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   -> 嵌入式 -> 嵌入式实操----基于RT1170 FreeRTOS时定器接口封装(二十二) -> 正文阅读

[嵌入式]嵌入式实操----基于RT1170 FreeRTOS时定器接口封装(二十二)

本文主要是通过迁移的思维,记录本人初次使用NXP MCUXpresso SDK API进行BSP开发

来源于qcloud-iot-explorer-sdk-embedded-c 定时器代码接口

1. hal_timer_freertos.c 内容

 /*Notes: !!!! HAL_Timer_ func  reference qcloud-iot-explorer-sdk-embedded-c*/
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "fsl_common.h"
#include "fsl_debug_console.h"
#include "hal_timer_freertos.h"
 * external variables                           *

 * external routine prototypes                  *

 * internal routine prototypes                  *

 * project-wide global variables                *

 * module-wide global variables                 *

 * constants                                    *

 * macros                                       *

 * routines' implementations                    *
uint32_t HAL_GetTimeMs(void)
    return xTaskGetTickCount();

/*Get timestamp*/
long HAL_Timer_current_sec(void)
    return HAL_GetTimeMs() / 1000;

char *HAL_Timer_current(char *time_str)
    long time_sec;
    time_sec = HAL_Timer_current_sec();
    memset(time_str, 0, TIME_FORMAT_STR_LEN);
    snprintf(time_str, TIME_FORMAT_STR_LEN, "%ld", time_sec);
    return time_str;

bool HAL_Timer_expired(Timer *timer)
    uint32_t now_ts;
    now_ts = HAL_GetTimeMs();
    return (now_ts > timer->end_time) ? true : false;

void HAL_Timer_countdown_ms(Timer *timer, unsigned int timeout_ms)
    timer->end_time = HAL_GetTimeMs();
    timer->end_time += timeout_ms;

void HAL_Timer_countdown(Timer *timer, unsigned int timeout)
    timer->end_time = HAL_GetTimeMs();
    timer->end_time += timeout * 1000;

int HAL_Timer_remain(Timer *timer)
    return (int)(timer->end_time - HAL_GetTimeMs());

void HAL_Timer_init(Timer *timer)
    timer->end_time = 0;

2. hal_timer_freertos.h 内容


#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#endif  // __HAL_TIMER_FREERTOS_H__

 * Define timer structure, platform dependant
struct Timer {
    uint32_t end_time;

typedef struct Timer Timer;

 * @brief Check if timer expires or not
 * @param timer     reference to timer
 * @return          true = expired, false = not expired yet
bool HAL_Timer_expired(Timer *timer);

 * @brief Set the countdown/expired value for the timer
 * @param timer         reference to timer
 * @param timeout_ms    countdown/expired value (unit: millisecond)
void HAL_Timer_countdown_ms(Timer *timer, unsigned int timeout_ms);

 * @brief Set the countdown/expired value for the timer
 * @param timer         reference to timer
 * @param timeout       countdown/expired value (unit: second)
void HAL_Timer_countdown(Timer *timer, unsigned int timeout);

 * @brief Check the remain time of the timer
 * @param timer     reference to timer
 * @return          0 if expired, or the left time in millisecond
int HAL_Timer_remain(Timer *timer);

 * @brief Init the timer
 * @param timer reference to timer
void HAL_Timer_init(Timer *timer);

#define TIME_FORMAT_STR_LEN (20)
 * @brief Get local time in format: %y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
 * @return string of formatted time
char *HAL_Timer_current(char *time_str);

 * @brief Get timestamp in second
 * @return   timestamp in second
long HAL_Timer_current_sec(void);


3. 总结


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