flutter LinearGradient 实现像CSS一样的渐变角度
background: linear-gradient(
296.45deg, //代表角度 顺时针开始 比如right to left 就是90度 bottom to top 就是180
rgba(59, 206, 224, 0.67) -8.04%, // 这里 rgba就不用说了(不懂就百度), -8.04% 表示从这里开始渐变
rgba(85, 250, 162, 0.67) 106.2%),
const BoxDecoration(
gradient: LinearGradient(
stops: [-0.08, 1.06, 1],
colors: [
// Color.fromARGB(67, 59, 206, 224),
// Color.fromRGBO(67, 85, 250, 162),
Color.fromRGBO(59, 206, 224, 1),
Color.fromRGBO(85, 250, 162, 1),
begin: Alignment(2, 1),
end: Alignment(-2, -1),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(15)))