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[嵌入式]spyglass 学习笔记之cdc check

和lint check一样添加文件,goal 选择 cdc check


CDC setup 可以通过以下流程

建立SpyGlass CDC设置:

将时钟生成模块指定为black box


使用设置管理器 将时钟生成模块指定为black box

对时钟生成模块(比如PLL)的内部执行SpyGlass CDC分析非常复杂,而且对整体SpyGlass CDC分析几乎没有价值。将这些块标记为黑盒子,除非你有详细的SGDC约束来定义这些模块的时钟特性

标记PLL时钟生成模块为black boxes的方法是,在project file中设置如下命令: clock -name "clk_sys" reset -name "rst_n" -value 0 Timing Constrain


  • (1)描述芯片的工作速度,即时钟的频率,包括create_clock,create_generated_clock等
  • (2)描述芯片的边界约束,包括set_input_delay, set_output_delay等
  • (3)描述芯片的一些设计违反rule(DRV),包括set_max_fanout,set_max_capacitance, set_max_transition等
  • (4)描述设计中一些特殊的路径,包括set_false_path,set_multicycle_path等
  • (5)描述设计中一些需要禁止的timing



  • create_clock? ? ?创建基本源时钟
  • create_generated_clock
  • set_clock_uncertaint
  • set_clock_groups
  • set_input_delay
  • set_output_delay


  • set_input_transition
  • set_load set_driving_cell


  • set_false_path
  • set_multicycle_path


  • set_case_analysis


#Section 1: List of source clocks
#These clocks have set_false_path/set_clock_groups/set_clock_uncertainty associated with them

  • eg:clock ?-name "A2D_SYS_CLK" ?-domain d0 ?-edge { "0.000000" "12.500000"} ?-period 25 -tag cc_osc_clk?

#Section 2: List of remaining source clocks
#These clocks do not have the set_false_path/set_clock_groups/set_clock_uncertainty constraints associated with them

#Section 3: List of generated clocks
#These clocks satisfy either of the following conditions
?#a. Generated clocks have domains different than the domains of their source clocks
?#b. Generated clocks are specified on the black-boxe

#Section 4: List of generated clocks which have same domain as that of their source clock

#Section 5: List of valid set_case_analyis constraint generated from set_case_analysis command.

  • eg:set_case_analysis -name "ggggggg_digital.u_inf_clk.esd_sram_recover_clken" -value 0

#Section 6: List of valid abstract_port/input constraint generated from set_input_delay command.

  • eg:abstract_port -ports "P2D_DB[0]" -clock "P2D_WRX"
  • sdc:set_input_delay -max [expr $clk_period_wr * 0.6] -clock cc_mcu_wr {P2D_DCX}

#Section 7: List of valid output constraint generated from set_output_delay command.

  • eg:output ?-name "D2SRAM_SC_COL_R[2]" ?-clock "A2D_SYS_CLK"

#Section 8: List of valid clock_sense constraint generated from set_clock_sense command.
#These constraint are generated only for -stop_propagtion in set_clock_sense.

#Section 9: List of valid cdc false path constraint generated from sdc command.
#These constraint are generated only for real clocks.

  • sdc:set_clock_groups \ -logically_exclusive \-group {cc_mcu_wr mcu_spi_otp_clk} \?-group {cc_mcu_rd} \ -group {cc_osc_clk} \ -group {cc_clk_sys}
  • set_false_path -from [get_ports A2D_LVD_VCI]
  • set_false_path -to ?[get_ports D2P_TESTO[3]]

三种类型set group 和set_false_path form**to**/set_false_


  • skip_sgdc_sanity_start
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_mcu_wr -from_type clock ?-to cc_mcu_rd -to_type clock?
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_mcu_rd -from_type clock ?-to cc_mcu_wr -to_type clock?
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_mcu_wr -from_type clock ?-to cc_osc_clk -to_type clock?
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_osc_clk -from_type clock ?-to cc_mcu_wr -to_type clock?
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_mcu_rd -from_type clock ?-to cc_osc_clk -to_type clock?
  • cdc_false_path -from cc_osc_clk -from_type clock ?-to cc_mcu_rd -to_type clock?
  • skip_sgdc_sanity_end

#Section 10: List of disable_timing constraint generated from set_disable_timing sdc command.
#These constraint are generated only for those sdc command which have object list as lib cells only.

#Section 11: List of valid false path constraint generated from sdc command.
#These constraint are generated only for real clocks.
#The type for constraint false_path is specified as below:
# ? ? ? ?- scg_logically_exclusive: When it is translated from set_clock_group -logically_exclusive
# ? ? ? ?- scg_physically_exclusive: When it is translated from set_clock_group -physically_exclusive
# ? ? ? ?- scg_asynchronous: When it is translated from set_clock_group -asynchronous
# ? ? ? ?- sfp: When it is translated from set_false_path

#Section 12: List of valid sg_multi_cycle constraint generated from sdc command.

#Section 13: List of valid set_lib_timing_mode constraint generated from set_mode sdc command.

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