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[移动开发]AMS:ActivityRecord 理解

什么是 ActivityRecord ?android 的解释是 An entry in the history task, representing an activity。大意是 ActivityRecord 是历史任务中的一个记录,代表着 activity,换言之,它是应用层的 activity 在 AMS 中的记录。

那么这个记录,也就是 ActivityRecord 需要记录哪些东西呢 ?

1、Activity 稳定不变的身份信息

这类信息是每个 Activity 出生就确定的,且不会改变,标识着一个 activity 的身份。就好比人的出生信息。这些信息有 info、packageName、icon 等

 		 final ActivityInfo info; // activity info provided by developer in AndroidManifest
439      // The package implementing intent's component
440      // TODO: rename to mPackageName
441      final String packageName;
442      // the intent component, or target of an alias.
443      final ComponentName mActivityComponent;
		 private int icon;               // resource identifier of activity's icon.

2、Activity 启动时基本信息

是指启动 Activity 时,才确定的信息,在每次启动时可能会不同。如 launchedFromPid、task、launchedFromPackage、processName。

这样说还是挺抽象的,如果把启动 activity 比作人进行一次外出的话,这类信息就是出发地、目的地、出行方式,在计划这次出行后才能确定。

		 final int launchedFromPid; // always the pid who started the activity.
449      final String launchedFromPackage; // always the package who started the activity.
455      final String processName; // process where this component wants to run
469      private Task task;              // the task this is in.

3、Activity 过程耗时信息

在 activity 启动过程中,一些阶段的耗时信息。这类信息是只有阶段完成后才能统计确定。

470      private long createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
471      long lastVisibleTime;         // last time this activity became visible
472      long pauseTime;               // last time we started pausing the activity
473      long launchTickTime;          // base time for launch tick messages
474      long topResumedStateLossTime; // last time we reported top resumed state loss to an activity

4、Activity 当前状态信息

这些信息好理解,也是比较重要的,记录 activity 当前的生命周期状态。 主要看下枚举类型 State。

498      private State mState;    // current state we are in
508      boolean stopped;        // is activity pause finished?

566      enum State {
567          INITIALIZING,
568          STARTED,
569          RESUMED,
570          PAUSING,
571          PAUSED,
572          STOPPING,
573          STOPPED,
574          FINISHING,
575          DESTROYING,
576          DESTROYED,
578      }


主要是一些过程回调的等待的 timeout 阈值定义,以及超时发生后的处理方法。与是哪个 activity 或哪次启动无关,对所有 activity 适用。


// How long we wait until giving up on the last activity to pause.  This
414      // is short because it directly impacts the responsiveness of starting the
415      // next activity.
416      private static final int PAUSE_TIMEOUT = 500;
418      // Ticks during which we check progress while waiting for an app to launch.
419      private static final int LAUNCH_TICK = 500;
421      // How long we wait for the activity to tell us it has stopped before
422      // giving up.  This is a good amount of time because we really need this
423      // from the application in order to get its saved state. Once the stop
424      // is complete we may start destroying client resources triggering
425      // crashes if the UI thread was hung. We put this timeout one second behind
426      // the ANR timeout so these situations will generate ANR instead of
427      // Surface lost or other errors.
428      private static final int STOP_TIMEOUT = 11 * 1000;
430      // How long we wait until giving up on an activity telling us it has
431      // finished destroying itself.
432      private static final int DESTROY_TIMEOUT = 10 * 1000;


private final Runnable mPauseTimeoutRunnable = new Runnable() {
936          @Override
937          public void run() {
938              // We don't at this point know if the activity is fullscreen,
939              // so we need to be conservative and assume it isn't.
940              Slog.w(TAG, "Activity pause timeout for " + ActivityRecord.this);
941              synchronized (mAtmService.mGlobalLock) {
942                  if (!hasProcess()) {
943                      return;
944                  }
945                  mAtmService.logAppTooSlow(app, pauseTime, "pausing " + ActivityRecord.this);
946                  activityPaused(true);
947              }
948          }
949      };
951      private final Runnable mLaunchTickRunnable = new Runnable() {
952          @Override
953          public void run() {
954              synchronized (mAtmService.mGlobalLock) {
955                  if (continueLaunchTicking()) {
956                      mAtmService.logAppTooSlow(
957                              app, launchTickTime, "launching " + ActivityRecord.this);
958                  }
959              }
960          }
961      };
963      private final Runnable mDestroyTimeoutRunnable = new Runnable() {
964          @Override
965          public void run() {
966              synchronized (mAtmService.mGlobalLock) {
967                  Slog.w(TAG, "Activity destroy timeout for " + ActivityRecord.this);
968                  destroyed("destroyTimeout");
969              }
970          }
971      };
973      private final Runnable mStopTimeoutRunnable = new Runnable() {
974          @Override
975          public void run() {
976              synchronized (mAtmService.mGlobalLock) {
977                  Slog.w(TAG, "Activity stop timeout for " + ActivityRecord.this);
978                  if (isInHistory()) {
979                      activityStopped(
980                              null /*icicle*/, null /*persistentState*/, null /*description*/);
981                  }
982              }
983          }
984      };


将 activity 比作人,activity 的一次启动比作人的一次出行,ActivityRecord 就是出行记录。作如下理解

控制信息timeout、timeout 发生时的回调最多等 X 分钟车、等了 X 分钟后如何做。这里需要假定每个人的习惯都是一样的
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