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   -> 嵌入式 -> TC397 STM(System Timer) -> 正文阅读

[嵌入式]TC397 STM(System Timer)

STM 专为需要高精度和长周期的整体系统计时应用而设计。STM 具有以下特点:

  • 自由运行的 64 位计数器
  • 所有 64 位可以同步读取
  • 可以同步读取 64 位计数器的不同 32 位部分
  • 基于与部分STM内容比较匹配的灵活服务请求生成
  • 应用程序重置后自动开始计数
  • 如果 ARSTDIS.STMxDIS 位清零,则 STM 寄存器由应用复位复位。 如果 ARSTDIS.STMxDIS 位置位,则 STM 寄存器不会被应用程序复位复位,而是由系统复位复位。

STM 是一个向上计数器,以 f(STM) 频率运行。 在应用程序复位的情况下,如果位 SCU_ARSTDIS.STMxDIS 被置零,则 STM 被复位。复位后,STM 被使能并立即开始向上计数。 在正常操作期间不可能影响定时器的内容。 定时器寄存器只能读不能写。

STM 可以选择禁用以节省电力,或暂停以进行调试。 在挂起模式下,STM 时钟停止,但所有寄存器仍然可读。

由于 STM 的 64 位宽度,不可能用一条指令读取其全部内容。 它需要用两个加载指令来阅读。 由于定时器会在两次加载操作之间继续计数,因此读取的两个值有可能不一致(由于可能在两次读取操作之间从定时器的低部分溢出到高部分)。为了实现 STM 内容的同步和一致读取,实现了捕获寄存器 (CAP)。 每次读取寄存器 TIM0 至 TIM5 之一时,它会锁存 STM 高位部分的内容。 因此,CAP 保持定时器的上限值与读取下部分的时间完全相同。 然后第二个读取操作将读取 CAP 的内容以获取完整的计时器值。

STM 也可以从七个寄存器(TIM0 到 TIM6)中分段读取,这些寄存器选择 STM 的越来越高阶的 32 位范围。 这些可以被视为单独的 32 位定时器,每个定时器具有不同的分辨率和时序范围。

64 位系统定时器的内容可以与存储在 CMP0 和 CMP1 寄存器中的两个比较值的内容进行比较。 可以在 STM 与 CMP0 或 CMP1 寄存器的比较匹配时生成服务请求。

27.3.1 to be continued

下表列出了 STM 与其他模块的接口。



#include "STM_System_Time.h"
#include "IfxStm.h"

#define DAY_IN_SECONDS      86400                                   /* Define the number of seconds in one day      */
#define HOURS_IN_SECONDS    3600                                    /* Define the number of seconds in one hour     */
#define MIN_IN_SECONDS      60                                      /* Define the number of seconds in one minute   */

/*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/
systemTime g_time;                                      /* Instance of the structure time to store the system time  */

/*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/
/* This function gets the system time and converts it in days hours minutes and seconds */
void getTime(void)
    /* Get the system time (since the last reset of the microcontroller) in seconds */
    g_time.totalSeconds = IfxStm_get(&MODULE_STM0) / IfxStm_getFrequency(&MODULE_STM0);

    /* Calculate the number of days */
    g_time.days = g_time.totalSeconds / DAY_IN_SECONDS;

    /* Calculate the number of hours */
    g_time.hours = (g_time.totalSeconds - (g_time.days * DAY_IN_SECONDS)) / HOURS_IN_SECONDS;

    /* Calculate the number of minutes */
    g_time.minutes = (g_time.totalSeconds - (g_time.days * DAY_IN_SECONDS) - (g_time.hours * HOURS_IN_SECONDS)) / MIN_IN_SECONDS;

    /* Calculate the number of seconds */
    g_time.seconds = (g_time.totalSeconds - (g_time.days * DAY_IN_SECONDS) - (g_time.hours * HOURS_IN_SECONDS) - (g_time.minutes * MIN_IN_SECONDS));



#include "Ifx_Types.h"

/*-------------------------------------------------Data Structures---------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
    uint64 totalSeconds;                            /* Total seconds since the last reset of the microcontroller    */
    uint64 days;                                    /* Number of days                                               */
    uint64 hours;                                   /* Number of hours                                              */
    uint64 minutes;                                 /* Number of minutes                                            */
    uint64 seconds;                                 /* Number of seconds                                            */
} systemTime;

/*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/
void getTime(void);

#endif /* STM_SYSTEM_TIME_H_ */


#include "STM_Interrupt.h"
#include "Bsp.h"
#include "IfxPort.h"
#include "IfxStm.h"

#define ISR_PRIORITY_STM        40                              /* Priority for interrupt ISR                       */
#define TIMER_INT_TIME          500                             /* Time between interrupts in ms                    */

#define LED                     &MODULE_P13,0                   /* LED toggled in Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)   */
#define STM                     &MODULE_STM0                    /* STM0 is used in this example                     */

/*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/
IfxStm_CompareConfig g_STMConf;                                 /* STM configuration structure                      */
Ifx_TickTime g_ticksFor500ms;                                   /* Variable to store the number of ticks to wait    */

/*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/
void initLED(void);
void initSTM(void);

/*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/
/* Macro to define Interrupt Service Routine.
 * This macro makes following definitions:
 * 1) Define linker section as .intvec_tc<vector number>_<interrupt priority>.
 * 2) define compiler specific attribute for the interrupt functions.
 * 3) define the Interrupt service routine as ISR function.
 * IFX_INTERRUPT(isr, vectabNum, priority)
 *  - isr: Name of the ISR function.
 *  - vectabNum: Vector table number.
 *  - priority: Interrupt priority. Refer Usage of Interrupt Macro for more details.

void isrSTM(void)
    /* Update the compare register value that will trigger the next interrupt and toggle the LED */
    IfxStm_increaseCompare(STM, g_STMConf.comparator, g_ticksFor500ms);
    IfxPort_setPinState(LED, IfxPort_State_toggled);

/* Function to initialize the LED */
void initLED(void)
    IfxPort_setPinMode(LED, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral);    /* Initialize LED port pin                      */
    IfxPort_setPinState(LED, IfxPort_State_high);                   /* Turn off LED (LED is low-level active)       */

/* Function to initialize the STM */
void initSTM(void)
    IfxStm_initCompareConfig(&g_STMConf);           /* Initialize the configuration structure with default values   */

    g_STMConf.triggerPriority = ISR_PRIORITY_STM;   /* Set the priority of the interrupt                            */
    g_STMConf.typeOfService = IfxSrc_Tos_cpu0;      /* Set the service provider for the interrupts                  */
    g_STMConf.ticks = g_ticksFor500ms;              /* Set the number of ticks after which the timer triggers an
                                                     * interrupt for the first time                                 */
    IfxStm_initCompare(STM, &g_STMConf);            /* Initialize the STM with the user configuration               */

/* Function to initialize all the peripherals and variables used */
void initPeripherals(void)
    /* Initialize time constant */
    g_ticksFor500ms = IfxStm_getTicksFromMilliseconds(BSP_DEFAULT_TIMER, TIMER_INT_TIME);
    initLED();                                      /* Initialize the port pin to which the LED is connected        */
    initSTM();                                      /* Configure the STM module                                     */


#define STM_INTERRUPT_H_ 1

/*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/
void initPeripherals(void);

#endif /* STM_INTERRUPT_H_ */

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