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   -> 嵌入式 -> 申请ARM DS-5单月试用版并安装 -> 正文阅读

[嵌入式]申请ARM DS-5单月试用版并安装

开发ARM嵌入式系统时,调试过程会非常长。而一旦系统正常工作后,通常需要优化性能和功能。 DS-5是进行ARM裸机调试的利器,它继调试器,优化器,编辑器,编译器以及各类性能profile分析工具于一体,是进行ARM底层开发必不可少的工具。不过最可惜的是,它不是免费的,包括DSTREAM在内全套下来有将近十万。






caozilong@caozilong-Vostro-3268:~/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0$ tree
├── license_terms
│?? ├── license_agreement.txt
│?? ├── redistributables.txt
│?? ├── supplementary_terms.txt
│?? └── third_party_licenses
│??     ├── arm_compiler_6
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── debugger
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── dstream-st
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── examples
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── graphics_analyzer
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── models
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     ├── streamline
│??     │?? └── third_party_licenses.txt
│??     └── third_party_licenses.txt
└── readme.html

9 directories, 13 files


root@caozilong-Vostro-3268:/home/caozilong/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0# ./ 
Welcome to the Installer for Arm Development Studio 2021.1
--- Host target check...[x86_64]

This end user license agreement ("License") is a legal agreement between you (a single individual), or the company or organisation (a single legal entity) that you represent and have the legal authority t
o bind, and Arm relating to use of the Arm Tools. Arm is only willing to license the Arm Tools on condition that you accept all of the terms of this License. By clicking "I Agree" or by installing or othe
rwise using the Arm Tools and/or any Update thereto (as permitted by this License) you indicate that you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this License. If you do not agree to the te
rms of this License, Arm will NOT license the Arm Tools to you, you may not install or use the Arm Tools or any part thereof, and you shall promptly return the Arm Tools to Arm or to your supplier (if not
 Arm) and ask for a refund of the license fee paid (if any). 


(A)	The terms and conditions set out in this License shall apply to the supply by Arm of Arm Tools for both commercial and non-commercial use. If you are in receipt of a Non-Commercial Use License for
 the Arm Tools (each capitalised term as defined below), or the Arm Tools or any component thereof are identified or classified as such, or you are receiving a license for the Arm Tools free of charge, th
en notwithstanding any of the other terms and conditions of this License, your use of the Arm Tools shall be limited by the restrictions of use set out in clause 3 of this License.

(B)	PLEASE NOTE any terms and conditions of use set out in the order documentation provided to you by Arm and the Software Information File(s) (as defined below) applicable to the Arm Tools provided t
o you with (or included within) either (i) the Arm Tools, and/or (ii) any Updates to the Arm Tools, which limit, extend or otherwise vary the permitted uses and restrictions applicable to the Arm Tools ("
Special Conditions"). The Special Conditions form part of and are incorporated into this License. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions set out in the main body of this Lice
nse and any of the Special Conditions, the provisions set out in the Special Conditions shall prevail (in the order in which they are listed in this paragraph).

(C)	This License (and any documents incorporated by reference herein) is the sole and exclusive agreement between you and Arm for the Arm Tools, and (except as agreed in writing to the contrary) no ot
her document, including (but not limited to) your purchase order or any other document supplied by you, will form part of this License. 

For the purposes of this License the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:
"Arm" means Arm Limited whose registered office is situated at 110 Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NJ, England and/or any member of Arm's group of companies.
"Arm Documentation" means any printed, electronic or online documentation owned or licensed by Arm that relates to the Arm Software.
"Arm Software" means any software, firmware and data owned or licensed by Arm. 
"Arm Tools" means the Arm Software and/or Arm Documentation (including any Updates to the Arm Software and/or Arm Documentation) licensed to you by Arm under this License.
"Arm Tools Performance Data" means any results, benchmarking data or other information relating to or connected with your use or testing of Arm Tools which is indicative of their performance, efficacy, re
liability or quality.
"Fees" means any fee(s) payable by you for the provision by Arm to you of the Arm Tools and associated support and maintenance services, and any other fees payable by you in accordance with this License t
hat are agreed by the parties from time to time.
"License Key" means an electronic license key issued to you by Arm which enables you to use and run one or more Licensed Seat of an Arm Tool or a component thereof in accordance with the terms of this Lic
"Licensed Seats" means any and all Seats of the Arm Tools (including, if applicable, Updates) that you are licensed to run and use concurrently under the terms of this License, in the types and quantities
 specified (if applicable) in the order documentation provided to you by Arm, as well as any additional or replacement Seats of the Arm Tools that Arm provides to you from time to time during the License 
Term (For the purposes of this definition, "Seat" meaning a written or electronic authorisation to run a software component subject to the terms and restrictions specified in that authorisation).
"License Term" means the term set out in the order documentation provided to you by Arm during which you shall be entitled to access and use the Arm Tools. 
"Non-Commercial Use License" means an evaluation, preview, beta, pre-release, pilot, academic, educational or community use only license.
"Permitted Users" means your employees, workers, consultants, professional advisors, bona fide sub-contractors and service providers that use the Arm Tools in connection with the provision of work carried
 out for your benefit, and/or, other members of your organisation or third party users who use the Arm Tools with your express written permission on computers (physical or virtual) owned or controlled by 
"Redistributables" means the example code, library files, configuration files, header files, and any other Arm Tools or components thereof owned by Arm (or licensed by Arm and provided to you under Arm's 
terms and conditions) which you are permitted to include within Your Software and redistribute or sub-license within Your Software to third parties, the details of which (if applicable) are set out in a f
ile or folder (the "Redistributables File") typically named 'redistributables' located within the 'license_terms' folder in an Arm Tool (or components thereof).
"Software Information File(s)" means Third Party Licenses Files, Redistributables Files, and/or Supplementary Terms Files (as the context requires).
"Special Conditions" is as defined above in Recital (B) of this License.
"Specified Project" means a single design and development activity undertaken by you or your Permitted Users relating to Your Software or Your Hardware, the details of which (if applicable) shall be set o
ut in the order documentation provided to you by Arm.
"Supplementary Terms File" means a software file or folder typically named 'supplementary_terms' located within the 'license_terms' folder in an Arm Tool (or components thereof) which (if applicable) deta
ils any component-specific extensions, limitations or other variations to the terms of this License.
"Territory" means, if applicable, the geographical area detailed in the order documentation provided to you by Arm to which your use of the Arm Tools or any part thereof is restricted. 
"Third Party Licenses File" means a software file or folder typically named 'third_party_licenses' located within the 'license_terms' folder in an Arm Tool (or components thereof) which (if applicable) de
tails any third party material included in the relevant Arm Tool which is not licensed under the terms of this License, and references the applicable third party license terms and conditions. 
"Update" means an update, patch, hotfix, bug fix, support release, modification or limited functional enhancement (as applicable) to an Arm Tool or component thereof, including but not limited to error co
rrections to any program or associated documentation developed by or for Arm comprised in the Arm Tools, which (i) Arm makes generally available to the market, and (ii) does not, in Arm's opinion, constit
ute an Upgrade or a new product. 
"Upgrade" means a new release of an existing Arm Tool which Arm makes generally available to the market and which usually contains major functional improvements.
"Your Hardware" means hardware manufactured or developed by you or on your behalf, or hardware owned or licensed by you, which is supported by the Arm Tools.
"Your Reports" means any written reports or other information relating to the behavior, performance or configuration of Your Software or Your Hardware, in html, binary, text or any other format (excluding
 for the avoidance of doubt, Arm Tools Performance Data), generated by you from or using Arm Tools and any modifications thereto.
"Your Software" means any software owned or licensed by you (including, but not limited to, applications, libraries and Arm API compliant plug-ins, but excluding Arm Software) which is supported by (or de
veloped by you using) Arm Tools. 

2.1 	Subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of this License, and payment by you of the Fees (if any), Arm hereby grants to you and your Permitted Users during the License Term a non-e
xclusive, non-transferable license to receive and use the Arm Tools, certain components thereof, or optional functionality, in the Territory only on the Licensed Seats or for a Specified Project (as appli
cable) for the permitted uses set out in this clause 2 and subject to the restrictions set out in clause 3 (as limited, extended or otherwise varied by any terms, including product-specific permitted uses
 and restrictions, set out in the Special Conditions). Except as expressly permitted by this License, you and your Permitted Users shall NOT copy, modify, sub-license, redistribute or otherwise use any co
mponent of the Arm Tools. 

2.2 PERMITTED USE OF THE ARM TOOLS: Except as otherwise provided in this License, use of the Arm Tools (or components thereof) is permitted for the purpose of: 
(a) building, developing, testing, debugging, analysing and optimising Your Software or Your Hardware; 
(b) generation of Your Reports, and use of Your Reports to develop, test, debug, analyse and optimise Your Software or Your Hardware; and
(c) only as expressly permitted in the relevant Redistributables File: (i) incorporating, compiling and/or linking the files listed in that Redistributables File into Your Software, provided that Your Sof
tware contains substantial additional functionality; and (ii) subject to clause 3.1 below, reproducing and redistributing the files (and permitting your customers and/or your authorised distributors to re
produce and redistribute the files), only in object code form (unless otherwise specified in the relevant Redistributables Files), and only as part of Your Software. You agree that, except as expressly pr
ovided to the contrary in the relevant Redistributables File, you may only copy the Arm Tools (or any component thereof) to the extent that such copying is incidental to the permitted uses set out in this
 clause 2.2, including installation, backup and execution.

3.1	OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO REDISTRIBUTION: Any redistribution as permitted by this License is subject to any restrictions set out in the applicable Special Conditions, and your compliance with the fo
(a) 	in cases where you are expressly permitted under this License (including for the avoidance of doubt by inclusion of agreed wording in the order documentation provided to you by Arm) to sub-license
 or redistribute any Arm Tool or component thereof to your customers, authorised distributors or other third parties, you are responsible for ensuring that such customers, authorised distributors and thir
d parties accept, and are contractually bound (by agreement with you or directly with Arm) to comply with, the terms and conditions of this License; 
(b) 	any use by you of Arm's or any of its licensors' names, logos or trademarks to publicise or market any of Your Software containing (or developed or generated using) Arm Tools is subject to you obt
aining express written permission from Arm;
(c)	you warrant that you shall not make any representations or warranties on behalf of Arm in respect of any of the Arm Tools or in respect of any other software, reports or documentation developed or
 generated by you in accordance with the license grants set out in this License; 
(d)	you must reproduce or preserve (as applicable) any copyright notices which are included in or with any Arm Tools or components thereof; and
(e)	except as otherwise agreed by Arm (including for the avoidance of doubt by inclusion of the relevant permission in a Supplementary Terms File), you may not disclose or otherwise distribute any Arm
 Tools Performance Data. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this sub-clause 3.1 (e) shall prevent you from disclosing or otherwise distributing Your Reports.

3.2	NON-COMMERCIAL USE AND FREE OF CHARGE LICENSES: If you are in receipt of a Non-Commercial Use License for the Arm Tools, or the Arm Tools or any component thereof are identified or classified as s
uch, and/or you are receiving the Arm Tools free of charge, then notwithstanding any of the other terms and conditions of this License, your use (which includes use by your Permitted Users) of the Arm Too
ls is limited as follows: 
(a)	if you are receiving the Arm Tools free of charge:
(i)	no support or maintenance shall be provided to you in respect of the Arm Tools; 
(ii)	the warranty set out in clause 8.1 of this License does not apply to you or your use of the Arm Tools, and Arm gives no other warranty whatsoever in relation to (and accepts no liability in connec
tion with) the Arm Tools or your use (as permitted by this License) of them;
(iii)	Arm may immediately terminate this License at any time for any reason by giving written notice to you;
(iv)	except as otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Arm, you shall grant to Arm in full the license set out in clause 4.2 of this License; and/or
(b)	if you are receiving a Non-Commercial Use License or version (as applicable) of the Arm Tools: 
(i) 	you and your Permitted Users may use the Arm Tools for internal use only; and 
(ii) 	you are not permitted to distribute or sub-license (A) any part of the Arm Tools, or (B) Your Software, Your Hardware, or Your Reports developed under this License using the Arm Tools. The Arm Too
ls shall be used only by you and your Permitted Users, and you shall not (except as otherwise authorised in writing by Arm) allow any other third party whatsoever to use the Arm Tools.
For the avoidance of doubt, if you are receiving a Non-Commercial Use License and the license is provided to you free of charge, the restrictions in both sub-clauses (a) and (b) above will apply to your u
se of the Arm Tools.

3.3	RESTRICTIONS RELATING TO LICENSE TYPES: Depending on the type of license you have purchased from Arm under this License (the details of which shall be set out in the order documentation provided t
o you by Arm), your use of each Licensed Seat of an Arm Tool shall be limited to:
(a) 	for a 'Node Locked License', use only (i) on one specified item of computer hardware, and (ii) at any point in time, by one individual Permitted User for one 'process'. For the purpose of this sub
-clause 3.3 (a), each 'process' is the execution of an instance of an Arm Tool; 
(b)	for a 'Floating License', use only by one individual Permitted User at a time on specified items of computer hardware; 
(c)	for an 'Authorised User License', use only by (i) one individual assigned Permitted User, OR (ii) one assigned Automation Process, provided always that only Permitted Users that have a valid Autho
rised User License for an Arm Tool shall be permitted to deliver to an Automation Process jobs generated using that Arm Tool. For the purposes of this sub-clause 3.3 (c), "Automation Process" means a proc
ess or processes used to automate certain software methods, such as continuous integration; or
(d)	in respect of a 'Specified Project License', use for a Specified Project.
3.4	PERMITTED USERS: You hereby agree to be responsible for the acts and omissions of any and all Permitted Users, and shall ensure that such Permitted Users (i) are contractually obliged to comply wi
th the terms of this License, including those relating to confidentiality; and (ii) do not supply Arm Tools or any components thereof to any third party whatsoever. Except as expressly provided in this Li
cense or as agreed in writing by Arm on a case by case basis, you shall not sub-license, redistribute, lease, rent or otherwise allow any third party to use the Arm Tools or License Keys. 

3.5	REVERSE ENGINEERING: Your use of Arm Tools shall specifically exclude the reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembly, translation, adaptation, arrangement or other alteration of any part of the
 Arm Tools (except to the extent that applicable law overrides this provision or any part hereof). 

3.6	COPYRIGHT AND RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: Arm Tools are owned by Arm and/or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, laws and international treaties. Arm Too
ls are licensed not sold. Except as expressly provided by this License, you acquire no rights to any Arm Tools or elements thereof, or to any other Arm products or services. You shall not remove from Arm 
Tools any copyright notice or other notice and shall ensure that any such notice is reproduced in any permitted reproduction of the whole or any part of the Arm Tools.

3.7	TECHNICAL RESTRICTIONS IN THE ARM TOOLS: You must comply with any technical restrictions in Arm Tools and License Keys, including any restrictions that restrict use to certain components of Arm To
ols or use only for certain purposes. You shall not work around any such technical restrictions.

3.8	ARM DOCUMENTATION: Use of Arm Documentation (if any) is permitted internally only in conjunction with your use of the Arm Software to which it relates.

4.1	You may at your discretion deliver any suggestions, comments, feedback, ideas, or know-how (whether in oral or written form) to Arm relating to or connected with your use of Arm Tools ("Feedback")
. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you shall not knowingly give to Arm any Feedback that you are aware (or should reasonably be aware) is subject to any patent, copyright or other intellectual property clai
m or right of any third party.

4.2	Except as expressly notified by you to Arm (in writing which may include email) to the contrary, you hereby grant to Arm under your and your affiliates (as applicable) intellectual property rights
, a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to: (i) use, copy, modify, and create derivative works of the Feedback; (ii) sell, supply or otherwise distribute the whole or an
y part of the Feedback (and derivative works thereof) as part of any Arm owned or licensed product(s) without obligation or restriction of any kind; and (iii) sub-license to third parties the foregoing ri
ghts, including the right to sub-license to further third parties. No right is granted by you to Arm to sub-license your and your affiliates (as applicable) intellectual property rights except to the exte
nt that it is provided to Arm as Feedback and is embodied in any Arm owned or licensed product(s). For the avoidance of doubt, if, during the License Term, you provide notice to Arm revoking the license g
ranted under this clause 4.2, you acknowledge and agree that such revocation shall not apply to Feedback delivered to Arm prior to the date of receipt of the revocation notice, and that (notwithstanding t
he foregoing) Arm shall continue to be permitted to use Feedback received after the date of receipt of the revocation notice for internal purposes.  

4.3	Except as expressly licensed to Arm in clause 4.2, you retain all right, title and interest in and to the Feedback provided by you under this License.
5.1	Arm Software may include features that enable it to transmit certain computer information over the internet to Arm's computer systems. Any non-anonymous data collected by Arm, for example your com
puter's internet protocol address, computer hardware and operating system details, or the serial numbers of Arm Tools you have licensed, shall be used by Arm only for the purpose of Arm protecting its leg
itimate interests, which may include Arm verifying your right to use any Arm Tools and monitoring your compliance with the permitted uses and restrictions set out in this License. 

5.2	Arm may also collect anonymous data, which, for the avoidance of doubt, cannot be used to identify individual users of Arm Tools. This information may be used by Arm to help us understand and anal
yse what components or features in Arm Tools our end users are using in order to (i) maintain and improve the quality of the Arm Tools and the end user experience, (ii) inform end users of relevant new an
d improved products and services, and (iii) assist end users to maximise the performance of, or solve user experience issues with, the Arm Tools.

5.3	Information collected by Arm Software will only be used for the aforementioned purposes. Please refer to the Arm Privacy Policy for further information
 on how Arm collects, uses and safeguards personal data (including but not limited to personal data collected for the protection of Arm's legitimate interests and your rights to object to its collection).

6.1	Provision of reasonable support and maintenance is subject to payment by you of all applicable Fees. 

6.2	Any support provided by Arm in accordance with the above clause 6.1 shall (i) be provided by telephone, email or such other format as is designated by Arm, (ii) be prioritised at Arm's discretion,
 and (iii) not be used as a substitute for training or as additional resource for your projects. 

6.3	Maintenance will generally be provided in the form of Updates to Arm Tools. Arm shall be under no obligation to provide such maintenance in respect of any modifications made by you (where permitte
d) to Arm Tools. Updates do not constitute additional Licensed Seats and may only be used by you if you have an active Licensed Seat to run and use such Updates. Updates will generally be provided to you 
as soon as reasonably practicable following the date of general public release of the Update by Arm.

6.4	In cases where the Arm Tools were provided to you free of charge, you are not entitled to any support or maintenance for the Arm Tools from Arm, but Arm may, in its sole discretion, provide suppor
t to you. If you obtained the Arm Tools from an Arm authorised distributor, reseller or other third party, support and maintenance may be provided by either Arm or the third party as per the terms of your
 contract for supply. Arm shall not be responsible for any delay or failure in connection with any third party supplier providing support or maintenance that it is obligated to provide to you. Please refe
r to the 'Support' area of for details of Arm's support services, relevant contact details, and (if applicable) details of other authorised support channels.

6.5	Any obligation Arm has under this clause 6 is limited to the provision of support and maintenance to you, and Arm is under no obligation to provide any support and maintenance to any third parties
. You agree to provide all front line support services to all third parties to whom you distribute any Arm Tools, Your Reports, Your Software or Your Hardware, pursuant to and in accordance with the terms
 of this License. 

6.6	This License does not grant you any entitlement to receive (i) Upgrades, (ii) Arm products other than those specified in your product documentation, or (iii) any new products developed or introduc
ed by Arm from time to time, nor to receive any support or maintenance in respect of the same. 

7.1 You acknowledge that the Arm Tools, License Keys, Arm Tools Performance Data, and any and all other software, documentation or other information licensed to you by Arm, or provided to you during discu
ssions about or in connection with the Arm Tools (including this License and information provided during the provision by Arm of any support), contain trade secrets and confidential information of Arm ("C
onfidential Information"). 

7.2 You agree to maintain all such Confidential Information in confidence and apply security measures (such measures to be no less stringent than the measures which you apply (or should reasonably apply) 
to protect your own like information, but not less than a reasonable degree of care) to prevent their unauthorised disclosure and use. 

7.3 Subject to any restrictions imposed by applicable law, the period of confidentiality shall be indefinite. You agree that you shall not use any such information other than in your normal use of the Arm
 Tools as permitted by this License. 

8.1	For the period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt by you of Arm Tools, Arm warrants to you that; (i) Arm Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying Arm Docum
entation (if any); and (ii) Arm Software will be compatible with the hardware and software mentioned as such in the Arm Documentation. Arm's total liability and your exclusive remedy for breach of these w
arranties shall be limited to Arm, at Arm's option (a) replacing any defective Arm Software; or (b) using reasonable efforts to correct material, documented, reproducible defects in the Arm Software and d
elivering such corrected Arm Software to you; or (c) if you licensed the Arm Software directly from Arm, refunding the price paid by you to Arm for that Arm Software. Any replacement Arm Software will be 
warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days from the date of replacement, whichever is longer.

8.2	Arm Software described in any Arm Documentation is subject to continuous development and improvement. All particulars of Arm Software and its use as described in the applicable Arm Documentation a
re given by Arm in good faith. Consequently, the information contained in Arm Documentation is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error free. If you discover any errors in Arm Doc
umentation please report them to Arm in writing. Any Arm Documentation provided to you that relates to specific industry quality and functional safety standard compliance may assist you in applying to a c
ompetent auditor for certification of Your Software or Your Hardware, but you acknowledge and agree that on its own such Arm Documentation may not provide sufficient evidence of, or be compatible with, th
e required safety compliance standards.

8.3	Except as provided in clause 8.1 above, you agree that Arm Tools, and any associated support and maintenance, are licensed or provided (as applicable) "as is", and that Arm and its licensors expre
ssly disclaim all representations, warranties, conditions or other terms, express or implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, satis
factory quality, and fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that any Arm Tools are fit for the intended purpose and satisfy your requirements,
 including compatibility with Your Hardware, and you expressly assume all liabilities and risks relating to (i) any use of an Arm Tool which is inconsistent with its design or any guidance provided to you
 in the applicable Arm Documentation, and/or (ii) any use of an Arm Tool with Your Software or Your Hardware where such software or hardware (as applicable) is not supported by or compatible with the rele
vant Arm Tool.

8.4	You expressly assume all liabilities and risks relating to your use or operation of Your Software and Your Hardware designed or modified using Arm Tools, including without limitation, Your softwar
e or Your Hardware designed or intended for safety-critical applications. Should Your Software or Your Hardware prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction

9.1	To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Arm be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of profits) arising out of the use
 of, or inability to use, Arm Tools, whether based on a claim under contract, tort or otherwise, even if Arm was advised of the possibility of such damages.
9.2	Arm does not seek to limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury arising from Arm's negligence or Arm's fraud. Arm acknowledges that certain jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion o
r limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, and in such cases the above limitation relating to liability for consequential damages may not apply to you.

9.3	Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this License, the maximum liability of Arm to you in aggregate (in contract, tort or otherwise) in relation to or in connection with the subje
ct matter of this License shall not exceed the greater of (i) the total sums paid by you to Arm (if any) for this License, and (ii) $10.00 USD. The existence of more than one claim or suit will not enlarg
e or extend the limit. You release Arm from all obligations, liability, claims or demands in excess of this limitation. 

10.1	Arm Tools may contain material owned or developed by third parties, including but not limited to open source software, freeware and commercial software ("Third Party Material"). Details relating t
o such Third Party Material shall be detailed in the Third Party Licenses File(s). Your use of such Third Party Material is subject to your compliance with the applicable Third Party Material license(s). 

10.2	Arm hereby disclaims any and all warranties express or implied from any third parties regarding, or otherwise connected with, any Third Party Material included in Arm Tools and any Third Party Mat
erial from which any Arm Tools are derived, and/or your use of any or all of the Third Party Material in connection with Your Software or Your Hardware, including (without limitation) any warranties of sa
tisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.

10.3	No Third Party Material licensors shall have any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including without limitation lost profits) howsoever 
caused and whether made under contract, tort or otherwise arising in any way out of your use or distribution of the Third Party Material or the exercise of any rights granted under this License, even if a
dvised in advance of the possibility of such damages.

11.1	To the extent that you are an agency, contractor or instrumentality of the U.S. Government, you and we agree that:
(a)	Arm Tools are commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation, and that your rights therein are as specified in this License, per FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202-3, as ap
plicable, or in the case of NASA, subject to NSF 1852.22786. Arm acknowledges that, whilst commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation shall be acquired under licenses custo
marily provided to the public, such licenses must be consistent with U.S. Federal law and otherwise satisfy the U.S. Government's needs ("U.S. Government Requirements"); and
(b)	you may assign your rights under this License to the relevant US Government Federal Department or the successor contractor designated by the US Government Federal Department upon termination of yo
ur related prime contract with that US Government Federal Department. If you exercise your rights under this clause 11.1(b), you acknowledge and agree that you shall remain liable to Arm in respect of all
 your obligations under this License.

11.2	If there is any material inconsistency between (i) either a U.S. Government Requirement or a requirement of another government with which Arm is mandated by statute to comply and (ii) any provisio
n of this License, the terms of the relevant government requirement shall prevail and the provision in question shall be deemed varied or deleted (as applicable) as required by the terms of the relevant g
overnment requirement. For the avoidance of doubt, in such circumstances, all other terms, conditions and provisions of this License will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law in acc
ordance with the below clause 13.3.

12.1	Subject to clauses 12.2 and 12.3 below, this License shall remain in force until terminated by you, by Arm or (in the case of a time limited license) by expiry. 

12.2	In the event of a party breaching of any of the terms and conditions of this License, which if capable of remedy, has not been remedied by that party within thirty (30) days of the date of breach,
 without prejudice to any of its other rights under this License, the non-breaching party may terminate this License immediately upon giving written notice to the breaching party. Upon termination of this
 License by you or by Arm, or upon expiry, you shall (and shall ensure that your Permitted Users shall) immediately (i) stop using the relevant Arm Tools (or any element thereof) and any Confidential Info
rmation and, (ii) destroy all copies of the same in your possession or control, together with all Arm Documentation and related materials. 

12.3	Notwithstanding the foregoing, except where Arm has terminated this License for your breach, your rights (if applicable) to distribute any of Your Software or Your Hardware developed using the Arm
 Tools prior to termination or expiry of this License shall (subject to your continued compliance with the terms and conditions of this License) survive such termination or expiry.

12.4	Without limitation to the survival of other terms as expressly set out elsewhere in this License, upon termination or expiry of this License, the provisions of clauses 1, 3.1, 3.5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10,
 12 and 13 shall survive.

13.1	This License is governed by English Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that you are an agency, contractor or instrumentality of the U.S. Government, disputes arising under or relati
ng to this License shall be decided under the U.S. federal law of government contracting, including without limitation the Contract Disputes Act. Nothing in this License shall prevent you from enforcing y
our intellectual property rights or seeking injunctive or other equitable relief in any court of competent jurisdiction. The parties hereby disclaim application of the United Nations Convention on Contrac
ts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act.

13.2	Except where Arm agrees otherwise in (i) a written contract signed by you and Arm, or (ii) a written contract provided by Arm and accepted by you, this License (including any documents expressly i
ncorporated herein) is the only agreement between you and Arm relating to the Arm Tools and it may only be modified by written agreement between you and Arm. No terms and conditions contained in any purch
ase order or other document issued by you, or any advertising or other representation by you or any third party shall add to, supersede or in any way vary the terms and conditions of this License. This Li
cense (and any documents expressly incorporated into it by reference herein) represents the entire agreement between you and Arm in relation to its subject matter. 

13.3	If any clause or sentence in this License is held by a court of law to be illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this License shall not be affected. Any failure by Arm to enforce an
y of the provisions of this License, unless waived in writing, shall not constitute a waiver of Arm's rights to enforce such provision or any other provision of this License in the future. 

13.4	Subject to clause 11.1(b), neither this License or any rights granted to you under it may be assigned, sub-licensed or otherwise transferred by you to any third party without the prior written con
sent of Arm. An assignment shall be deemed to include, without limitation (i) any transaction or series of transactions whereby a third party acquires, directly or indirectly, the power to control the man
agement and policies of you, whether through the acquisition of voting securities, by contract or otherwise; and (ii) the sale of more than fifty percent (50%) of your assets whether in a single transacti
on or series of transactions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Arm may, in its discretion acting reasonably, separately agree to authorise the re-host of a Licensed Seat (for which additional charges may ap

13.5	Subject to any applicable legal restrictions, including but not limited to those relating to the security of classified information, at Arm's reasonable request, (i) you agree to check your comput
ers for installations of the Arm Tools, copies of License Keys, contents of any license server log files, individual or concurrent usage of Licensed Seats, and any other information requested by Arm relat
ing to Arm Tools installation, usage and License Key management, and, to provide this information to Arm; and (ii) you agree that Arm may instruct appropriately qualified independent auditors to perform s
uch checks by prior appointment during your normal business hours on reasonable notice. In respect of any audit, Arm shall bear the auditors' costs for that audit unless it reveals unlicensed usage, in wh
ich case you shall promptly reimburse Arm for all reasonable costs and expenses, including professional fees, relating to such audit. Any information which is disclosed to Arm or such auditors during chec
king or audit shall be treated as your confidential information and shall only be used by Arm for compliance and enforcement purposes.

13.6	Arm Confidential Information, Arm Tools and any other Arm products provided under this License may be subject to U.K., European Union, and U.S. export control and sanctions laws and regulations, i
ncluding the U.S. Export Administration Regulations ("EAR") (hereafter collectively referred to as "Export Regulations"). The parties agree to comply fully with all applicable Export Regulations. You agre
e that you shall not, either directly or indirectly, export in breach of the Export Regulations any Arm Confidential Information, Arm Tools or other Arm products received under this License, nor any direc
t products thereof: (i) to any country, company or person subject to export restrictions or sanctions under the applicable Export Regulations without required export authorisation; or (ii) for any prohibi
ted end use, which at the time of export requires an export license or other governmental approval, without first obtaining such license or approval. The specific export controls applicable to any Arm Con
fidential Information, Arm Tools or other Arm products is determined by the relevant ECCN. Arm will provide ECCNs for licensed products upon request to You are responsible for det
ermining the jurisdiction and classification of the designs you create using Arm Confidential Information, Arm Tools or other Arm products. Arm Confidential Information, Arm Tools or other Arm products pr
ovided under this Licensee are dual-use, and are not listed on the UK Military List, nor are they subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), the 600 Series of the EAR or other milita
ry export control regimes. The parties are prohibited from sharing ITAR-controlled technical data, 600 series-controlled technology, other export controlled military data, or any other data that might req
uire an export license or other export authorisation without prior written consent from the other party. Further, Arm is expressly authorised to use non-U.S. citizens for the performance of this License w
ith the exception of nationals of Country Group E:1 and E:2 as listed in Supp. 1 to Part 740 of the EAR, which shall only be permitted in full compliance with all applicable laws.

13.7	All notices which are required to be given hereunder must be in English and in writing and must be delivered: (i) personally to the other party's employee with the authority to accept such deliver
y (in which case it will be deemed served immediately), (ii) by first class post (in which case it will be deemed served on the third business day after it was posted) to the Notice Address (as defined be
low), or (iii) by registered commercial courier (in which case it will be deemed served on the second business day after deposit with the courier) to the Notice Address (as defined below). This clause sha
ll not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in a legal action. The "Notice Address" for the purposes of sub-clauses (ii) and (iii) above means 150 Rose Orchard Way, San Jose, CA 9513
4, Attention: General Counsel. To be effective, any notice delivered pursuant to sub-clauses (i), (ii), or (iii) of this clause 13.7 must also be emailed to no later than twenty-four (2
4) hours after the notice is deemed served.

Arm Document Reference LES-PRE-21260, Version 12.4, Effective Date 22.01.2021
Please answer with one of: 'yes' or 'no/quit'
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions? yes

Please answer with one of: 'yes/y' or 'no/n'
Run installation platform requirement checks? [default: yes] yes

--- Running installation platform requirement checks

Running dependency check [failed]
*** WARNING ***
One or more of the Arm Development Studio system dependencies are not installed, see below for a list of the missing libraries. (32-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit) (32-bit)
One of: (64-bit) (64-bit) (64-bit)

We recommend you install the missing dependencies, otherwise the programs will not run correctly. For further information see the Arm Development Studio readme.

Where would you like to install to? [default: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2021.1] y

Please answer with one of: 'yes/y' or 'no/n'
'/home/caozilong/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0/y' does not exist, create? [default: yes] y

--- Installing to '/home/caozilong/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0/y' (This may take a while...)
Please answer with one of: 'yes/y' or 'no/n'
Install desktop menu item additions? [default: yes] 
--- Installing menu entries

Post install stage provides the following functions:
- Installation of USB drivers for RealView ICE and DSTREAM hardware units

Please answer with one of: 'yes/y' or 'no/n'
Run post install setup scripts? [default: yes] yes

--- Running post install setup scripts

Installation completed successfully

To start using Arm Development Studio 2021.1 either:
- Create a suite sub-shell using /home/caozilong/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0/y/bin/suite_exec <shell>
- Launch GUI tools via their desktop menu entries

The Release notes for the product can be found here: file:///home/caozilong/ds5/DS000-BN-00001-r21p1-00rel0/y/sw/info/readme.html





#           ***** IMPORTANT NOTE *****
# This license is encrypted, editing may lead to it being made
# unusable.
INCREMENT ds_compiler_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	9B433EE439CC HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="01B5 93B0 2B88 C1F5 \
	F6BA DE14 31D1 27C6 4145 07FB C8A1 038C DF64 8BE8 B1DB 130C \
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	15DD B802" SIGN2="103E 735D F20B 22AF F60C 97B5 B7E6 24FA 9D5E \
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	B480 BE7C B702 01CB 7D9E 6E02 C2BD B485 6C05"
INCREMENT ds_debugger_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	7DBD679DDD84 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="040E FE56 34A6 ACC5 \
	031F 77C1 C721 480B 9F58 54F2 EE9D 1575 997A D0CE 2702 03FA \
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	9819 6F24" SIGN2="1D52 8927 D7AB 3F06 1295 DF28 56ED 3815 D499 \
	F422 9B50 964F F568 DAFF 5F03 1DEE 858B FE21 604C 70D1 D065 \
	6059 663A E00E F6EA 78A5 0E73 5E03 2632 1CB3"
INCREMENT ds_debugger_cli_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	44A6C786FAAE HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="12FE B36C 0542 AECE \
	ADEF 4FFB 5520 6820 48BD A5B2 1267 B1C1 9946 F268 2BFD 0857 \
	D987 A4E1 E7F0 7B35 AFE8 47D2 C239 6B57 A2DA 34C0 68F4 1454 \
	9654 DDDC" SIGN2="14ED DF03 2E07 9318 C92E A7E2 9C10 2A68 D37B \
	66B1 A450 3724 E773 A5CE 71A1 08BF BD1E 13DC BAC9 D131 510A \
	F7DB 5ECA 04D8 E009 DA27 ED61 5C5A 9767 D00D"
INCREMENT ds_graphics_debugger_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 \
	uncounted E812A89CC0CA HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM \
	Limited" NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0767 E251 C87B 6F4E \
	9712 5A64 9543 0A60 CC25 4D4C 7DE8 651E 72F7 6375 09DE 032C \
	8F48 3E3F 408A 1290 5DAC AC5F FDC5 EE7C 0514 59F7 1E36 3B79 \
	67BD B3CC" SIGN2="051A DE53 0C5A 3CDB 7B77 3AC3 C287 324E E8C4 \
	25ED A56B CF9D B07C 320F 61DD 0405 EA5B 5A6B E6B7 2E61 AEFB \
	09DB DF2B F4C0 DEB0 9DA3 0D41 B32F 690E C594"
INCREMENT ds_model_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	257B64BB3332 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0338 1784 BDF8 61F9 \
	5D7C D993 FE37 00CD 6B70 C32A 75DD 04C9 6E09 36CB D127 031F \
	5C4B 739C 11F9 5590 65F4 62E4 4BFD FD24 29AE 1C92 DA3E 65B1 \
	DB11 FB8E" SIGN2="0F66 89E0 43BD 8D6B 1806 E814 D3DE C86C 1494 \
	FF9C 728D 3F41 5883 0F73 197A 19F2 686F 8632 2F8E F6EA 49F5 \
	DF30 EA16 3741 8510 8FF7 9A82 1EC1 B405 B055"
INCREMENT ds_profiler_eval20210 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	F153332D6512 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0564 74C5 8291 6925 \
	81A7 839F DF84 73D2 2B0A 3B67 5FFF 430D 287A 1C2E E572 1D49 \
	1E51 5327 AB09 BABD 53D1 9C3F A5B8 ECF7 29D6 F47C 4BC4 00F3 \
	52CE 7D2D" SIGN2="1309 4E7E 1ACC 0105 4BA6 77A1 1B5D 251E FB70 \
	DBEE 91BB 327F E05C C3E0 75FF 00D5 CF2C 832A DD1C F1C9 BEFD \
	62A0 378E C75B 333B D6F9 7BB1 1504 7AA7 F378"
INCREMENT ds_compiler_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	59AD914306F9 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="1F18 08FF CAAC 82BE \
	E43C 7384 82CF 361C F383 CF42 2704 EE8F E034 90D5 1C1C 11EB \
	CCAE 4A5A 67DF F313 A21E 8156 DF8C 2452 AE7D 3DDF 6731 CB55 \
	4AD9 6FDE" SIGN2="119A 6748 FE3B 5264 5B05 ABB6 39A6 8DBC 781F \
	9FF9 E9CC 6691 1029 4632 BC30 0947 6221 2A4D 8E5F 93D4 9440 \
	4FBF 86C9 AE0B C16E E2D1 64C8 EDEC C6B1 9188"
INCREMENT ds_debugger_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	0A3FBC1EBCBF HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="15E1 7D3B 701A D728 \
	D307 7013 5EC4 544D B856 D46A 59EF 2E62 3210 2F8D 28C6 0116 \
	2D82 213D AAAE 2176 F426 BD53 F1C3 9742 AEB6 33A6 ED86 7DD7 \
	5ED9 07AD" SIGN2="0839 E1C8 4914 4E2C F102 E427 5160 7C40 8D12 \
	8E9C 3EC2 7AE8 BECC 8295 0E54 007A 368E 49E1 4011 4CDF C589 \
	3246 D4C0 20C1 3116 737C A11A 5B61 26F0 4B37"
INCREMENT ds_debugger_cli_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	F1AD4D927D01 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="1879 3AF5 C40A 9FCF \
	BC58 F534 6625 C0A9 928C 4E46 5E21 03B2 1D25 3A0E 1CA9 0EB0 \
	52DE 97E5 EE05 CB0B 7BEE 8AA2 0ED1 3670 9D3C 29E5 D8E1 F52B \
	DCC5 4365" SIGN2="1175 B700 3EDC B0CA 718C 78B5 037E B6D2 931D \
	FCC7 5A6A 81AF 0F62 E46F 77B6 0B1C 6F6E FD6A FFB0 5B87 5AC7 \
	8403 F313 0AA8 6D1E F2A8 A0E7 50CB 4069 2427"
INCREMENT ds_graphics_debugger_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 \
	uncounted 338DA9CD520C HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM \
	Limited" NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0915 6294 2BE3 D04E \
	0D35 10C9 D86B B1D6 9638 097D B39A 7DC4 E23F F39F ACCD 1ABF \
	B62E 49E9 EA13 69EE 026D 2ACD B6ED D4F6 401E 53E6 F06A 261D \
	66AE EC4B" SIGN2="1AAD D3EB 0A4D 8ED0 369C AD52 AC45 1C89 1343 \
	DF0B AC66 BFDA FCF5 D399 4DE6 1F19 F25F FE56 68C3 F540 CBCD \
	2CE4 8D9E A327 7E97 6D28 5509 66B8 AEAF AB68"
INCREMENT ds_model_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	E201AA29CB28 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0CAA E7BF E662 5520 \
	ECB0 4194 FE07 95AA 521D 9933 F4F4 697E A611 D36B 88FC 1BFC \
	FEE9 E449 148C E190 8A4A F058 51C0 D23D AD3F C3D2 7456 0CE7 \
	148E 0856" SIGN2="0ECB 47C3 6013 4737 4810 E4E3 14A3 7B26 0E76 \
	9BDD 0598 C7BA 834C 4F12 34F5 1355 459D 675E 4557 710F 5EDC \
	EF3C DAF6 FC0D DAA5 C064 F7F5 C30F FDE9 9989"
INCREMENT ds_profiler_eval20211 armlmd 0.1 07-sep-2021 uncounted \
	50414E600A23 HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" \
	NOTICE="For evaluation purposes only" \
	SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK SIGN="0824 0873 7F3C ADF1 \
	B789 A288 A6C7 7F38 C7C4 93D8 086E 5E67 0E48 C79C 3104 020C \
	1A4C 00EC 74E0 02F4 672F 1E65 7595 83D0 DC97 ECD8 A791 69E4 \
	E90D F12C" SIGN2="1099 39E0 24EF 741B DD86 8BD7 F704 67B7 446E \
	E49D 4D94 FEB4 7E0C 2DDD A0FD 1BE9 F175 CFF3 6AEC 40E2 1894 \
	50CE A77D 910D 77DA F607 C8F2 2374 7E7C 63B3"
PACKAGE mdk_pack_eval armlmd 5.9 COMPONENTS="ds_suite_eval \
	mdk_pro_uvision mdk_pro_armasm5 mdk_pro_compiler5 \
	mdk_pro_armlink5 mdk_pro_fromelf5 mdk_pro_arm_lcf5" \
	OPTIONS=SUITE SIGN2="00E9 20F7 BB6E 782F 8811 4422 7CE6 B147 \
	D854 7A0E D8E8 2458 20E7 E2B9 953D 026F 708C 189C 1922 FAC3 \
	2C35 B65C 537D 1A3C BCBF 30AB C626 01B5 3FCD 7697"
INCREMENT mdk_pack_eval armlmd 5.9 07-sep-2021 uncounted D9511AF53121 \
	HOSTID=8cec4b554fea ISSUER="ARM Limited" NOTICE="For \
	evaluation purposes only" SN=LM02151-164007-924578668 TS_OK \
	SIGN="1FD5 D046 B94D 6D5A C722 E79E 2D76 2371 8F20 13CD FAAF \
	76F3 9D35 3DDC 3702 1280 4C45 BC7A 224A D841 4ABC CB56 0A51 \
	68B2 AE76 8B58 AC82 D3C0 CBF2 93C3" SIGN2="12D3 1797 F3EA D2FD \
	F095 6808 3910 DEFE 5B17 1DCE CD50 771C 9795 E7A4 E018 089D \
	C972 ADE9 1714 6D59 F7C6 8DD2 6064 2B6F CBBC 09E5 D6E3 A737 \
	CD26 6076"
# For information on how to install this license, please
# see the License Management FAQ at:


DS5 Debugger窗口:




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