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   -> 移动开发 -> 运用PowerHint改进Android系统性能表现 -> 正文阅读




系统是Android 8.0,2xA73大核+2xA53小核,最高频率1.5GHz,内存和存储配置为2G DDR + 64G eMMC



  1. 感知用户打开应用的操作,并找到方法让后续应用开启过程耗时减少。
  2. 找到方法让更多的用户应用能在后台存活。
  3. 找到方法让核心应用使用时更为流畅。


  1. 找到用户打开应用在系统中的必经之路,在应用开始启动前做类似cpu/gpu提频、后台无用进程清理、刷新率提升等动作;
  2. 在应用切到后台时做无UI进程清理释放内存、drop cache释放内存等动作;
  3. 在用户处于核心应用时判断用户操作进行进程绑定CPU大核、cpu提频、gpu提频等操作。




package android.hardware.power@1.0;

 * Constructor for the interface performs power management setup actions at
 * runtime startup, such as to set default cpufreq parameters.
interface IPower {
     * setInteractive() performs power management actions upon the
     * system entering interactive state (that is, the system is awake
     * and ready for interaction, often with UI devices such as
     * display and touchscreen enabled) or non-interactive state (the
     * system appears asleep, display usually turned off). The
     * non-interactive state may be entered after a period of
     * inactivity in order to conserve battery power during
     * such inactive periods.
     * Typical actions are to turn on or off devices and adjust
     * cpufreq parameters. This function may also call the
     * appropriate interfaces to allow the kernel to suspend the
     * system to low-power sleep state when entering non-interactive
     * state, and to disallow low-power suspend when the system is in
     * interactive state. When low-power suspend state is allowed, the
     * kernel may suspend the system whenever no wakelocks are held.
     * For example,
     * This function can be called to enter non-interactive state after
     * turning off the screen (if present) and called to enter
     * interactive state prior to turning on the screen.
     * @param interactive is true when the system is transitioning to an
     * interactive state and false when transitioning to a
     * non-interactive state.
    setInteractive(bool interactive);

     * powerHint() is called to pass hints on power requirements which
     * may result in adjustment of power/performance parameters of the
     * cpufreq governor and other controls.
     * A particular platform may choose to ignore any hint.
     * @param hint PowerHint which is passed
     * @param data contains additional information about the hint
     * and is described along with the comments for each of the hints.
    powerHint(PowerHint hint, int32_t data);

     * setFeature() is called to turn on or off a particular feature
     * depending on the state parameter.
     * @param feature Feature which needs to be set
     * @param activate true/false to enable/disable the feature
    setFeature(Feature feature, bool activate);

     * Platform-level sleep state stats:
     * Report cumulative info on the statistics on platform-level sleep states
     * since boot.
     * Higher the index in the returned <states> vector deeper the state is
     * i.e. lesser steady-state power is consumed by the platform to be
     * resident in that state.
     * @return states of power states the device supports
     * @return retval SUCCESS on success or FILESYSTEM_ERROR on filesystem
     * nodes access error.
            generates (vec<PowerStatePlatformSleepState> states, Status retval);


/** Power hint identifiers passed to powerHint() */
enum PowerHint : uint32_t {
    * Foreground app has started or stopped requesting a VSYNC pulse
    * from SurfaceFlinger. If the app has started requesting VSYNC
    * then CPU and GPU load is expected soon, and it may be appropriate
    * to raise speeds of CPU, memory bus, etc. The data parameter is
    * non-zero to indicate VSYNC pulse is now requested, or zero for
    * VSYNC pulse no longer requested.
    VSYNC = 0x00000001,

    * User is interacting with the device, for example, touchscreen
    * events are incoming. CPU and GPU load may be expected soon,
    * and it may be appropriate to raise speeds of CPU, memory bus,
    * etc. The data parameter is the estimated length of the interaction
    * in milliseconds, or 0 if unknown.
    INTERACTION = 0x00000002,

     * DO NOT USE VIDEO_ENCODE/_DECODE!  They will be removed in
     * KLP.
    VIDEO_ENCODE = 0x00000003,
    VIDEO_DECODE = 0x00000004,

    * Low power mode is activated or deactivated. Low power mode
    * is intended to save battery at the cost of performance. The data
    * parameter is non-zero when low power mode is activated, and zero
    * when deactivated.
    LOW_POWER = 0x00000005,

    * Sustained Performance mode is actived or deactivated. Sustained
    * performance mode is intended to provide a consistent level of
    * performance for a prolonged amount of time. The data parameter is
    * non-zero when sustained performance mode is activated, and zero
    * when deactivated.

    * VR Mode is activated or deactivated. VR mode is intended to
    * provide minimum guarantee for performance for the amount of time the
    * device can sustain it. The data parameter is non-zero when the mode
    * is activated and zero when deactivated.
    VR_MODE = 0x00000007,

    * This hint indicates that an application has been launched. Can be used
    * for device specific optimizations during application launch. The data
    * parameter is non-zero when the application starts to launch and zero when
    * it has been launched.
    LAUNCH = 0x00000008,

在注释中,安卓系统也明确写出,设备制造商应当实现这些事件的响应,快速调节CPU、GPU、ddr speed、io等多维度参数让设备整体硬件性能动态拉升到符合预期的状态,并在事件结束后将参数恢复。这样一来,相当于系统在需要执行一些重要任务时提前告知硬件提升频率(耗能提升),任务结束后告知硬件降低频率(耗能下降),如此就实现了能耗与性能的一种均衡。



  1. 感知用户打开应用的操作,并找到方法让后续应用开启过程耗时减少。
  2. 找到方法让更多的用户应用能在后台存活。
  3. 找到方法让核心应用使用时更为流畅。

针对第一点,安卓在PowerManagerService的函数userActivity触发流程中,会调用powerHintInternal(PowerHint.INTERACTION, 0),对照上文的介绍,可以知道此时就是安卓系统告知硬件当下有用户操作,0的含义是由实现者自行决定硬件调频时间。那么我们实现PowerHAL中此函数,响应该case,对CPU/GPU进行锁最高频操作,并保持一定时间(如1s)后还原。如此一来,就实现了用户触屏点击某个应用图标后,应用启动之前 cpu/gpu已经拉满,从而让后续启动过程得到更快速响应,达到整个启动过程耗时减少的目的。
针对第二点,可以实现LAUNCH这个case,当任意具备页面的应用开始被启动时,触发一些 drop cache memory、清理无用进程的工作,减少启动至AMS流程后被动的oom adj触发可能性,也为应用预留更多内存空间。


当然上述通过PowerHAL架构做性能调优的一个重要前提是所用芯片具备这样的调节能力。如果用的芯片根本没有调频这种能力,那通过此架构来动态调频也无从谈起了。主芯片如此,外围的ddr、emmc/ufs 是否具备频率等级调整也是影响上述调节最终效果的重要因素。

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