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[移动开发][苹果APP上架]ios App Store上架详细教程-一条龙顺滑上架-适合小白 |
如何在 2022 年将您的应用提交到 App Store您正在启动您的第一个应用程序,或者距离上次已经有一段时间了。作者纸飞机@cheng716051来给你讲讲将应用程序提交到 App Store 并不像按下启动按钮那么简单,但也没有看起来那么复杂。 这篇循序渐进的文章假设您已经注册了 Apple 开发者计划,您的应用遵循 Apple 的应用审查和人机界面指南,并且您已准备好发布。这是对 Gustavo Ambrozio 和 Tony Dahbura 的精彩指南的更新,其中包含来自最新版本 Xcode 的信息,这些信息简化了一些步骤以及来自 Apple 自己的文档的更多上下文。为了分发您的应用程序进行 Beta 测试或在 App Store 中上线(tl;dr),请执行以下操作。 1. Code Signing: Create an iOS distribution provisioning profile and distribution certificate 1. 代码签名:创建 iOS 分发配置文件和分发证书 The development provisioning profile and development certificate that you’ve been using are only for specific devices. In order to distribute your app to beta testers or to users through the App Store, you’ll need a separate distribution provisioning profile and distribution certificate. 您一直使用的开发配置文件和开发证书仅适用于特定设备。为了通过 App Store 将您的应用分发给 beta 测试人员或用户,您需要一个单独的分发配置文件和分发证书。 The easiest way to do this is through Xcode. If automatic signing is enabled, Xcode will create and manage certificates, signing identities, and handle device registration for you. If automatic signing is already enabled or if you don’t need help with signing, you can skip to step two. 最简单的方法是通过 Xcode。如果启用了自动签名,Xcode 将为您创建和管理证书、签名身份并处理设备注册。如果自动签名已启用,或者您在签名方面不需要帮助,则可以跳到第二步。 (In some cases, you might prefer manual signing. Here‘s an in-depth tutorial on how to manually sign your app. Keep in mind that all targets in a bundle should use the same signing method.) (在某些情况下,您可能更喜欢手动签名。这里有一个关于如何手动签名您的应用程序的深入教程。请记住,捆绑包中的所有目标都应使用相同的签名方法。)
首先,将您的开发者计划帐户添加到 Xcode(如果您还没有的话)。从顶部菜单中,选择 Xcode,然后选择 Preferences。
When you connect a new device to your Mac, Xcode will automatically detect and register it to your team provisioning profile. Note that in order to launch your app on a device, the device needs to be registered on your team provisioning profile. 当您将新设备连接到 Mac 时,Xcode 会自动检测并将其注册到您的团队配置文件中。请注意,为了在设备上启动您的应用程序,该设备需要在您的团队配置文件中注册。 2. Create an App Store Connect record for your app 2. 为您的应用创建 App Store Connect 记录 Get an App Store Connect account by: 通过以下方式获取应用商店连接帐户:
For paid apps 对于付费应用 If you’re submitting a paid app, you’ll need to sign a contract that covers the terms of payment. If your app is free, you can skip ahead .如果您要提交付费应用,则需要签署一份涵盖付款条款的合同。如果您的应用程序是免费的,您可以跳过。 Click on?Agreements, Tax, and Banking?on the App Store Connect dashboard. 点击 App Store Connect 仪表板上的协议、税务和银行业务。 Click on?Request?under “Request Contracts”. 单击“请求合同”下的请求。 Review the agreement that appears, check the box to agree to the terms, and click on “Submit”. 查看出现的协议,选中复选框以同意条款,然后单击“提交”。 Under “Contracts In Process” click?Set Up?in the Contact Info column. 在“处理中的合同”下,点击联系信息列中的设置。 In the window that appears, click on?Add New Contact?and enter your information. 在出现的窗口中,单击添加新联系人并输入您的信息。 Back under “Contracts In Process” in the “Bank Info” column, click?Set Up?then?Add Bank Account?and follow the directions to save your account info. 返回“银行信息”列的“处理中的合同”下,点击设置,然后添加银行账户,然后按照说明保存您的账户信息。 In the “Tax Info” column, click?Set Up. A U.S. Tax Form is mandatory, so click?Set Up?and fill out the required information. Set up any other country tax forms necessary. 在“税务信息”列中,单击设置。美国税表是强制性的,因此请单击设置并填写所需信息。设置任何其他必要的国家税务表格。 After you’ve completed the above, the contract’s status will now say “Processing”. After Apple has verified the info you provided, which will take about an hour, the contract will now appear under “Contracts In Effect”. 完成上述操作后,合同状态现在将显示“处理中”。在 Apple 验证您提供的信息后,大约需要一个小时,合同现在将出现在“合同生效”下。 Add a new app 添加新应用 In the App Store Connect dashboard, select My Apps. 在 App Store Connect 仪表板中,选择我的应用程序。 Click on the?+?sign in the upper left-hand corner, then?New App. 点击左上角的+号,然后点击New App。 To create a new App Store Connect record, you’ll need these details: platform, app name, default language, bundle ID, and SKU. You can’t really change these details later, so be sure of what you enter. 要创建新的 App Store Connect 记录,您需要以下详细信息:平台、应用名称、默认语言、捆绑 ID 和 SKU。您以后无法真正更改这些详细信息,因此请确保输入的内容。
If applicable, you can also set user access at this step. 如果适用,您还可以在此步骤设置用户访问权限。 3. Archive and upload your app using Xcode3. 使用 Xcode 存档和上传您的应用程序
A success message will appear when the upload has been completed. Click?Done. 上传完成后将显示成功消息。单击完成。 4. Configure your app’s metadata and further details in its App Store Connect record 4. 在 App Store Connect 记录中配置应用的元数据和更多详细信息 Under the “App Store” tab in App Store Connect, on the “App Information” page you can add additional languages, categories, and your app’s Privacy Policy URL. 在 App Store Connect 的“App Store”选项卡下,在“App Information”页面上,您可以添加其他语言、类别和您的应用的隐私政策 URL。 Set your app as free or select its price tier on the “Pricing and Availability” page. 将您的应用设置为免费或在“定价和可用性”页面上选择其价格等级。 Under the “Features” tab, you can add configurations to any App Store technologies in your app, like Game Center and in-app purchases. 在“功能”选项卡下,您可以为应用中的任何 App Store 技术添加配置,例如 Game Center 和应用内购买。 At this stage, your app is marked with a yellow dot and the status “Prepare for Submission” in the left-hand panel under “App Store”. Select the build you want to configure. This is where you will add the information for your product page on the App Store. 在这个阶段,您的应用在“App Store”下的左侧面板中标有一个黄点和“准备提交”状态。选择要配置的构建。这是您将在 App Store 上添加产品页面信息的地方。 Upload your app’s screenshots (in JPEG or PNG format and without status bars). You can upload a set of screenshots for one device and use them for all the other sizes. 上传应用的屏幕截图(JPEG 或 PNG 格式,不带状态栏)。您可以为一个设备上传一组屏幕截图,并将它们用于所有其他尺寸。 Click on?Save?in the upper right-hand corner of the window after your screenshots have finished uploading. 截图上传完成后,点击窗口右上角的保存。 Scroll down and enter your app’s description, keywords, support URL, and marketing URL. 向下滚动并输入您的应用程序的描述、关键字、支持 URL 和营销 URL。
In the “General App Information” section below, upload your app’s icon, and enter its version number, and copyright and contact information.在下方的“一般应用信息”部分,上传您应用的图标,并输入其版本号、版权和联系信息。
Click on?Edit?next to “Rating” and select the applicable options for your app. Be honest — your app can be rejected during the review if it doesn’t match its rating. 单击“评级”旁边的编辑,然后为您的应用选择适用的选项。说实话 - 如果您的应用程序与评级不符,您的应用程序可能会在审核期间被拒绝。 Under the “App Review Information” section, enter your contact info, any notes you have for the reviewer, and set the version release date. 在“应用审核信息”部分下,输入您的联系信息、您对审核者的任何注释,并设置版本发布日期。
In the top right-hand corner, click?Save. Now you’re almost ready to “Submit for Review”. 在右上角,点击保存。现在您几乎可以“提交审核”了。 5. Submit your app for review 5. 提交您的应用以供审核 Scroll to the “Build” section in your app’s App Store Connect record. 滚动到应用的 App Store Connect 记录中的“构建”部分。 Click on “Select a build before you submit your app.” 单击“在提交应用程序之前选择构建”。 Choose the build that you uploaded through Xcode. Click?Done?in the bottom right-hand corner, then?Save?in the top-right hand corner, then?Submit for Review. 选择您通过 Xcode 上传的构建。单击右下角的完成,然后单击右上角的保存,然后提交以供审核。 Finally, answer the Export Compliance, Content Rights, and Advertising Identifier questions and click?Submit. 最后,回答出口合规、内容权利和广告标识符问题,然后单击提交。 Your app’s status is now “Waiting For Review”. 您的应用程序的状态现在是“等待审核”。 6. Check on the status of your app 6.检查您的应用程序的状态 In App Store Connect, select?Activity?in the top horizontal menu, then?App Store Versions?in the left-hand panel. 在 App Store Connect 中,在顶部水平菜单中选择 Activity,然后在左侧面板中选择 App Store Versions。 How long does it take to get App Store approval?获得应用商店批准需要多长时间? In most cases, it takes about one to three days to receive approval, and it can take up to 24 hours for your app to appear in the App Store after approval. Check current average app store review times here.在大多数情况下,大约需要 1 到 3 天的时间才能获得批准,而您的应用在获得批准后最长可能需要 24 小时才能出现在 App Store 中。在此处查看当前应用商店的平均审核时间。 You’ll receive e-mail notifications at each stage. Read more about each status here.您将在每个阶段收到电子邮件通知。在此处阅读有关每种状态的更多信息。 If you’re on a tight timeline and need to align your release with a specific event or if you need to release a new version with an urgent bug fix, you can request an expedited review.如果您的时间紧迫并且需要使您的版本与特定事件保持一致,或者如果您需要发布带有紧急错误修复的新版本,您可以申请加急审核。 If your app is rejected如果您的应用程序被拒绝 You’ll have to make the necessary fixes before you can submit your app again for review. Use the Resolution Center in App Store Connect to communicate with Apple about any questions you may have. You can also escalate the issue and submit an appeal if you believe your app was wrongly rejected.您必须先进行必要的修复,然后才能再次提交您的应用以供审核。使用 App Store Connect 中的解决中心与 Apple 沟通您可能遇到的任何问题。如果您认为您的应用被错误地拒绝,您也可以将问题上报并提交申诉。 One of the most common reasons for rejections from the Apple App Store is performance. Make sure that your app is complete and that you’ve tested it thoroughly and fixed all bugs. Using a bug reporting tool while beta testing will help reduce your app’s chances of being rejected due to performance issues.Apple App Store 拒绝的最常见原因之一是性能。确保您的应用程序是完整的,并且您已经对其进行了彻底的测试并修复了所有错误。在 Beta 测试期间使用错误报告工具将有助于减少您的应用因性能问题而被拒绝的机会。 If your app is approved如果您的应用程序获得批准 Congratulations! You’re now on the App Store. You can view downloads, sales, ratings, and reviews directly in App Store Connect.恭喜!您现在在 App Store 上。您可以直接在 App Store Connect 中查看下载量、销量、评分和评论。 |
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