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[开发工具]VSCode: Failed to parse remote port from server output



> > Can you please provide more information, i.e. what version of VS Code and Remote-SSH you are using? What are your local and remote OS? Are you able to SSH into your remote machine on an external terminal? What steps did you take to receive this error, and how often do you receive it?
> I have the same issue. There are my infos:
> * VSCode Version: 1.59.0 (system setup)
> * Local OS Version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362
> * Remote OS Version: CentOS-7.6
> * Remote Extension/Connection Type: SSH
> * Logs:
> ? [14:25:35.507] Log Level: 2
> ? [14:25:35.517] remote-ssh@0.65.7
> ? [14:25:35.517] win32 x64
> ? [14:25:35.518] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+", attempt 1
> ? [14:25:35.518] "remote.SSH.useLocalServer": false
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal": false
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.remotePlatform": {"":"linux","":"linux","":"linux","":"linux","":"linux","":"linux","":"linux"}
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.path": undefined
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.configFile": undefined
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.useFlock": true
> ? [14:25:35.519] "remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp": false
> ? [14:25:35.520] "remote.SSH.localServerDownload": auto
> ? [14:25:35.520] "remote.SSH.remoteServerListenOnSocket": false
> ? [14:25:35.520] "remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal": false
> ? [14:25:35.520] "remote.SSH.defaultExtensions": []
> ? [14:25:35.520] "remote.SSH.loglevel": 2
> ? [14:25:35.520] SSH Resolver called for host:
> ? [14:25:35.520] Setting up SSH remote ""
> ? [14:25:35.557] Using commit id "379476f0e13988d90fab105c5c19e7abc8b1dea8" and quality "stable" for server
> ? [14:25:35.562] Install and start server if needed
> ? [14:25:35.599] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
> ? [14:25:35.635] > OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5
> ? [14:25:35.641] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 52644 "" bash
> ? [14:25:35.643] Terminal shell path: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
> ? [14:25:35.886] > ?�]0;C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe�
> ? [14:25:35.887] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
> ? [14:25:35.894] >
> ? [14:25:35.903] > 拒绝访问。
> ? [14:25:38.151] "install" terminal command done
> ? [14:25:38.151] Install terminal quit with output: 拒绝访问。
> ? [14:25:38.151] Received install output: 拒绝访问。
> ? [14:25:38.152] Failed to parse remote port from server output
> ? [14:25:38.152] Resolver error: Error:
> ? at Function.Create (c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:64659)
> ? at Object.t.handleInstallOutput (c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:63302)
> ? at Object.t.tryInstall (c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:415135)
> ? at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
> ? at async c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:294918
> ? at async Object.t.withShowDetailsEvent (c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:406463)
> ? at async Object.t.resolve (c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:1:295994)
> ? at async c:\Users\tangle.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.65.7\out\extension.js:127:110656
> ? [14:25:38.159] ------
> It's OK to connect to my remote machine with ssh on termimal(cmd、xshell or powershell). And i also tried the command in logs ('ssh -T -D 52644 "" bash') on powershell and it also works.

Well I have found a cause. I try to reinstall a previous VSCode but it pops out an error dialog with msg "couldn't create temp file" . Considering I modified my TMP and TEMP environment varialbes, I restore those variables and installation error is gone. I quit the installation and try my latest installed vscode again, and the issue alse is gone.

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加:2021-08-20 15:19:36  更:2021-08-20 15:20:38 
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