0x00 Lesson
Arrays are collections of values that are stored as a single value. For example, John, Paul, George, and Ringo are names, but arrays let you group them in a single value called The Beatles. In code, we write this:
let john = "John Lennon"
let paul = "Paul McCartney"
let george = "George Harrison"
let ringo = "Ringo Starr"
let beatles = [john, paul, george, ringo]
That last line makes the array: it starts and ends with brackets, with each item in the array separated by a comma.
You can read values from an array by writing a number inside brackets. Array positions count from 0, so if you want to read “Paul McCartney” you would write this:
Be careful : Swift crashes if you read an item that doesn’t exist. For example, trying to read beatles[9] is a bad idea.
Note: If vou’re using type annotations, arrays are written in brackets: [String], [Int], [Double] and [Bool]
0x01 Tips
If your array is empty , even reading array[0] will cause your app to crash . Be careful!
0x02 Test
Which of these lines create arrays?
let status = false, true, true, false
let characters: [Int] = ["Doctor Who"]
let playlistSizes = (100, 200, 300)
let height = "14.0"
let age = 26
let breeds = {"Labrador", "Chihuahua"}
var scores: [Int] = [12,23,24]
Answer: 01 - false: Arrays start and end with square brackets. 02 - false: This attempts to place a string array into an integer array, which is invalid in Swift. 03 - false: Arrays start and end with square brackets, [ and ], rather than parentheses. 04 - false: This creates s string. 05 - false: This creates an integer. 06 - false: Arrays start and end with square brackets, [ and ], rather than braces. 07 - true: This creates an array of three integers.
0x03 我的小作品
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