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   -> 嵌入式 -> 从新建工程开始使用C++开发单片机(以STM32为例):七、移植Arduino的WString(附代码) -> 正文阅读


在上一篇文章中,介绍了outputString和inputString,其中所运用到的字符串类型String也是C++驱动层中功能强大且重要的一个类。这个类移植自Arduino的WString。这篇文章将会展示WString的易用性,并且从编译输出后程序大小的角度比较WSting和C++ std::string的区别,并且在后边还会有具体的移植步骤,最后还会附上全部的代码。



void setup() {
  String str1="hello ",str2="world";
  String str=str1+str2;
  String str3="hello ";
  int a=12345;
  String str4="a=";
  String str5="54321";
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {




void setup() {
  std::string str = "hello wrold";
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() { 

编译后输出为:项目使用了 249084 字节,占用了 (19%) 程序存储空间。最大为 1310720 字节。 全局变量使用了13412字节,(4%)的动态内存,余留314268字节局部变量。最大为327680字节。

void setup() {
  String str = "hello wrold";
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() { 

编译后输出为:项目使用了 197852 字节,占用了 (15%) 程序存储空间。最大为 1310720 字节。 全局变量使用了13084字节,(3%)的动态内存,余留314596字节局部变量。最大为327680字节。


#include "User.h"
#include <string>
int main()
	std::string str = "hello wrold";
	while (1)

编译后输出为:Program Size: Code=15392 RO-data=1920 RW-data=148 ZI-data=63868


#include "User.h"
int main()
	String str = "hello wrold";
	while (1)

编译后输出为:Program Size: Code=2960 RO-data=336 RW-data=40 ZI-data=63832


文件名为 my_xxx.h、my_xxx.c、headfile.h、resources.h 都是C语言接口层的代码,放在项目文件夹 /Libraries/base_hardware/ 中。
上期讲到的outputStream和inputSream相关.h、.cpp文件放在 /Libraries/peripheral/ioBase/
headfile.h是C语言接口层头文件包含文件,里面全部是 #include"my_xxx.h",各种自己建立一个包含一下头文件就好了,没啥技术含量就不发了 ∪・ω・∪
本期文件附带的所有代码放在 /Libraries/other_support/ 中。

首先,找到Arduino下WString.h和WString.cpp文件,这两个文件都在Arduino安装目录下的 /hardware/arduino/avr/cores/ 文件夹下可以找到。
我们将这两个文件复制到项目文件夹下的 /Libraries/other_support/ 中:
接着保存文件后,再Keil中尝试编译。编译过后,我们发现Keil报错输出了很多 “ultoa” is undefined 这类的错误:
这些 undefined 的函数是stdlib中的函数,而Keil的stdlib进行了删减,所有没有定义这些函数。如果在VSCode中,通过函数查找函数声明就可以在完整的stdlib.h中找到这些函数的声明。不过这对我们的移植工作没有帮助。
而在ESP8266和ESP32的Libraries,我们可以找到这样两个文件:stdlib_noniso.h和stdlib_noniso.c,乐鑫对他们的ESP芯片重写了那些缺少的函数,正好我们可以搬过来使用。这两个文件在 C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6(或是其他版本)\cores\esp32 中可以找到。
PS:考虑到有的小伙伴可能没有安装Aduino 或没有安装Arduinp ESP32/8266的开发环境,我会将修改好后的文件放在文章下边。

编译之后,我们还会发现,报出了许多 xxx_P 未定义的错误,这些xxx_P的定义就在我们之前去掉的 <avr/pgmspace.h>中,我们可以在Arduino安装目录下的 \hardware\tools\avr\avr\include\avr 中找到这个文件。因为这个文件包含了很多Arduino AVR单片机很多底层的东西,所以我们不会移植这些文件,只是找到相应的宏定义,将报错的部分一一修改回去就可以了:
strcpy_P 改为 strcpy
strlen_P 改为 strlen
PGM_P 改为 const char *

再次编译过后,之剩只一个错误:Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol utoa (referred from wstring.o).

char *utoa(unsigned int val, char *s, int radix)
    return ultoa(val, s, radix);

因为val时unsigned int类型,而ultoa的第一个参数时unsigned long 类型,所以将val传给ultoa不会因为强制类型转换而值溢出。
最后再进行一次编译,发现已经 0 Error(s) 0 Waring(s) 了!到此为止,我们的移植就算是完成了。最后让我们来测试一下效果,

#include "User.h"
HardwareUART Serial(UART_1);
int main()
	String str1 = "hello ", str2 = "world";
	String str = str1 + str2;
	String str3 = "hello ";
	if (str3 == str1)
	int a = 12345;
	String str4 = "a=";
	Serial.println(str4 + a);
	String str5 = "54321";
	a = str5.toInt();
	while (1)


  stdlib_noniso.h - nonstandard (but usefull) conversion functions

  Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

  WString.h - String library for Wiring & Arduino
  ...mostly rewritten by Paul Stoffregen...
  Copyright (c) 2009-10 Hernando Barragan.  All right reserved.
  Copyright 2011, Paul Stoffregen,

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA





/*file: stdlib_noniso.h*/
  stdlib_noniso.h - nonstandard (but usefull) conversion functions

  Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/*修改&移植 龚为玮 2021年12月*/


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int atoi(const char *s);

long atol(const char* s);

double atof(const char* s);

char* itoa (int val, char *s, int radix);

char* ltoa (long val, char *s, int radix);

char* utoa (unsigned int val, char *s, int radix);

char* ultoa (unsigned long val, char *s, int radix);

char* dtostrf (double val, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *s);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"


/*file: stdlib_noniso.c*/
 core_esp8266_noniso.c - nonstandard (but usefull) conversion functions

 Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.
 This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment.

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

 Modified 03 April 2015 by Markus Sattler


/*修改&移植 龚为玮 2021年12月*/

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "stdlib_noniso.h"

void reverse(char *begin, char *end)
    char *is = begin;
    char *ie = end - 1;
    while (is < ie)
        char tmp = *ie;
        *ie = *is;
        *is = tmp;

char *ltoa(long value, char *result, int base)
    if (base < 2 || base > 16)
        *result = 0;
        return result;

    char *out = result;
    long quotient = abs(value);

        const long tmp = quotient / base;
        *out = "0123456789abcdef"[quotient - (tmp * base)];
        quotient = tmp;
    } while (quotient);

    // Apply negative sign
    if (value < 0)
        *out++ = '-';

    reverse(result, out);
    *out = 0;
    return result;

char *ultoa(unsigned long value, char *result, int base)
    if (base < 2 || base > 16)
        *result = 0;
        return result;

    char *out = result;
    unsigned long quotient = value;

        const unsigned long tmp = quotient / base;
        *out = "0123456789abcdef"[quotient - (tmp * base)];
        quotient = tmp;
    } while (quotient);

    reverse(result, out);
    *out = 0;
    return result;

char *dtostrf(double number, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *s)
    bool negative = false;

    if (isnan(number))
        strcpy(s, "nan");
        return s;
    if (isinf(number))
        strcpy(s, "inf");
        return s;

    char *out = s;

    int fillme = width; // how many cells to fill for the integer part
    if (prec > 0)
        fillme -= (prec + 1);

    // Handle negative numbers
    if (number < 0.0)
        negative = true;
        number = -number;

    // Round correctly so that print(1.999, 2) prints as "2.00"
    // I optimized out most of the divisions
    double rounding = 2.0;
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
        rounding *= 10.0;
    rounding = 1.0 / rounding;

    number += rounding;

    // Figure out how big our number really is
    double tenpow = 1.0;
    int digitcount = 1;
    while (number >= 10.0 * tenpow)
        tenpow *= 10.0;

    number /= tenpow;
    fillme -= digitcount;

    // Pad unused cells with spaces
    while (fillme-- > 0)
        *out++ = ' ';

    // Handle negative sign
    if (negative)
        *out++ = '-';

    // Print the digits, and if necessary, the decimal point
    digitcount += prec;
    int8_t digit = 0;
    while (digitcount-- > 0)
        digit = (int8_t)number;
        if (digit > 9)
            digit = 9; // insurance
        *out++ = (char)('0' | digit);
        if ((digitcount == prec) && (prec > 0))
            *out++ = '.';
        number -= digit;
        number *= 10.0;

    // make sure the string is terminated
    *out = 0;
    return s;

char *itoa(int val, char *s, int radix)
    return ltoa(val, s, radix);

char *utoa(unsigned int val, char *s, int radix)
    return ultoa(val, s, radix);

/*file:  WString.h*/
  WString.h - String library for Wiring & Arduino
  ...mostly rewritten by Paul Stoffregen...
  Copyright (c) 2009-10 Hernando Barragan.  All right reserved.
  Copyright 2011, Paul Stoffregen,

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/*修改&移植 龚为玮 2021年12月*/

#ifndef String_class_h
#define String_class_h
#ifdef __cplusplus

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

// When compiling programs with this class, the following gcc parameters
// dramatically increase performance and memory (RAM) efficiency, typically
// with little or no increase in code size.
//     -felide-constructors
//     -std=c++0x

class __FlashStringHelper;
#define F(string_literal) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper *>(PSTR(string_literal)))

// An inherited class for holding the result of a concatenation.  These
// result objects are assumed to be writable by subsequent concatenations.
class StringSumHelper;

// The string class
class String
	// use a function pointer to allow for "if (s)" without the
	// complications of an operator bool(). for more information, see:
	typedef void (String::*StringIfHelperType)() const;
	void StringIfHelper() const {}

	// constructors
	// creates a copy of the initial value.
	// if the initial value is null or invalid, or if memory allocation
	// fails, the string will be marked as invalid (i.e. "if (s)" will
	// be false).
	String(const char *cstr = "");
	String(const String &str);
	String(const __FlashStringHelper *str);
       #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
	String(String &&rval);
	String(StringSumHelper &&rval);
	explicit String(char c);
	explicit String(unsigned char, unsigned char base=10);
	explicit String(int, unsigned char base=10);
	explicit String(unsigned int, unsigned char base=10);
	explicit String(long, unsigned char base=10);
	explicit String(unsigned long, unsigned char base=10);
	explicit String(float, unsigned char decimalPlaces=2);
	explicit String(double, unsigned char decimalPlaces=2);

	// memory management
	// return true on success, false on failure (in which case, the string
	// is left unchanged).  reserve(0), if successful, will validate an
	// invalid string (i.e., "if (s)" will be true afterwards)
	unsigned char reserve(unsigned int size);
	inline unsigned int length(void) const {return len;}

	// creates a copy of the assigned value.  if the value is null or
	// invalid, or if the memory allocation fails, the string will be
	// marked as invalid ("if (s)" will be false).
	String & operator = (const String &rhs);
	String & operator = (const char *cstr);
	String & operator = (const __FlashStringHelper *str);
       #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
	String & operator = (String &&rval);
	String & operator = (StringSumHelper &&rval);

	// concatenate (works w/ built-in types)

	// returns true on success, false on failure (in which case, the string
	// is left unchanged).  if the argument is null or invalid, the
	// concatenation is considered unsucessful.
	unsigned char concat(const String &str);
	unsigned char concat(const char *cstr);
	unsigned char concat(char c);
	unsigned char concat(unsigned char c);
	unsigned char concat(int num);
	unsigned char concat(unsigned int num);
	unsigned char concat(long num);
	unsigned char concat(unsigned long num);
	unsigned char concat(float num);
	unsigned char concat(double num);
	unsigned char concat(const __FlashStringHelper * str);

	// if there's not enough memory for the concatenated value, the string
	// will be left unchanged (but this isn't signalled in any way)
	String & operator += (const String &rhs)	{concat(rhs); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (const char *cstr)		{concat(cstr); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (char c)			{concat(c); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (unsigned char num)		{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (int num)			{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (unsigned int num)		{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (long num)			{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (unsigned long num)	{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (float num)		{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (double num)		{concat(num); return (*this);}
	String & operator += (const __FlashStringHelper *str){concat(str); return (*this);}

	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const String &rhs);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const char *cstr);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, char c);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned char num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, int num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned int num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, long num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned long num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, float num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, double num);
	friend StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const __FlashStringHelper *rhs);

	// comparison (only works w/ Strings and "strings")
	operator StringIfHelperType() const { return buffer ? &String::StringIfHelper : 0; }
	int compareTo(const String &s) const;
	unsigned char equals(const String &s) const;
	unsigned char equals(const char *cstr) const;
	unsigned char operator == (const String &rhs) const {return equals(rhs);}
	unsigned char operator == (const char *cstr) const {return equals(cstr);}
	unsigned char operator != (const String &rhs) const {return !equals(rhs);}
	unsigned char operator != (const char *cstr) const {return !equals(cstr);}
	unsigned char operator <  (const String &rhs) const;
	unsigned char operator >  (const String &rhs) const;
	unsigned char operator <= (const String &rhs) const;
	unsigned char operator >= (const String &rhs) const;
	unsigned char equalsIgnoreCase(const String &s) const;
	unsigned char startsWith( const String &prefix) const;
	unsigned char startsWith(const String &prefix, unsigned int offset) const;
	unsigned char endsWith(const String &suffix) const;

	// character acccess
	char charAt(unsigned int index) const;
	void setCharAt(unsigned int index, char c);
	char operator [] (unsigned int index) const;
	char& operator [] (unsigned int index);
	void getBytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int index=0) const;
	void toCharArray(char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int index=0) const
		{ getBytes((unsigned char *)buf, bufsize, index); }
	const char* c_str() const { return buffer; }
	char* begin() { return buffer; }
	char* end() { return buffer + length(); }
	const char* begin() const { return c_str(); }
	const char* end() const { return c_str() + length(); }

	// search
	int indexOf( char ch ) const;
	int indexOf( char ch, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
	int indexOf( const String &str ) const;
	int indexOf( const String &str, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
	int lastIndexOf( char ch ) const;
	int lastIndexOf( char ch, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
	int lastIndexOf( const String &str ) const;
	int lastIndexOf( const String &str, unsigned int fromIndex ) const;
	String substring( unsigned int beginIndex ) const { return substring(beginIndex, len); };
	String substring( unsigned int beginIndex, unsigned int endIndex ) const;

	// modification
	void replace(char find, char replace);
	void replace(const String& find, const String& replace);
	void remove(unsigned int index);
	void remove(unsigned int index, unsigned int count);
	void toLowerCase(void);
	void toUpperCase(void);
	void trim(void);

	// parsing/conversion
	long toInt(void) const;
	float toFloat(void) const;
	double toDouble(void) const;

	char *buffer;	        // the actual char array
	unsigned int capacity;  // the array length minus one (for the '\0')
	unsigned int len;       // the String length (not counting the '\0')
	void init(void);
	void invalidate(void);
	unsigned char changeBuffer(unsigned int maxStrLen);
	unsigned char concat(const char *cstr, unsigned int length);

	// copy and move
	String & copy(const char *cstr, unsigned int length);
	String & copy(const __FlashStringHelper *pstr, unsigned int length);
       #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
	void move(String &rhs);

class StringSumHelper : public String
	StringSumHelper(const String &s) : String(s) {}
	StringSumHelper(const char *p) : String(p) {}
	StringSumHelper(char c) : String(c) {}
	StringSumHelper(unsigned char num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(int num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(unsigned int num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(long num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(unsigned long num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(float num) : String(num) {}
	StringSumHelper(double num) : String(num) {}

#endif  // __cplusplus
#endif  // String_class_h

/*file:  WString.cpp*/
  WString.cpp - String library for Wiring & Arduino
  ...mostly rewritten by Paul Stoffregen...
  Copyright (c) 2009-10 Hernando Barragan.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright 2011, Paul Stoffregen,

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/*修改&移植 龚为玮 2021年12月*/

#include "WString.h"
#include "stdlib_noniso.h"

/*  Constructors                             */

String::String(const char *cstr)
	if (cstr) copy(cstr, strlen(cstr));

String::String(const String &value)
	*this = value;

String::String(const __FlashStringHelper *pstr)
	*this = pstr;

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
String::String(String &&rval)
String::String(StringSumHelper &&rval)

String::String(char c)
	char buf[2];
	buf[0] = c;
	buf[1] = 0;
	*this = buf;

String::String(unsigned char value, unsigned char base)
	char buf[1 + 8 * sizeof(unsigned char)];
	utoa(value, buf, base);
	*this = buf;

String::String(int value, unsigned char base)
	char buf[2 + 8 * sizeof(int)];
	itoa(value, buf, base);
	*this = buf;

String::String(unsigned int value, unsigned char base)
	char buf[1 + 8 * sizeof(unsigned int)];
	utoa(value, buf, base);
	*this = buf;

String::String(long value, unsigned char base)
	char buf[2 + 8 * sizeof(long)];
	ltoa(value, buf, base);
	*this = buf;

String::String(unsigned long value, unsigned char base)
	char buf[1 + 8 * sizeof(unsigned long)];
	ultoa(value, buf, base);
	*this = buf;

String::String(float value, unsigned char decimalPlaces)
	char buf[33];
	*this = dtostrf(value, (decimalPlaces + 2), decimalPlaces, buf);

String::String(double value, unsigned char decimalPlaces)
	char buf[33];
	*this = dtostrf(value, (decimalPlaces + 2), decimalPlaces, buf);

	if (buffer) free(buffer);

/*  Memory Management                        */

inline void String::init(void)
	buffer = NULL;
	capacity = 0;
	len = 0;

void String::invalidate(void)
	if (buffer) free(buffer);
	buffer = NULL;
	capacity = len = 0;

unsigned char String::reserve(unsigned int size)
	if (buffer && capacity >= size) return 1;
	if (changeBuffer(size)) {
		if (len == 0) buffer[0] = 0;
		return 1;
	return 0;

unsigned char String::changeBuffer(unsigned int maxStrLen)
	char *newbuffer = (char *)realloc(buffer, maxStrLen + 1);
	if (newbuffer) {
		buffer = newbuffer;
		capacity = maxStrLen;
		return 1;
	return 0;

/*  Copy and Move                            */

String & String::copy(const char *cstr, unsigned int length)
	if (!reserve(length)) {
		return *this;
	len = length;
	strcpy(buffer, cstr);
	return *this;

String & String::copy(const __FlashStringHelper *pstr, unsigned int length)
	if (!reserve(length)) {
		return *this;
	len = length;
	strcpy(buffer, (const char *)pstr);
	return *this;

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
void String::move(String &rhs)
	if (buffer) {
		if (rhs && capacity >= rhs.len) {
			strcpy(buffer, rhs.buffer);
			len = rhs.len;
			rhs.len = 0;
		} else {
	buffer = rhs.buffer;
	capacity = rhs.capacity;
	len = rhs.len;
	rhs.buffer = NULL;
	rhs.capacity = 0;
	rhs.len = 0;

String & String::operator = (const String &rhs)
	if (this == &rhs) return *this;
	if (rhs.buffer) copy(rhs.buffer, rhs.len);
	else invalidate();
	return *this;

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
String & String::operator = (String &&rval)
	if (this != &rval) move(rval);
	return *this;

String & String::operator = (StringSumHelper &&rval)
	if (this != &rval) move(rval);
	return *this;

String & String::operator = (const char *cstr)
	if (cstr) copy(cstr, strlen(cstr));
	else invalidate();
	return *this;

String & String::operator = (const __FlashStringHelper *pstr)
	if (pstr) copy(pstr, strlen((const char *)pstr));
	else invalidate();

	return *this;

/*  concat                                   */

unsigned char String::concat(const String &s)
	return concat(s.buffer, s.len);

unsigned char String::concat(const char *cstr, unsigned int length)
	unsigned int newlen = len + length;
	if (!cstr) return 0;
	if (length == 0) return 1;
	if (!reserve(newlen)) return 0;
	strcpy(buffer + len, cstr);
	len = newlen;
	return 1;

unsigned char String::concat(const char *cstr)
	if (!cstr) return 0;
	return concat(cstr, strlen(cstr));

unsigned char String::concat(char c)
	char buf[2];
	buf[0] = c;
	buf[1] = 0;
	return concat(buf, 1);

unsigned char String::concat(unsigned char num)
	char buf[1 + 3 * sizeof(unsigned char)];
	itoa(num, buf, 10);
	return concat(buf, strlen(buf));

unsigned char String::concat(int num)
	char buf[2 + 3 * sizeof(int)];
	itoa(num, buf, 10);
	return concat(buf, strlen(buf));

unsigned char String::concat(unsigned int num)
	char buf[1 + 3 * sizeof(unsigned int)];
	utoa(num, buf, 10);
	return concat(buf, strlen(buf));

unsigned char String::concat(long num)
	char buf[2 + 3 * sizeof(long)];
	ltoa(num, buf, 10);
	return concat(buf, strlen(buf));

unsigned char String::concat(unsigned long num)
	char buf[1 + 3 * sizeof(unsigned long)];
	ultoa(num, buf, 10);
	return concat(buf, strlen(buf));

unsigned char String::concat(float num)
	char buf[20];
	char* string = dtostrf(num, 4, 2, buf);
	return concat(string, strlen(string));

unsigned char String::concat(double num)
	char buf[20];
	char* string = dtostrf(num, 4, 2, buf);
	return concat(string, strlen(string));

unsigned char String::concat(const __FlashStringHelper * str)
	if (!str) return 0;
	int length = strlen((const char *) str);
	if (length == 0) return 1;
	unsigned int newlen = len + length;
	if (!reserve(newlen)) return 0;
	strcpy(buffer + len, (const char *) str);
	len = newlen;
	return 1;

/*  Concatenate                              */

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const String &rhs)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(rhs.buffer, rhs.len)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const char *cstr)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!cstr || !a.concat(cstr, strlen(cstr))) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, char c)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(c)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned char num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, int num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned int num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, long num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, unsigned long num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, float num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, double num)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(num)) a.invalidate();
	return a;

StringSumHelper & operator + (const StringSumHelper &lhs, const __FlashStringHelper *rhs)
	StringSumHelper &a = const_cast<StringSumHelper&>(lhs);
	if (!a.concat(rhs))	a.invalidate();
	return a;

/*  Comparison                               */

int String::compareTo(const String &s) const
	if (!buffer || !s.buffer) {
		if (s.buffer && s.len > 0) return 0 - *(unsigned char *)s.buffer;
		if (buffer && len > 0) return *(unsigned char *)buffer;
		return 0;
	return strcmp(buffer, s.buffer);

unsigned char String::equals(const String &s2) const
	return (len == s2.len && compareTo(s2) == 0);

unsigned char String::equals(const char *cstr) const
	if (len == 0) return (cstr == NULL || *cstr == 0);
	if (cstr == NULL) return buffer[0] == 0;
	return strcmp(buffer, cstr) == 0;

unsigned char String::operator<(const String &rhs) const
	return compareTo(rhs) < 0;

unsigned char String::operator>(const String &rhs) const
	return compareTo(rhs) > 0;

unsigned char String::operator<=(const String &rhs) const
	return compareTo(rhs) <= 0;

unsigned char String::operator>=(const String &rhs) const
	return compareTo(rhs) >= 0;

unsigned char String::equalsIgnoreCase( const String &s2 ) const
	if (this == &s2) return 1;
	if (len != s2.len) return 0;
	if (len == 0) return 1;
	const char *p1 = buffer;
	const char *p2 = s2.buffer;
	while (*p1) {
		if (tolower(*p1++) != tolower(*p2++)) return 0;
	return 1;

unsigned char String::startsWith( const String &s2 ) const
	if (len < s2.len) return 0;
	return startsWith(s2, 0);

unsigned char String::startsWith( const String &s2, unsigned int offset ) const
	if (offset > len - s2.len || !buffer || !s2.buffer) return 0;
	return strncmp( &buffer[offset], s2.buffer, s2.len ) == 0;

unsigned char String::endsWith( const String &s2 ) const
	if ( len < s2.len || !buffer || !s2.buffer) return 0;
	return strcmp(&buffer[len - s2.len], s2.buffer) == 0;

/*  Character Access                         */

char String::charAt(unsigned int loc) const
	return operator[](loc);

void String::setCharAt(unsigned int loc, char c) 
	if (loc < len) buffer[loc] = c;

char & String::operator[](unsigned int index)
	static char dummy_writable_char;
	if (index >= len || !buffer) {
		dummy_writable_char = 0;
		return dummy_writable_char;
	return buffer[index];

char String::operator[]( unsigned int index ) const
	if (index >= len || !buffer) return 0;
	return buffer[index];

void String::getBytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, unsigned int index) const
	if (!bufsize || !buf) return;
	if (index >= len) {
		buf[0] = 0;
	unsigned int n = bufsize - 1;
	if (n > len - index) n = len - index;
	strncpy((char *)buf, buffer + index, n);
	buf[n] = 0;

/*  Search                                   */

int String::indexOf(char c) const
	return indexOf(c, 0);

int String::indexOf( char ch, unsigned int fromIndex ) const
	if (fromIndex >= len) return -1;
	const char* temp = strchr(buffer + fromIndex, ch);
	if (temp == NULL) return -1;
	return temp - buffer;

int String::indexOf(const String &s2) const
	return indexOf(s2, 0);

int String::indexOf(const String &s2, unsigned int fromIndex) const
	if (fromIndex >= len) return -1;
	const char *found = strstr(buffer + fromIndex, s2.buffer);
	if (found == NULL) return -1;
	return found - buffer;

int String::lastIndexOf( char theChar ) const
	return lastIndexOf(theChar, len - 1);

int String::lastIndexOf(char ch, unsigned int fromIndex) const
	if (fromIndex >= len) return -1;
	char tempchar = buffer[fromIndex + 1];
	buffer[fromIndex + 1] = '\0';
	char* temp = strrchr( buffer, ch );
	buffer[fromIndex + 1] = tempchar;
	if (temp == NULL) return -1;
	return temp - buffer;

int String::lastIndexOf(const String &s2) const
	return lastIndexOf(s2, len - s2.len);

int String::lastIndexOf(const String &s2, unsigned int fromIndex) const
  	if (s2.len == 0 || len == 0 || s2.len > len) return -1;
	if (fromIndex >= len) fromIndex = len - 1;
	int found = -1;
	for (char *p = buffer; p <= buffer + fromIndex; p++) {
		p = strstr(p, s2.buffer);
		if (!p) break;
		if ((unsigned int)(p - buffer) <= fromIndex) found = p - buffer;
	return found;

String String::substring(unsigned int left, unsigned int right) const
	if (left > right) {
		unsigned int temp = right;
		right = left;
		left = temp;
	String out;
	if (left >= len) return out;
	if (right > len) right = len;
	char temp = buffer[right];  // save the replaced character
	buffer[right] = '\0';	
	out = buffer + left;  // pointer arithmetic
	buffer[right] = temp;  //restore character
	return out;

/*  Modification                             */

void String::replace(char find, char replace)
	if (!buffer) return;
	for (char *p = buffer; *p; p++) {
		if (*p == find) *p = replace;

void String::replace(const String& find, const String& replace)
	if (len == 0 || find.len == 0) return;
	int diff = replace.len - find.len;
	char *readFrom = buffer;
	char *foundAt;
	if (diff == 0) {
		while ((foundAt = strstr(readFrom, find.buffer)) != NULL) {
			memcpy(foundAt, replace.buffer, replace.len);
			readFrom = foundAt + replace.len;
	} else if (diff < 0) {
		char *writeTo = buffer;
		while ((foundAt = strstr(readFrom, find.buffer)) != NULL) {
			unsigned int n = foundAt - readFrom;
			memcpy(writeTo, readFrom, n);
			writeTo += n;
			memcpy(writeTo, replace.buffer, replace.len);
			writeTo += replace.len;
			readFrom = foundAt + find.len;
			len += diff;
		strcpy(writeTo, readFrom);
	} else {
		unsigned int size = len; // compute size needed for result
		while ((foundAt = strstr(readFrom, find.buffer)) != NULL) {
			readFrom = foundAt + find.len;
			size += diff;
		if (size == len) return;
		if (size > capacity && !changeBuffer(size)) return; // XXX: tell user!
		int index = len - 1;
		while (index >= 0 && (index = lastIndexOf(find, index)) >= 0) {
			readFrom = buffer + index + find.len;
			memmove(readFrom + diff, readFrom, len - (readFrom - buffer));
			len += diff;
			buffer[len] = 0;
			memcpy(buffer + index, replace.buffer, replace.len);

void String::remove(unsigned int index){
	// Pass the biggest integer as the count. The remove method
	// below will take care of truncating it at the end of the
	// string.
	remove(index, (unsigned int)-1);

void String::remove(unsigned int index, unsigned int count){
	if (index >= len) { return; }
	if (count <= 0) { return; }
	if (count > len - index) { count = len - index; }
	char *writeTo = buffer + index;
	len = len - count;
	strncpy(writeTo, buffer + index + count,len - index);
	buffer[len] = 0;

void String::toLowerCase(void)
	if (!buffer) return;
	for (char *p = buffer; *p; p++) {
		*p = tolower(*p);

void String::toUpperCase(void)
	if (!buffer) return;
	for (char *p = buffer; *p; p++) {
		*p = toupper(*p);

void String::trim(void)
	if (!buffer || len == 0) return;
	char *begin = buffer;
	while (isspace(*begin)) begin++;
	char *end = buffer + len - 1;
	while (isspace(*end) && end >= begin) end--;
	len = end + 1 - begin;
	if (begin > buffer) memcpy(buffer, begin, len);
	buffer[len] = 0;

/*  Parsing / Conversion                     */

long String::toInt(void) const
	if (buffer) return atol(buffer);
	return 0;

float String::toFloat(void) const
	return float(toDouble());

double String::toDouble(void) const
	if (buffer) return atof(buffer);
	return 0;

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