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function hmm() {
cat <<EOF

Run "m help" for help with the build system itself.

Invoke ". build/" from your shell to add the following functions to your environment:
- lunch: ? ? ?lunch <product_name>-<build_variant>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Selects <product_name> as the product to build, and <build_variant> as the variant to
? ? ? ? ? ? ? build, and stores those selections in the environment to be read by subsequent
? ? ? ? ? ? ? invocations of 'm' etc.
- tapas: ? ? ?tapas [<App1> <App2> ...] [arm|x86|mips|arm64|x86_64|mips64] [eng|userdebug|user]
- croot: ? ? ?Changes directory to the top of the tree, or a subdirectory thereof.
- m: ? ? ? ? ?Makes from the top of the tree.
- mm: ? ? ? ? Builds and installs all of the modules in the current directory, and their
? ? ? ? ? ? ? dependencies.
- mmm: ? ? ? ?Builds and installs all of the modules in the supplied directories, and their
? ? ? ? ? ? ? dependencies.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? To limit the modules being built use the syntax: mmm dir/:target1,target2.
- mma: ? ? ? ?Same as 'mm'
- mmma: ? ? ? Same as 'mmm'
- provision: ?Flash device with all required partitions. Options will be passed on to fastboot.
- cgrep: ? ? ?Greps on all local C/C++ files.
- ggrep: ? ? ?Greps on all local Gradle files.
- gogrep: ? ? Greps on all local Go files.
- jgrep: ? ? ?Greps on all local Java files.
- resgrep: ? ?Greps on all local res/*.xml files.
- mangrep: ? ?Greps on all local AndroidManifest.xml files.
- mgrep: ? ? ?Greps on all local Makefiles and *.bp files.
- owngrep: ? ?Greps on all local OWNERS files.
- sepgrep: ? ?Greps on all local sepolicy files.
- sgrep: ? ? ?Greps on all local source files.
- godir: ? ? ?Go to the directory containing a file.
- allmod: ? ? List all modules.
- gomod: ? ? ?Go to the directory containing a module.
- pathmod: ? ?Get the directory containing a module.
- refreshmod: Refresh list of modules for allmod/gomod.

Environment options:
- SANITIZE_HOST: Set to 'address' to use ASAN for all host modules.
- ANDROID_QUIET_BUILD: set to 'true' to display only the essential messages.

Look at the source to view more functions. The complete list is:
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? local A=""
? ? local i
? ? for i in `cat $T/build/ | sed -n "/^[[:blank:]]*function /s/function \([a-z_]*\).*/\1/p" | sort | uniq`; do
? ? ? A="$A $i"
? ? done
? ? echo $A



`cat $T/build/ | sed -n “/^[[:blank:]]*function /s/function \([a-z_]*\).*/\1/p“ | sort |_自己解决的博客-CSDN博客

# Get all the build variables needed by this script in a single call to the build system.
function build_build_var_cache()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? # Grep out the variable names from the script.
? ? cached_vars=(`cat $T/build/ | tr '()' ' ?' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/get_build_var/) print $(i+1)}' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '`)
? ? cached_abs_vars=(`cat $T/build/ | tr '()' ' ?' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/get_abs_build_var/) print $(i+1)}' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '`)
? ? # Call the build system to dump the "<val>=<value>" pairs as a shell script.
? ? build_dicts_script=`\builtin cd $T; build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvars-mode \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --vars="${cached_vars[*]}" \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --abs-vars="${cached_abs_vars[*]}" \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --var-prefix=var_cache_ \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --abs-var-prefix=abs_var_cache_`
? ? local ret=$?
? ? if [ $ret -ne 0 ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? unset build_dicts_script
? ? ? ? return $ret
? ? fi
? ? # Execute the script to store the "<val>=<value>" pairs as shell variables.
? ? eval "$build_dicts_script"
? ? ret=$?
? ? unset build_dicts_script
? ? if [ $ret -ne 0 ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? return $ret
? ? fi

# Delete the build var cache, so that we can still call into the build system
# to get build variables not listed in this script.
function destroy_build_var_cache()
? ? local v
? ? for v in $cached_vars; do
? ? ? unset var_cache_$v
? ? done
? ? unset cached_vars
? ? for v in $cached_abs_vars; do
? ? ? unset abs_var_cache_$v
? ? done
? ? unset cached_abs_vars

# Get the value of a build variable as an absolute path.
function get_abs_build_var()
? ? if [ "$BUILD_VAR_CACHE_READY" = "true" ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? eval "echo \"\${abs_var_cache_$1}\""
? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? (\cd $T; build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvar-mode --abs $1)

# Get the exact value of a build variable.
function get_build_var()
? ? if [ "$BUILD_VAR_CACHE_READY" = "true" ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? eval "echo \"\${var_cache_$1}\""
? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? (\cd $T; build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvar-mode $1)

# check to see if the supplied product is one we can build
function check_product()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? ? ? TARGET_PRODUCT=$1 \
? ? ? ? get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE > /dev/null
? ? # hide successful answers, but allow the errors to show

VARIANT_CHOICES=(user userdebug eng)

# check to see if the supplied variant is valid
function check_variant()
? ? local v
? ? for v in ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}
? ? do
? ? ? ? if [ "$v" = "$1" ]
? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? return 0
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done
? ? return 1

function setpaths()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP."
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? ##################################################################
? ? # ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#
? ? # ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Read me before you modify this code ? ? ? ? ? ? ? #
? ? # ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#
? ? # ? This function sets ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS to what it is adding ?#
? ? # ? to PATH, and the next time it is run, it removes that from ? #
? ? # ? PATH. ?This is required so lunch can be run more than once ? #
? ? # ? and still have working paths. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#
? ? # ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?#
? ? ##################################################################

? ? # Note: on windows/cygwin, ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS will contain spaces
? ? # due to "C:\Program Files" being in the path.

? ? # out with the old
? ? if [ -n "$ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS" ] ; then
? ? fi
? ? if [ -n "$ANDROID_PRE_BUILD_PATHS" ] ; then
? ? ? ? # strip leading ':', if any
? ? ? ? export PATH=${PATH/:%/}
? ? fi

? ? # and in with the new
? ? local prebuiltdir=$(getprebuilt)
? ? local gccprebuiltdir=$(get_abs_build_var ANDROID_GCC_PREBUILTS)

? ? # defined in core/
? ? local targetgccversion=$(get_build_var TARGET_GCC_VERSION)
? ? local targetgccversion2=$(get_build_var 2ND_TARGET_GCC_VERSION)
? ? export TARGET_GCC_VERSION=$targetgccversion

? ? # The gcc toolchain does not exists for windows/cygwin. In this case, do not reference it.
? ? local ARCH=$(get_build_var TARGET_ARCH)
? ? local toolchaindir toolchaindir2=
? ? case $ARCH in
? ? ? ? x86) toolchaindir=x86/x86_64-linux-android-$targetgccversion/bin
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? x86_64) toolchaindir=x86/x86_64-linux-android-$targetgccversion/bin
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? arm) toolchaindir=arm/arm-linux-androideabi-$targetgccversion/bin
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? arm64) toolchaindir=aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-$targetgccversion/bin;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?toolchaindir2=arm/arm-linux-androideabi-$targetgccversion2/bin
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? mips|mips64) toolchaindir=mips/mips64el-linux-android-$targetgccversion/bin
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? *)
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "Can't find toolchain for unknown architecture: $ARCH"
? ? ? ? ? ? toolchaindir=xxxxxxxxx
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? esac
? ? if [ -d "$gccprebuiltdir/$toolchaindir" ]; then
? ? ? ? export ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN=$gccprebuiltdir/$toolchaindir
? ? fi

? ? if [ "$toolchaindir2" -a -d "$gccprebuiltdir/$toolchaindir2" ]; then
? ? ? ? export ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_2ND_ARCH=$gccprebuiltdir/$toolchaindir2
? ? fi

? ? export ANDROID_DEV_SCRIPTS=$T/development/scripts:$T/prebuilts/devtools/tools:$T/external/selinux/prebuilts/bin

? ? # add kernel specific binaries
? ? case $(uname -s) in
? ? ? ? Linux)
? ? ? ? ? ? export ANDROID_DEV_SCRIPTS=$ANDROID_DEV_SCRIPTS:$T/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/dtc:$T/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/libufdt
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? *)
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? esac

? ? if [ -n "$ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_2ND_ARCH" ]; then
? ? fi

? ? # Append llvm binutils prebuilts path to ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS.
? ? local ANDROID_LLVM_BINUTILS=$(get_abs_build_var ANDROID_CLANG_PREBUILTS)/llvm-binutils-stable

? ? # Set up ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH for SANITIZE_HOST=address builds.

? ? # If prebuilts/android-emulator/<system>/ exists, prepend it to our PATH
? ? # to ensure that the corresponding 'emulator' binaries are used.
? ? case $(uname -s) in
? ? ? ? Darwin)
? ? ? ? ? ? ANDROID_EMULATOR_PREBUILTS=$T/prebuilts/android-emulator/darwin-x86_64
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? Linux)
? ? ? ? ? ? ANDROID_EMULATOR_PREBUILTS=$T/prebuilts/android-emulator/linux-x86_64
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? *)
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? esac
? ? fi

? ? # Append asuite prebuilts path to ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS.
? ? local os_arch=$(get_build_var HOST_PREBUILT_TAG)
? ? local ACLOUD_PATH="$T/prebuilts/asuite/acloud/$os_arch"
? ? local AIDEGEN_PATH="$T/prebuilts/asuite/aidegen/$os_arch"
? ? local ATEST_PATH="$T/prebuilts/asuite/atest/$os_arch"


? ? # out with the duplicate old
? ? if [ -n $ANDROID_PYTHONPATH ]; then
? ? fi
? ? # and in with the new
? ? export ANDROID_PYTHONPATH=$T/development/python-packages:
? ? if [ -n $VENDOR_PYTHONPATH ?]; then
? ? fi

? ? export ANDROID_JAVA_HOME=$(get_abs_build_var ANDROID_JAVA_HOME)

? ? export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=$(get_abs_build_var PRODUCT_OUT)

? ? export ANDROID_HOST_OUT=$(get_abs_build_var HOST_OUT)



? ? # needed for building linux on MacOS
? ? # TODO: fix the path
? ? #export HOST_EXTRACFLAGS="-I "$T/system/kernel_headers/host_include

function printconfig()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? get_build_var report_config

function set_stuff_for_environment()
? ? setpaths
? ? set_sequence_number

? ? export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(gettop)
? ? # With this environment variable new GCC can apply colors to warnings/errors
? ? export GCC_COLORS='error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01'

function set_sequence_number()

# Takes a command name, and check if it's in ENVSETUP_NO_COMPLETION or not.
function should_add_completion() {
? ? local cmd="$(basename $1| sed 's/_completion//' |sed 's/\.\(.*\)*sh$//')"
? ? ? ? *:"$cmd":*)
? ? ? ? ? ? return 1
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? esac
? ? return 0

function addcompletions()
? ? local T dir f

? ? # Keep us from trying to run in something that's neither bash nor zsh.
? ? if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" -a -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? # Keep us from trying to run in bash that's too old.
? ? if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" -a ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 3 ]; then
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local completion_files=(
? ? ? system/core/adb/adb.bash
? ? ? system/core/fastboot/fastboot.bash
? ? ? tools/asuite/
? ? )
? ? # Completion can be disabled selectively to allow users to use non-standard completion.
? ? # e.g.
? ? # ENVSETUP_NO_COMPLETION=adb # -> disable adb completion
? ? # ENVSETUP_NO_COMPLETION=adb:bit # -> disable adb and bit completion
? ? for f in ${completion_files[*]}; do
? ? ? ? if [ -f "$f" ] && should_add_completion "$f"; then
? ? ? ? ? ? . $f
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done

? ? if should_add_completion bit ; then
? ? ? ? complete -C "bit --tab" bit
? ? fi
? ? if [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
? ? ? ? # Doesn't work in zsh.
? ? ? ? complete -o nospace -F _croot croot
? ? fi
? ? complete -F _lunch lunch

? ? complete -F _complete_android_module_names gomod
? ? complete -F _complete_android_module_names m

function choosetype()
? ? echo "Build type choices are:"
? ? echo " ? ? 1. release"
? ? echo " ? ? 2. debug"
? ? echo

? ? DEFAULT_VALUE=release

? ? local ANSWER
? ? while [ -z $TARGET_BUILD_TYPE ]
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo -n "Which would you like? ["$DEFAULT_NUM"] "
? ? ? ? if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? read ANSWER
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo $1
? ? ? ? ? ? ANSWER=$1
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? case $ANSWER in
? ? ? ? "")
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? 1)
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? release)
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? 2)
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? debug)
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? *)
? ? ? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "I didn't understand your response. ?Please try again."
? ? ? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? esac
? ? ? ? if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? break
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done

? ? build_build_var_cache
? ? set_stuff_for_environment
? ? destroy_build_var_cache

# This function isn't really right: ?It chooses a TARGET_PRODUCT
# based on the list of boards. ?Usually, that gets you something
# that kinda works with a generic product, but really, you should
# pick a product by name.
function chooseproduct()
? ? local default_value
? ? if [ "x$TARGET_PRODUCT" != x ] ; then
? ? ? ? default_value=$TARGET_PRODUCT
? ? else
? ? ? ? default_value=holi
? ? fi

? ? export TARGET_PRODUCT=
? ? local ANSWER
? ? while [ -z "$TARGET_PRODUCT" ]
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo -n "Which product would you like? [$default_value] "
? ? ? ? if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? read ANSWER
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo $1
? ? ? ? ? ? ANSWER=$1
? ? ? ? fi

? ? ? ? if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_PRODUCT=$default_value
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? if check_product $ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_PRODUCT=$ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "** Not a valid product: $ANSWER"
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? break
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done

? ? build_build_var_cache
? ? set_stuff_for_environment
? ? destroy_build_var_cache

function choosevariant()
? ? echo "Variant choices are:"
? ? local index=1
? ? local v
? ? for v in ${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}
? ? do
? ? ? ? # The product name is the name of the directory containing
? ? ? ? # the makefile we found, above.
? ? ? ? echo " ? ? $index. $v"
? ? ? ? index=$(($index+1))
? ? done

? ? local default_value=userdebug
? ? local ANSWER

? ? while [ -z "$TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT" ]
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo -n "Which would you like? [$default_value] "
? ? ? ? if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? read ANSWER
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo $1
? ? ? ? ? ? ANSWER=$1
? ? ? ? fi

? ? ? ? if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$default_value
? ? ? ? elif (echo -n $ANSWER | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$") ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? if [ "$ANSWER" -le "${#VARIANT_CHOICES[@]}" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=${VARIANT_CHOICES[@]:$(($ANSWER-1)):1}
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? if check_variant $ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "** Not a valid variant: $ANSWER"
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? break
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done


# check to see if the supplied variant is valid
function check_project()
? ? for v in ${PROJECT_CHOICES[@]}
? ? do
? ? ? ? if [ "$v" = "$1" ]
? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? return 0
? ? ? ? fi
? ? done
? ? return 1

function chooseproject()
? ? T=$(gettop)
? ? echo "Project choices are:"
? ? local index=1
? ? local v
? ? for v in ${PROJECT_CHOICES[@]}
? ? do
? ? ? ? # The product name is the name of the directory containing
? ? ? ? # the makefile we found, above.
? ? ? ? echo " ? ? $index. $v"
? ? ? ? index=$(($index+1))
? ? done

? ? local default_value=SIM1FU010
? ? local ANSWER

? ? export SIMCOM_PROJECT=
? ? while [ -z "$SIMCOM_PROJECT" ]
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo -n "Which would you like? [$default_value] "
? ? ? ? if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? read ANSWER
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo $1
? ? ? ? ? ? ANSWER=$1
? ? ? ? fi

? ? ? ? if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? export SIMCOM_PROJECT=$default_value
? ? ? ? elif (echo -n $ANSWER | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$") ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? if [ "$ANSWER" -le "${#PROJECT_CHOICES[@]}" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? export SIMCOM_PROJECT=${PROJECT_CHOICES[$(($ANSWER-1))]}
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? if check_project $ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? export SIMCOM_PROJECT=$ANSWER
? ? ? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "** Not a valid project: $ANSWER"
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? break
? ?? ?fi
? ? done


function choosecombo()
? ? choosetype $1

? ? echo
? ? echo
? ? chooseproduct $2

? ? echo
? ? echo
? ? choosevariant $3

? ? echo
? ? echo
? ? chooseproject $4

? ? echo
? ? build_build_var_cache
? ? set_stuff_for_environment
? ? printconfig
? ? destroy_build_var_cache

function add_lunch_combo()
? ? if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo -n "${funcfiletrace[1]}: "
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo -n "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}: "
? ? fi
? ? echo "add_lunch_combo is obsolete. Use COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES in your instead."

function print_lunch_menu()
? ? local uname=$(uname)
? ? local choices=$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS= get_build_var COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES)
? ? echo
? ? echo "You're building on" $uname
? ? echo
? ? echo "Lunch menu... pick a combo:"

? ? local i=1
? ? local choice
? ? for choice in $(echo $choices)
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo " ? ? $i. $choice"
? ? ? ? i=$(($i+1))
? ? done

? ? echo

function lunch()
? ? local answer
? ? chooseproject $1

? ? if [ "$2" ] ; then
? ? ? ? answer=$2
? ? else
? ? ? ? print_lunch_menu
? ? ? ? echo -n "Which would you like? [holi-userdebug] "
? ? ? ? read answer
? ? fi

? ? local selection=

? ? if [ -z "$answer" ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? selection=holi-userdebug
? ? elif (echo -n $answer | grep -q -e "^[0-9][0-9]*$")
? ? then
? ? ? ? local choices=($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS= get_build_var COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES))
? ? ? ? if [ $answer -le ${#choices[@]} ]
? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? # array in zsh starts from 1 instead of 0.
? ? ? ? ? ? if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]
? ? ? ? ? ? then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? selection=${choices[$(($answer))]}
? ? ? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? selection=${choices[$(($answer-1))]}
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? fi
? ? else
? ? ? ? selection=$answer
? ? fi


? ? local product variant_and_version variant version

? ? product=${selection%%-*} # Trim everything after first dash
? ? variant_and_version=${selection#*-} # Trim everything up to first dash
? ? if [ "$variant_and_version" != "$selection" ]; then
? ? ? ? variant=${variant_and_version%%-*}
? ? ? ? if [ "$variant" != "$variant_and_version" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? version=${variant_and_version#*-}
? ? ? ? fi
? ? fi

? ? if [ -z "$product" ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? echo "Invalid lunch combo: $selection"
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? TARGET_PRODUCT=$product \
? ? build_build_var_cache
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? export TARGET_PRODUCT=$(get_build_var TARGET_PRODUCT)
? ? if [ -n "$version" ]; then
? ? else
? ? fi
? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release

? ? echo

? ? set_stuff_for_environment
? ? printconfig
? ? destroy_build_var_cache

# Tab completion for lunch.
function _lunch()
? ? local cur prev opts
? ? prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"

? ? if [ -z "$COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES_CACHE" ]; then
? ? fi

? ? COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${COMMON_LUNCH_CHOICES_CACHE}" -- ${cur}) )
? ? return 0

# Configures the build to build unbundled apps.
# Run tapas with one or more app names (from LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME)
function tapas()
? ? local showHelp="$(echo $* | xargs -n 1 echo | \grep -E '^(help)$' | xargs)"
? ? local arch="$(echo $* | xargs -n 1 echo | \grep -E '^(arm|x86|mips|arm64|x86_64|mips64)$' | xargs)"
? ? local variant="$(echo $* | xargs -n 1 echo | \grep -E '^(user|userdebug|eng)$' | xargs)"
? ? local density="$(echo $* | xargs -n 1 echo | \grep -E '^(ldpi|mdpi|tvdpi|hdpi|xhdpi|xxhdpi|xxxhdpi|alldpi)$' | xargs)"
? ? local apps="$(echo $* | xargs -n 1 echo | \grep -E -v '^(user|userdebug|eng|arm|x86|mips|arm64|x86_64|mips64|ldpi|mdpi|tvdpi|hdpi|xhdpi|xxhdpi|xxxhdpi|alldpi)$' | xargs)"

? ? if [ "$showHelp" != "" ]; then
? ? ? $(gettop)/build/make/
? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? if [ $(echo $arch | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "tapas: Error: Multiple build archs supplied: $arch"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? if [ $(echo $variant | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "tapas: Error: Multiple build variants supplied: $variant"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? if [ $(echo $density | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "tapas: Error: Multiple densities supplied: $density"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local product=aosp_arm
? ? case $arch in
? ? ? x86) ? ?product=aosp_x86;;
? ? ? mips) ? product=aosp_mips;;
? ? ? arm64) ?product=aosp_arm64;;
? ? ? x86_64) product=aosp_x86_64;;
? ? ? mips64) ?product=aosp_mips64;;
? ? esac
? ? if [ -z "$variant" ]; then
? ? ? ? variant=eng
? ? fi
? ? if [ -z "$apps" ]; then
? ? ? ? apps=all
? ? fi
? ? if [ -z "$density" ]; then
? ? ? ? density=alldpi
? ? fi

? ? export TARGET_PRODUCT=$product
? ? export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=$variant
? ? export TARGET_BUILD_DENSITY=$density
? ? export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
? ? export TARGET_BUILD_APPS=$apps

? ? build_build_var_cache
? ? set_stuff_for_environment
? ? printconfig
? ? destroy_build_var_cache

function gettop
? ? local TOPFILE=build/make/core/
? ? if [ -n "$TOP" -a -f "$TOP/$TOPFILE" ] ; then
? ? ? ? # The following circumlocution ensures we remove symlinks from TOP.
? ? ? ? (cd $TOP; PWD= /bin/pwd)
? ? else
? ? ? ? if [ -f $TOPFILE ] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? # The following circumlocution (repeated below as well) ensures
? ? ? ? ? ? # that we record the true directory name and not one that is
? ? ? ? ? ? # faked up with symlink names.
? ? ? ? ? ? PWD= /bin/pwd
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? local HERE=$PWD
? ? ? ? ? ? local T=
? ? ? ? ? ? while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? \cd ..
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T=`PWD= /bin/pwd -P`
? ? ? ? ? ? done
? ? ? ? ? ? \cd $HERE
? ? ? ? ? ? if [ -f "$T/$TOPFILE" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo $T
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? fi
? ? fi

function croot()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? if [ "$1" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? \cd $(gettop)/$1
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? \cd $(gettop)
? ? ? ? fi
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP."
? ? fi

function _croot()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
? ? ? ? k=0
? ? ? ? for c in $(compgen -d ${T}/${cur}); do
? ? ? ? ? ? COMPREPLY[k++]=${c#${T}/}/
? ? ? ? done
? ? fi

function cproj()
? ? local TOPFILE=build/make/core/
? ? local HERE=$PWD
? ? local T=
? ? while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do
? ? ? ? T=$PWD
? ? ? ? if [ -f "$T/" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? \cd $T
? ? ? ? ? ? return
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? \cd ..
? ? done
? ? \cd $HERE
? ? echo "can't find"

# simplified version of ps; output in the form
# <pid> <procname>
function qpid() {
? ? local prepend=''
? ? local append=''
? ? if [ "$1" = "--exact" ]; then
? ? ? ? prepend=' '
? ? ? ? append='$'
? ? ? ? shift
? ? elif [ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "usage: qpid [[--exact] <process name|pid>"
? ? ? ? return 255
? ? fi

? ? local EXE="$1"
? ? if [ "$EXE" ] ; then
? ? ? ? qpid | \grep "$prepend$EXE$append"
? ? else
? ? ? ? adb shell ps \
? ? ? ? ? ? | tr -d '\r' \
? ? ? ? ? ? | sed -e 1d -e 's/^[^ ]* *\([0-9]*\).* \([^ ]*\)$/\1 \2/'
? ? fi

# coredump_setup - enable core dumps globally for any process
# ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?that has the core-file-size limit set correctly
# NOTE: You must call also coredump_enable for a specific process
# ? ? ? if its core-file-size limit is not set already.
# NOTE: Core dumps are written to ramdisk; they will not survive a reboot!

function coredump_setup()
? ? echo "Getting root...";
? ? adb root;
? ? adb wait-for-device;

? ? echo "Remounting root partition read-write...";
? ? adb shell mount -w -o remount -t rootfs rootfs;
? ? sleep 1;
? ? adb wait-for-device;
? ? adb shell mkdir -p /cores;
? ? adb shell mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /cores;
? ? adb shell chmod 0777 /cores;

? ? echo "Granting SELinux permission to dump in /cores...";
? ? adb shell restorecon -R /cores;

? ? echo "Set core pattern.";
? ? adb shell 'echo /cores/core.%p > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern';

? ? echo "Done."

# coredump_enable - enable core dumps for the specified process
# $1 = PID of process (e.g., $(pid mediaserver))
# NOTE: coredump_setup must have been called as well for a core
# ? ? ? dump to actually be generated.

function coredump_enable()
? ? local PID=$1;
? ? if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
? ? ? ? printf "Expecting a PID!\n";
? ? ? ? return;
? ? fi;
? ? echo "Setting core limit for $PID to infinite...";
? ? adb shell /system/bin/ulimit -p $PID -c unlimited

# core - send SIGV and pull the core for process
# $1 = PID of process (e.g., $(pid mediaserver))
# NOTE: coredump_setup must be called once per boot for core dumps to be
# ? ? ? enabled globally.

function core()
? ? local PID=$1;

? ? if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
? ? ? ? printf "Expecting a PID!\n";
? ? ? ? return;
? ? fi;

? ? local CORENAME=core.$PID;
? ? local COREPATH=/cores/$CORENAME;
? ? local SIG=SEGV;

? ? coredump_enable $1;

? ? local done=0;
? ? while [ $(adb shell "[ -d /proc/$PID ] && echo -n yes") ]; do
? ? ? ? printf "\tSending SIG%s to %d...\n" $SIG $PID;
? ? ? ? adb shell kill -$SIG $PID;
? ? ? ? sleep 1;
? ? done;

? ? adb shell "while [ ! -f $COREPATH ] ; do echo waiting for $COREPATH to be generated; sleep 1; done"
? ? echo "Done: core is under $COREPATH on device.";

# systemstack - dump the current stack trace of all threads in the system process
# to the usual ANR traces file
function systemstack()
? ? stacks system_server

# Read the ELF header from /proc/$PID/exe to determine if the process is
# 64-bit.
function is64bit()
? ? local PID="$1"
? ? if [ "$PID" ] ; then
? ? ? ? if [[ "$(adb shell cat /proc/$PID/exe | xxd -l 1 -s 4 -p)" -eq "02" ]] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "64"
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo ""
? ? ? ? fi
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo ""
? ? fi

case `uname -s` in
? ? Darwin)
? ? ? ? function sgrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find -E . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o ?-type f -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cc|cpp|hpp|S|java|xml|sh|mk|aidl|vts)' \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ;;
? ? *)
? ? ? ? function sgrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o ?-type f -iregex '.*\.\(c\|h\|cc\|cpp\|hpp\|S\|java\|xml\|sh\|mk\|aidl\|vts\)' \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ;;

function gettargetarch
? ? get_build_var TARGET_ARCH

function ggrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f -name "*\.gradle" \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function gogrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f -name "*\.go" \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function jgrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f -name "*\.java" \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function cgrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.hpp' \) \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function resgrep()
? ? local dir
? ? for dir in `find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -name res -type d`; do
? ? ? ? find $dir -type f -name '*\.xml' -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +
? ? done

function mangrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -type f -name 'AndroidManifest.xml' \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function owngrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -type f -name 'OWNERS' \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

function sepgrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o -name sepolicy -type d \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n -r --exclude-dir=\.git "$@" {} +

function rcgrep()
? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -name out -prune -o -type f -name "*\.rc*" \
? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +

case `uname -s` in
? ? Darwin)
? ? ? ? function mgrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find -E . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o \( -iregex '.*/(Makefile|Makefile\..*|.*\.make|.*\.mak|.*\.mk|.*\.bp)' -o -regex '(.*/)?(build|soong)/.*[^/]*\.go' \) -type f \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? function treegrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find -E . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -type f -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cpp|hpp|S|java|xml)' \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n -i "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ;;
? ? *)
? ? ? ? function mgrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -path ./out -prune -o \( -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '(.*\/Makefile|.*\/Makefile\..*|.*\.make|.*\.mak|.*\.mk|.*\.bp)' -o -regextype posix-extended -regex '(.*/)?(build|soong)/.*[^/]*\.go' \) -type f \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? function treegrep()
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? find . -name .repo -prune -o -name .git -prune -o -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cpp|hpp|S|java|xml)' -type f \
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -exec grep --color -n -i "$@" {} +
? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ;;

function getprebuilt
? ? get_abs_build_var ANDROID_PREBUILTS

function tracedmdump()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP."
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? local prebuiltdir=$(getprebuilt)
? ? local arch=$(gettargetarch)
? ? local KERNEL=$T/prebuilts/qemu-kernel/$arch/vmlinux-qemu

? ? local TRACE=$1
? ? if [ ! "$TRACE" ] ; then
? ? ? ? echo "usage: ?tracedmdump ?tracename"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? if [ ! -r "$KERNEL" ] ; then
? ? ? ? echo "Error: cannot find kernel: '$KERNEL'"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local BASETRACE=$(basename $TRACE)
? ? if [ "$BASETRACE" = "$TRACE" ] ; then
? ? fi

? ? echo "post-processing traces..."
? ? rm -f $TRACE/qtrace.dexlist
? ? post_trace $TRACE
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "***"
? ? ? ? echo "*** Error: malformed trace. ?Did you remember to exit the emulator?"
? ? ? ? echo "***"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? echo "generating dexlist output..."
? ? /bin/ls $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/framework/*.jar $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/app/*.apk $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/*.apk 2>/dev/null | xargs dexlist > $TRACE/qtrace.dexlist
? ? echo "generating dmtrace data..."
? ? q2dm -r $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols $TRACE $KERNEL $TRACE/dmtrace || return
? ? echo "generating html file..."
? ? dmtracedump -h $TRACE/dmtrace >| $TRACE/dmtrace.html || return
? ? echo "done, see $TRACE/dmtrace.html for details"
? ? echo "or run:"
? ? echo " ? ?traceview $TRACE/dmtrace"

# communicate with a running device or emulator, set up necessary state,
# and run the hat command.
function runhat()
? ? # process standard adb options
? ? local adbTarget=""
? ? if [ "$1" = "-d" -o "$1" = "-e" ]; then
? ? ? ? adbTarget=$1
? ? ? ? shift 1
? ? elif [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then
? ? ? ? adbTarget="$1 $2"
? ? ? ? shift 2
? ? fi
? ? local adbOptions=${adbTarget}
? ? #echo adbOptions = ${adbOptions}

? ? # runhat options
? ? local targetPid=$1

? ? if [ "$targetPid" = "" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Usage: runhat [ -d | -e | -s serial ] target-pid"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? # confirm hat is available
? ? if [ -z $(which hat) ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "hat is not available in this configuration."
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? # issue "am" command to cause the hprof dump
? ? local devFile=/data/local/tmp/hprof-$targetPid
? ? echo "Poking $targetPid and waiting for data..."
? ? echo "Storing data at $devFile"
? ? adb ${adbOptions} shell am dumpheap $targetPid $devFile
? ? echo "Press enter when logcat shows \"hprof: heap dump completed\""
? ? echo -n "> "
? ? read

? ? local localFile=/tmp/$$-hprof

? ? echo "Retrieving file $devFile..."
? ? adb ${adbOptions} pull $devFile $localFile

? ? adb ${adbOptions} shell rm $devFile

? ? echo "Running hat on $localFile"
? ? echo "View the output by pointing your browser at http://localhost:7000/"
? ? echo ""
? ? hat -JXmx512m $localFile

function getbugreports()
? ? local reports=(`adb shell ls /sdcard/bugreports | tr -d '\r'`)

? ? if [ ! "$reports" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Could not locate any bugreports."
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? local report
? ? for report in ${reports[@]}
? ? do
? ? ? ? echo "/sdcard/bugreports/${report}"
? ? ? ? adb pull /sdcard/bugreports/${report} ${report}
? ? ? ? gunzip ${report}
? ? done

function getsdcardpath()
? ? adb ${adbOptions} shell echo -n \$\{EXTERNAL_STORAGE\}

function getscreenshotpath()
? ? echo "$(getsdcardpath)/Pictures/Screenshots"

function getlastscreenshot()
? ? local screenshot_path=$(getscreenshotpath)
? ? local screenshot=`adb ${adbOptions} ls ${screenshot_path} | grep Screenshot_[0-9-]*.*\.png | sort -rk 3 | cut -d " " -f 4 | head -n 1`
? ? if [ "$screenshot" = "" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "No screenshots found."
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? echo "${screenshot}"
? ? adb ${adbOptions} pull ${screenshot_path}/${screenshot}

function startviewserver()
? ? local port=4939
? ? if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? port=$1
? ? fi
? ? adb shell service call window 1 i32 $port

function stopviewserver()
? ? adb shell service call window 2

function isviewserverstarted()
? ? adb shell service call window 3

function key_home()
? ? adb shell input keyevent 3

function key_back()
? ? adb shell input keyevent 4

function key_menu()
? ? adb shell input keyevent 82

function smoketest()
? ? if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate output files. ?Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi

? ? (\cd "$T" && mmm tests/SmokeTest) &&
? ? ? adb uninstall > /dev/null &&
? ? ? adb uninstall > /dev/null &&
? ? ? adb install $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/SmokeTestApp.apk &&
? ? ? adb install $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/SmokeTest.apk &&
? ? ? adb shell am instrument -w

# simple shortcut to the runtest command
function runtest()
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? if [ ! "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP." >&2
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? ("$T"/development/testrunner/ $@)

function godir () {
? ? if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Usage: godir <regex>"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? local FILELIST
? ? if [ ! "$OUT_DIR" = "" ]; then
? ? ? ? mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
? ? ? ? FILELIST=$OUT_DIR/filelist
? ? else
? ? ? ? FILELIST=$T/filelist
? ? fi
? ? if [[ ! -f $FILELIST ]]; then
? ? ? ? echo -n "Creating index..."
? ? ? ? (\cd $T; find . -wholename ./out -prune -o -wholename ./.repo -prune -o -type f > $FILELIST)
? ? ? ? echo " Done"
? ? ? ? echo ""
? ? fi
? ? local lines
? ? lines=($(\grep "$1" $FILELIST | sed -e 's/\/[^/]*$//' | sort | uniq))
? ? if [[ ${#lines[@]} = 0 ]]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Not found"
? ? ? ? return
? ? fi
? ? local pathname
? ? local choice
? ? if [[ ${#lines[@]} > 1 ]]; then
? ? ? ? while [[ -z "$pathname" ]]; do
? ? ? ? ? ? local index=1
? ? ? ? ? ? local line
? ? ? ? ? ? for line in ${lines[@]}; do
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? printf "%6s %s\n" "[$index]" $line
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? index=$(($index + 1))
? ? ? ? ? ? done
? ? ? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? ? ? echo -n "Select one: "
? ? ? ? ? ? unset choice
? ? ? ? ? ? read choice
? ? ? ? ? ? if [[ $choice -gt ${#lines[@]} || $choice -lt 1 ]]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "Invalid choice"
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continue
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? ? ? pathname=${lines[@]:$(($choice-1)):1}
? ? ? ? done
? ? else
? ? ? ? pathname=${lines[@]:0:1}
? ? fi
? ? \cd $T/$pathname

# Update module-info.json in out.
function refreshmod() {
? ? if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "No ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? echo "Refreshing modules (building module-info.json). Log at $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/" >&2

? ? # for the output of the next command
? ? mkdir -p $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT || return 1

? ? # Note, can't use absolute path because of the way make works.
? ? m out/target/product/$(get_build_var TARGET_DEVICE)/module-info.json \
? ? ? ? > $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/ 2>&1

# List all modules for the current device, as cached in module-info.json. If any build change is
# made and it should be reflected in the output, you should run 'refreshmod' first.
function allmod() {
? ? if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "No ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? if [ ! -f "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/module-info.json" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Could not find module-info.json. It will only be built once, and it can be updated with 'refreshmod'" >&2
? ? ? ? refreshmod || return 1
? ? fi

? ? python -c "import json; print('\n'.join(sorted(json.load(open('$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/module-info.json')).keys())))"

# Get the path of a specific module in the android tree, as cached in module-info.json. If any build change
# is made, and it should be reflected in the output, you should run 'refreshmod' first.
function pathmod() {
? ? if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "No ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
? ? ? ? echo "usage: pathmod <module>" >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? if [ ! -f "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/module-info.json" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Could not find module-info.json. It will only be built once, and it can be updated with 'refreshmod'" >&2
? ? ? ? refreshmod || return 1
? ? fi

? ? local relpath=$(python -c "import json, os
module = '$1'
module_info = json.load(open('$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/module-info.json'))
if module not in module_info:
? ? exit(1)
print(module_info[module]['path'][0])" 2>/dev/null)

? ? if [ -z "$relpath" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Could not find module '$1' (try 'refreshmod' if there have been build changes?)." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/$relpath"
? ? fi

# Go to a specific module in the android tree, as cached in module-info.json. If any build change
# is made, and it should be reflected in the output, you should run 'refreshmod' first.
function gomod() {
? ? if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
? ? ? ? echo "usage: gomod <module>" >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? local path="$(pathmod $@)"
? ? if [ -z "$path" ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi
? ? cd $path

function _complete_android_module_names() {
? ? local word=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}
? ? COMPREPLY=( $(allmod | grep -E "^$word") )

# Print colored exit condition
function pez {
? ? "$@"
? ? local retval=$?
? ? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]
? ? then
? ? ? ? echo $'\E'"[0;31mFAILURE\e[00m"
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo $'\E'"[0;32mSUCCESS\e[00m"
? ? fi
? ? return $retval

function get_make_command()
? ? # If we're in the top of an Android tree, use soong_ui.bash instead of make
? ? if [ -f build/soong/soong_ui.bash ]; then
? ? ? ? # Always use the real make if -C is passed in
? ? ? ? for arg in "$@"; do
? ? ? ? ? ? if [[ $arg == -C* ]]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo command make
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? done
? ? ? ? echo build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo command make
? ? fi

function _wrap_build()
? ? if [[ "${ANDROID_QUIET_BUILD:-}" == true ]]; then
? ? ? "$@"
? ? ? return $?
? ? fi
? ? local start_time=$(date +"%s")
? ? "$@"
? ? local ret=$?
? ? local end_time=$(date +"%s")
? ? local tdiff=$(($end_time-$start_time))
? ? local hours=$(($tdiff / 3600 ))
? ? local mins=$((($tdiff % 3600) / 60))
? ? local secs=$(($tdiff % 60))
? ? local ncolors=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null)
? ? if [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ $ncolors -ge 8 ]; then
? ? ? ? color_failed=$'\E'"[0;31m"
? ? ? ? color_success=$'\E'"[0;32m"
? ? ? ? color_reset=$'\E'"[00m"
? ? else
? ? ? ? color_failed=""
? ? ? ? color_success=""
? ? ? ? color_reset=""
? ? fi
? ? echo
? ? if [ $ret -eq 0 ] ; then
? ? ? ? echo -n "${color_success}#### build completed successfully "
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo -n "${color_failed}#### failed to build some targets "
? ? fi
? ? if [ $hours -gt 0 ] ; then
? ? ? ? printf "(%02g:%02g:%02g (hh:mm:ss))" $hours $mins $secs
? ? elif [ $mins -gt 0 ] ; then
? ? ? ? printf "(%02g:%02g (mm:ss))" $mins $secs
? ? elif [ $secs -gt 0 ] ; then
? ? ? ? printf "(%s seconds)" $secs
? ? fi
? ? echo " ####${color_reset}"
? ? echo
? ? return $ret

function call_hook
? ? if [ "$2" = "-h" ] ||[ "$2" = "clean" ] ||[ "$2" = "--help" ]; then
? ? ? ? return 0
? ? fi
? ? local T=$(gettop)
? ? local ARGS
? ? if [ "$T" ]; then
? ? ? ? if [ "$1" = "m" ] || ?[ "$1" = "make" ] || [ "$1" = "mma" ] || ?[ "$1" = "mmma" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ARGS=$T
? ? ? ? elif [ "$1" = "mm" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ARGS=`/bin/pwd`
? ? ? ? elif [ "$1" = "mmm" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? local DIRS=$(echo "${@:2}" | awk -v RS=" " -v ORS=" " '/^[^-].*$/')
? ? ? ? ? ? local prefix=`/bin/pwd`
? ? ? ? ? ? for dir in $DIRS
? ? ? ? ? ? do
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ARGS+=$prefix"/"$dir" "
? ? ? ? ? ? done
? ? ? ? ? ? echo $ARGS
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? if [ -e $T/${QCPATH}/common/restriction_checker/ ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? python $T/${QCPATH}/common/restriction_checker/ $T $ARGS
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "Restriction Checker not present, skipping.."
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? local ret_val=$?
? ? ? ? if [ $ret_val -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "Violations detected, aborting build."
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? return $ret_val
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. ?Try setting TOP."
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

function _trigger_build()
? ? local -r bc="$1"; shift
? ? if T="$(gettop)"; then
? ? ? _wrap_build "$T/build/soong/soong_ui.bash" --build-mode --${bc} --dir="$(pwd)" "$@"
? ? else
? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree. Try setting TOP."
? ? fi

function m()
? ? call_hook ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? _trigger_build "all-modules" "$@"

function mm()
? ? call_hook ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? _trigger_build "modules-in-a-dir-no-deps" "$@"

function mmm()
? ? call_hook ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? _trigger_build "modules-in-dirs-no-deps" "$@"

function mma()
? ? call_hook ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? _trigger_build "modules-in-a-dir" "$@"

function mmma()
? ? call_hook ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@
? ? if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? _trigger_build "modules-in-dirs" "$@"

function make()
? ? _wrap_build $(get_make_command "$@") "$@"

function provision()
? ? if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "Couldn't locate output files. ?Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi
? ? if [ ! -e "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/provision-device" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "There is no provisioning script for the device." >&2
? ? ? ? return 1
? ? fi

? ? # Check if user really wants to do this.
? ? if [ "$1" = "--no-confirmation" ]; then
? ? ? ? shift 1
? ? else
? ? ? ? echo "This action will reflash your device."
? ? ? ? echo ""
? ? ? ? echo ""
? ? ? ? echo -n "Are you sure you want to do this (yes/no)? "
? ? ? ? read
? ? ? ? if [[ "${REPLY}" != "yes" ]] ; then
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "Not taking any action. Exiting." >&2
? ? ? ? ? ? return 1
? ? ? ? fi
? ? fi
? ? "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/provision-device" "$@"

# Zsh needs bashcompinit called to support bash-style completion.
function enable_zsh_completion() {
? ? # Don't override user's options if bash-style completion is already enabled.
? ? if ! declare -f complete >/dev/null; then
? ? ? ? autoload -U compinit && compinit
? ? ? ? autoload -U bashcompinit && bashcompinit
? ? fi

function validate_current_shell() {
? ? local current_sh="$(ps -o command -p $$)"
? ? case "$current_sh" in
? ? ? ? *bash*)
? ? ? ? ? ? function check_type() { type -t "$1"; }
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? ? ? *zsh*)
? ? ? ? ? ? function check_type() { type "$1"; }
? ? ? ? ? ? enable_zsh_completion ;;
? ? ? ? *)
? ? ? ? ? ? echo -e "WARNING: Only bash and zsh are supported.\nUse of other shell would lead to erroneous results."
? ? ? ? ? ? ;;
? ? esac

# Execute the contents of any files we can find.
# Unless we find an allowed-vendorsetup_sh-files file, in which case we'll only
# load those.
# This allows loading only approved files
function source_vendorsetup() {
? ? allowed=
? ? for f in $(find -L device vendor product -maxdepth 4 -name 'allowed-vendorsetup_sh-files' 2>/dev/null | sort); do
? ? ? ? if [ -n "$allowed" ]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? echo "More than one 'allowed_vendorsetup_sh-files' file found, not including any files:"
? ? ? ? ? ? echo " ?$allowed"
? ? ? ? ? ? echo " ?$f"
? ? ? ? ? ? return
? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? allowed="$f"
? ? done

? ? allowed_files=
? ? [ -n "$allowed" ] && allowed_files=$(cat "$allowed")
? ? for dir in device vendor product; do
? ? ? ? for f in $(test -d $dir && \
? ? ? ? ? ? find -L $dir -maxdepth 4 -name '' 2>/dev/null | sort); do

? ? ? ? ? ? if [[ -z "$allowed" || "$allowed_files" =~ $f ]]; then
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "including $f"; . "$f"
? ? ? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo "ignoring $f, not in $allowed"
? ? ? ? ? ? fi
? ? ? ? done
? ? done


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