? ? ?<bool name="config_allow3rdPartyAppOnInternal">true</bool>
? ? ?<!-- Specifies the path that is used by AdaptiveIconDrawable class to crop launcher icons. -->
- ? ?<string name="config_icon_mask" translatable="false">"M50,0L92,0C96.42,0 100,4.58 100 8L100,92C100, 96.42 96.42 100 92 100L8 100C4.58, 100 0 96.42 0 92L0 8 C 0 4.42 4.42 0 8 0L50 0Z"</string>
+ ? ?<string name="config_icon_mask" translatable="false">"M50 0A50 50,0,1,1,50 100A50 50,0,1,1,50 0"</string>
? ? ?<!-- The component name, flattened to a string, for the default accessibility service to be
? ? ? ? ? enabled by the accessibility shortcut. This service must be trusted, as it can be activated