? ? ? ? ? packet_.data() + preamble_size_for_type[packet_type] + bytes_read_, ? ? ? ? ? bytes_remaining_)); ? ? ? if (bytes_read == 0) { ? ? ? ? // This is only expected if the UART got closed when shutting down. ? ? ? ? ALOGE("%s: Unexpected EOF reading the payload!", __func__); ? ? ? ? sleep(5); ?// Expect to be shut down within 5 seconds. ? ? ? ? return; ? ? ? } ? ? ? if (bytes_read < 0) { ? ? ? ? LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: Read payload error: %s", __func__, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?strerror(errno)); ? ? ? } ? ? ? bytes_remaining_ -= bytes_read; ? ? ? bytes_read_ += bytes_read; ? ? ? if (bytes_remaining_ == 0) {
?? ??? ?//output_buff((char*)packet_.data(), bytes_read_);
?? ??? ?ALOGE("get a packet data from uart" );
?? ??? ?macdbg_dmphex_kernel((const char*)packet_.data(), bytes_read_);
?? ??? ?//ALOGE("packet_ready_cb_.0 = %x", (unsigned int)&packet_ready_cb_ ); ? ? ? ? packet_ready_cb_(); ?? ??? ?//此处是关键 1 ?? ??? ?//ALOGE("packet_ready_cb_.1 = %p", (void *)&packet_ready_cb_ ); ? ? ? ? state_ = HCI_PREAMBLE; ? ? ? ? bytes_read_ = 0; ? ? ? } ? ? ? break; ? ? } ? } }
//此处是关键 1 回调的就是这个函数 void H4Protocol::OnPacketReady()?
void H4Protocol::OnPacketReady()? { ?? ?ALOGE("in %s", __func__);
?? ?//ALOGE("OnPacketReady.1 = %x", (unsigned int)(void (android::hardware::bluetooth::hci::H4Protocol::*)())(H4Protocol::OnPacketReady) ); ?? ?
?? ?//android::CallStack ? ?stack;?? ?? ?? ?//stack.update();?? ? ?? ?//stack.log("callstack");
?? ?ALOGE( "H4Protocol hci_packet_type_ = %x", hci_packet_type_ );
?? ? //bt_hci ?: hciEventReceived ? ? ?//07-09 16:30:41.408 ?2424 ?2775 I bt_hci ?: hci_event_received
? switch (hci_packet_type_) { ? ? case HCI_PACKET_TYPE_EVENT: ? ? ? event_cb_(hci_packetizer_.GetPacket()); ?? ? ?//此处关键点2 ? ? ? break; ? ? case HCI_PACKET_TYPE_ACL_DATA: ? ? ? acl_cb_(hci_packetizer_.GetPacket()); ? ? ? break; ? ? case HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SCO_DATA: ? ? ? sco_cb_(hci_packetizer_.GetPacket()); ? ? ? break; ? ? default: #ifndef XRADIO_BLUETOOTH ? ? ? LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: Unimplemented packet type %d", __func__, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?static_cast<int>(hci_packet_type_)); #else ? ? ? break; #endif ? } ?? ?? ?? Bluetooth_hci.cc ? bool rc = VendorInterface::Initialize( ? ? ? [cb](bool status) { ? ? ? ? auto hidl_status = cb->initializationComplete( ? ? ? ? ? ? status ? Status::SUCCESS : Status::INITIALIZATION_ERROR); ? ? ? ? if (!hidl_status.isOk()) { ? ? ? ? ? ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call initializationComplete()"); ? ? ? ? } ? ? ? }, ? ? ? [cb](const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& packet) {
? ? ? //此处关键点2 ? event_cb_ ?? ? ?ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call hciEventReceived(1)"); ? ? ? ? auto hidl_status = cb->hciEventReceived(packet); ?? ??? ?//此处关键点3 ?? ?? ??? ?//由日志可以看出? ?? ??? ?bluetooth ? ? 1714 ? ? 1 ? 18292 ? 4616 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 S android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service ?? ??? ?bluetooth ? ? 2430 ?1695 1435500 ?96972 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 S com.android.bluetooth ?? ??? ?跨进程调用 从hal层 调用? 07-09 18:30:44.974 ?1714 ?2882 E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: VendorInterface -> Unable to call hciEventReceived(1) 07-09 18:30:44.974 ?2430 ?2767 I bt_hci ?: hciEventReceived 07-09 18:30:44.974 ?2430 ?2767 E bt_hci ?: get a packet data from uartxxx 07-09 18:30:44.974 ?2430 ?2767 E bt_hci ?: data.size() = 6 07-09 18:30:44.974 ?2430 ?2767 E bt_hci ?: BT_HDR_SIZE = 8 07-09 18:30:44.975 ?2430 ?2767 E bt_hci ?: packet_size = e 07-09 18:30:44.975 ?2430 ?2767 E bt_hci ?: 0 ? ?0e 04 05 52 0c 00 ? ? ? ...R.. 07-09 18:30:44.975 ?2430 ?2767 I bt_hci ?: hci_event_received 07-09 18:30:44.975 ?1714 ?2882 E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: VendorInterface -> Unable to call hciEventReceived(2)
?? ??? ?ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call hciEventReceived(2)"); ? ? ? ? if (!hidl_status.isOk()) { ? ? ? ? ? ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call hciEventReceived(3)"); ? ? ? ? } ? ? ? }, ? ? ? [cb](const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& packet) { ? ? ? ? auto hidl_status = cb->aclDataReceived(packet); ? ? ? ? if (!hidl_status.isOk()) { ? ? ? ? ? ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call aclDataReceived()"); ? ? ? ? } ? ? ? }, ? ? ? [cb](const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& packet) { ? ? ? ? auto hidl_status = cb->scoDataReceived(packet); ? ? ? ? if (!hidl_status.isOk()) { ? ? ? ? ? ALOGE("VendorInterface -> Unable to call scoDataReceived()"); ? ? ? ? } ? ? ? }); ?? ? ? ?? ? ?
//此处关键点3 ? //Hci_layer_android.cc ?Return<void> hciEventReceived(const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& event) {
?? ?LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s", __func__); ?? ? ? ? BT_HDR* packet = WrapPacketAndCopy(MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_EVT, event); ?? ?//构造数据包 packet ? ? hci_event_received(FROM_HERE, packet); ? ? return Void(); ? } ??
//hci_layer.cc void hci_event_received(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BT_HDR* packet) { ? btsnoop->capture(packet, true);
? LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s", __func__);
? if (!filter_incoming_event(packet)) { ? ? send_data_upwards.Run(from_here, packet); ? } }
static void set_data_cb( ? ? base::Callback<void(const tracked_objects::Location&, BT_HDR*)> ? ? ? ? send_data_cb) { ? send_data_upwards = std::move(send_data_cb); }
void bte_main_boot_entry(void) { ? module_init(get_module(INTEROP_MODULE));
? hci = hci_layer_get_interface(); ? if (!hci) { ? ? LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s could not get hci layer interface.", __func__); ? ? return; ? }
? hci->set_data_cb(base::Bind(&post_to_hci_message_loop));
? module_init(get_module(STACK_CONFIG_MODULE)); }
void post_to_hci_message_loop(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BT_HDR* p_msg) { ? base::MessageLoop* hci_message_loop = get_message_loop(); ? if (!hci_message_loop || !hci_message_loop->task_runner().get()) { ? ? LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: HCI message loop not running, accessed from %s", ? ? ? ? ? ? ? __func__, from_here.ToString().c_str()); ? ? return; ? }
? hci_message_loop->task_runner()->PostTask( ? ? ? from_here, base::Bind(&btu_hci_msg_process, p_msg)); }
void btu_hci_msg_process( BT_HDR* p_msg ) ? ? ?? { ?? ?//LOG(INFO) << "btu_hci_msg_process"; ?? ?//LOG(INFO) << "p_msg->event = "<< p_msg->event;
?? ? ? /* Determine the input message type. */ ? switch (p_msg->event & BT_EVT_MASK) { ? ? case BT_EVT_TO_BTU_HCI_ACL: ? ? ? /* All Acl Data goes to L2CAP */ ? ? ? l2c_rcv_acl_data(p_msg); ? ? ? break;
? ? case BT_EVT_TO_BTU_L2C_SEG_XMIT: ? ? ? /* L2CAP segment transmit complete */ ? ? ? l2c_link_segments_xmitted(p_msg); ? ? ? break;
? ? case BT_EVT_TO_BTU_HCI_SCO: #if (BTM_SCO_INCLUDED == TRUE) ? ? ? btm_route_sco_data(p_msg); ? ? ? break; #endif
? ? case BT_EVT_TO_BTU_HCI_EVT: ? ? ? btu_hcif_process_event((uint8_t)(p_msg->event & BT_SUB_EVT_MASK), p_msg); ? ? ? osi_free(p_msg); ? ? ? break;
? ? case BT_EVT_TO_BTU_HCI_CMD: ? ? ? btu_hcif_send_cmd((uint8_t)(p_msg->event & BT_SUB_EVT_MASK), p_msg); ? ? ? break;
? ? default: ? ? ? osi_free(p_msg); ? ? ? break; ? } }
大概意思如下: 串口上传数据包大概流程 由内核态的驱动程序 提供给 /dev/ttyS1 数据包,通过的是tty线路规程 发送一个信号通知用户态接收数据包 用户态进程监控 打开/dev/ttyS1的文件描述符fd 用户态解除阻塞等状态 就到了本文开头的位置 然后就是几个关键点的回调 一步步回调到蓝牙的协议栈里面去 具体细节还待分析 现在只是抓个主要脉络和框架
至于数据包的下发流程 基本是这个流程的逆过程 由hci接口 干到内核态去的 跟踪这个流程的关键是 用 macdbg_dmphex_kernel 打印各个节点的数据包的内容 以一个数据包的传递过程 来跟踪代码流程。
? ?