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[嵌入式]Introduction of IoT(2): barcode & IC cards


A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data.
Every barcode begins with a special start character and ends with a special stop character. ( Some may have checksum character).

The advantages of 2D code over barcode

  • Encode a lot of information in a small space.
  • Barcode: 20 to 25 characters.
  • 2D code: 100 to 2000 characters.

QR code

Quick response code.

  • Fast readability.
  • Large storage capacity.
  • Detected as a 2-dimensional digital image.
  • The processor locates the 3 distinctive squares at the corners of the image, and normalizes image size, orientation and angle of viewing, with the aid of a smaller square near the fourth corner.

IC Card

integrated circuit card.

  • It uses a powerful, large capacity embedded IC chip to store a large amount of information.
  • It can preform mathematical calculations.
  • It’s difficult to counterfeit and decrypt, making them a much more secure choice.

Types of IC Cards

  • whether contain microprocessor: storage cards, CPU cards.
  • whether need to contact with the reader: Contact smart cards, contactless smart cards.
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加:2021-12-11 15:53:12  更:2021-12-11 15:55:09 
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