YX150C是一种低成本、高速、高抗干扰、基于OTP的8位CMOS微控制器。 它采用了只有42条指令的RISC架构。除程序分支需要两个周期外,所有指令都是单周期的。易于使用和易于记忆的指令集大大减少了开发时间。同时支持C语言开发。 YX150C由上电复位(POR),宕机复位(BOR),上电复位定时器(PWRT振荡器启动定时器(OST),看门狗定时器,OTP, SRAM,三态IO端口,IO拉高/开漏/拉下控制,省电睡眠模式,实时可编程时钟/计数器,中断,从睡眠模式唤醒。OTP产品的代码保护。有三种振荡器配置可供选择,包括外部时钟输入,外部电阻RC振荡器和内部RC振荡器YX150C地址1K的程序内存。YX150C可以直接或间接地寻址其寄存器文件和数据存储器。包括程序计数器在内的所有特殊函数寄存器都映射到数据存储器中。
FEATURES ? 1K-Word on chip OTP ? 49-Bytes on chip general purpose registers (SRAM) ? 8-bit wide data path ? 5-level deep hardware stack ? Only 42 single word instructions ? All instructions are single cycle except for program branches which are two-cycle ? All OTP area GOTO instruction ? All OTP area subroutine CALL instruction ? Direct, indirect addressing modes for data accessing ? 8-bit real time clock/counter (Timer0) with 8-bit programmable pre-scaler ? Internal Power-on Reset (POR) ? Built-in Low Voltage Detector (LVD) for Brown-out Reset (BOR) ? Power-up Reset Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer(OST) ? On chip Watchdog Timer (WDT) with internal oscillator for reliable operation and soft-ware watch-dog enable/disable control ? One I/O port IOB with independent direction control ? Soft-ware I/O pull-high/pull-down or open-drain control ? One internal interrupt source: Timer0 overflow; Two external interrupt source: INT pin, PORTB input change ? Wake-up from SLEEP by INT pin or PORTB input change ? Power saving SLEEP mode ? Built-in 8MHZ, 4MHZ, 1MHZ, and 455KHZ internal RC oscillator ? Programmable Code Protection ? Selectable oscillator options: - IRC: Internal Resistor/Capacitor Oscillator - ERIC: External Resistor/Internal Capacitor Oscillator ? Operating voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V
