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[开发工具]vim help

VIM - main help file

没有加的表示在linux shell中执行



使用鼠标:设置:set mouse=a启用鼠标(在xterm或GUI中)。在一个tag处(比如|bars|处)双击鼠标左键

查看指定的帮助文档::help command
Prepend something to specify the context: help-context

Normal mode command:help x
Visual mode commandv_:help v_u
Insert mode commandi_:help i_<Esc>
Command-line command::help :quit
Command-line editingc_:help c_<Del>
Vim command argument-:help -r
Option:help ‘textwidth’
Regular expression/:help /[


Search for help:搜索帮助:键入:help word,然后按CTRL-D键查看与“word”匹配的帮助条目。或使用:helpgrep word;:helpgrep

vim入门:学习Vim tutor,这是一门30分钟的基本命令交互式课程,请参见vimtutor。从头到尾阅读用户手册:usr_01.txt(位置在你的vim安装位置,一般是在C:\Program Files\V\vim82\doc\usr_01.txt)

Vim代表改进的Vi。Vim的大部分是由Bram Moolenaar制作的,但是也包括其他许多人的帮助。参见 credits。

doc-file-list Q_ct


quickref	Overview of the most common commands you will use
tutor		30-minute interactive course for beginners
copying	About copyrights
iccf		Helping poor children in Uganda
sponsor	Sponsor Vim development, become a registered Vim user
www		Vim on the World Wide Web
bugs		Where to send bug reports


Getting Started ~
|usr_01.txt|  About the manuals
|usr_02.txt|  The first steps in Vim
|usr_03.txt|  Moving around
|usr_04.txt|  Making small changes
|usr_05.txt|  Set your settings
|usr_06.txt|  Using syntax highlighting
|usr_07.txt|  Editing more than one file
|usr_08.txt|  Splitting windows
|usr_09.txt|  Using the GUI
|usr_10.txt|  Making big changes
|usr_11.txt|  Recovering from a crash
|usr_12.txt|  Clever tricks

Editing Effectively ~
|usr_20.txt|  Typing command-line commands quickly
|usr_21.txt|  Go away and come back
|usr_22.txt|  Finding the file to edit
|usr_23.txt|  Editing other files
|usr_24.txt|  Inserting quickly
|usr_25.txt|  Editing formatted text
|usr_26.txt|  Repeating
|usr_27.txt|  Search commands and patterns
|usr_28.txt|  Folding
|usr_29.txt|  Moving through programs
|usr_30.txt|  Editing programs
|usr_31.txt|  Exploiting the GUI
|usr_32.txt|  The undo tree

Tuning Vim ~
|usr_40.txt|  Make new commands
|usr_41.txt|  Write a Vim script
|usr_42.txt|  Add new menus
|usr_43.txt|  Using filetypes
|usr_44.txt|  Your own syntax highlighted
|usr_45.txt|  Select your language

Making Vim Run ~
|usr_90.txt|  Installing Vim

REFERENCE MANUAL: These files explain every detail of Vim.	*reference_toc*

General subjects ~
|intro.txt|	general introduction to Vim; notation used in help files
|help.txt|	overview and quick reference (this file)
|helphelp.txt|	about using the help files
|index.txt|	alphabetical index of all commands
|help-tags|	all the tags you can jump to (index of tags)
|howto.txt|	how to do the most common editing tasks
|tips.txt|	various tips on using Vim
|message.txt|	(error) messages and explanations
|quotes.txt|	remarks from users of Vim
|todo.txt|	known problems and desired extensions
|develop.txt|	development of Vim
|debug.txt|	debugging Vim itself
|uganda.txt|	Vim distribution conditions and what to do with your money

Basic editing ~
|starting.txt|	starting Vim, Vim command arguments, initialisation
|editing.txt|	editing and writing files
|motion.txt|	commands for moving around
|scroll.txt|	scrolling the text in the window
|insert.txt|	Insert and Replace mode
|change.txt|	deleting and replacing text
|undo.txt|		Undo and Redo
|repeat.txt|	repeating commands, Vim scripts and debugging
|visual.txt|	using the Visual mode (selecting a text area)
|various.txt|	various remaining commands
|recover.txt|	recovering from a crash

Advanced editing ~
|cmdline.txt|	Command-line editing
|options.txt|	description of all options
|pattern.txt|	regexp patterns and search commands
|map.txt|		key mapping and abbreviations
|tagsrch.txt|	tags and special searches
|windows.txt|	commands for using multiple windows and buffers
|tabpage.txt|	commands for using multiple tab pages
|spell.txt|		spell checking
|diff.txt|		working with two to eight versions of the same file
|autocmd.txt|	automatically executing commands on an event
|eval.txt|		expression evaluation, conditional commands
|channel.txt|	Jobs, Channels, inter-process communication
|fold.txt|		hide (fold) ranges of lines

Special issues ~
|testing.txt|	testing Vim and Vim scripts
|print.txt|		printing
|remote.txt|	using Vim as a server or client
|term.txt|		using different terminals and mice
|terminal.txt|	Terminal window support
|popup.txt|		popup window support
|vim9.txt|		using Vim9 script

Programming language support ~
|indent.txt|	automatic indenting for C and other languages
|syntax.txt|	syntax highlighting
|textprop.txt|	Attaching properties to text for highlighting or other
|filetype.txt|	settings done specifically for a type of file
|quickfix.txt|	commands for a quick edit-compile-fix cycle
|ft_ada.txt|	Ada (the programming language) support
|ft_ps1.txt|	Filetype plugin for Windows PowerShell
|ft_raku.txt|	Filetype plugin for Raku
|ft_rust.txt|	Filetype plugin for Rust
|ft_sql.txt|	about the SQL filetype plugin

Language support ~
|digraph.txt|	list of available digraphs
|mbyte.txt|		multibyte text support
|mlang.txt|		non-English language support
|rileft.txt|	right-to-left editing mode
|arabic.txt|	Arabic language support and editing
|farsi.txt|		Farsi (Persian) editing
|hebrew.txt|	Hebrew language support and editing
|russian.txt|	Russian language support and editing
|hangulin.txt|	Hangul (Korean) input mode

|gui.txt|	Graphical User Interface (GUI)
|gui_w32.txt|	Win32 GUI
|gui_x11.txt|	X11 GUI

Interfaces ~
|if_cscop.txt|	using Cscope with Vim
|if_lua.txt|	Lua interface
|if_mzsch.txt|	MzScheme interface
|if_perl.txt|	Perl interface
|if_pyth.txt|	Python interface
|if_tcl.txt|	Tcl interface
|if_ole.txt|	OLE automation interface for Win32
|if_ruby.txt|	Ruby interface
|debugger.txt|	Interface with a debugger
|netbeans.txt|	NetBeans External Editor interface
|sign.txt|		debugging signs

Versions ~
|vi_diff.txt|	Main differences between Vim and Vi
|version4.txt|	Differences between Vim version 3.0 and 4.x
|version5.txt|	Differences between Vim version 4.6 and 5.x
|version6.txt|	Differences between Vim version 5.7 and 6.x
|version7.txt|	Differences between Vim version 6.4 and 7.x
|version8.txt|	Differences between Vim version 7.4 and 8.x
Remarks about specific systems ~
|os_390.txt|	OS/390 Unix
|os_amiga.txt|	Amiga
|os_beos.txt|	BeOS and BeBox
|os_dos.txt|	MS-DOS and MS-Windows common items
|os_haiku.txt|	Haiku
|os_mac.txt|	Macintosh
|os_mint.txt|	Atari MiNT
|os_msdos.txt|	MS-DOS (plain DOS and DOS box under Windows)
|os_os2.txt|	OS/2
|os_qnx.txt|	QNX
|os_risc.txt|	RISC-OS
|os_unix.txt|	Unix
|os_vms.txt|	VMS
|os_win32.txt|	MS-Windows
Standard plugins ~
|pi_getscript.txt| Downloading latest version of Vim scripts
|pi_gzip.txt|      Reading and writing compressed files
|pi_logipat.txt|   Logical operators on patterns
|pi_netrw.txt|     Reading and writing files over a network
|pi_paren.txt|     Highlight matching parens
|pi_spec.txt|      Filetype plugin to work with rpm spec files
|pi_tar.txt|       Tar file explorer
|pi_vimball.txt|   Create a self-installing Vim script
|pi_zip.txt|       Zip archive explorer

LOCAL ADDITIONS:				*local-additions*
|airline.txt|  			Lean and mean status/tabline that's light as air
|gutentags.txt| 		Automatic ctags management for VIM
|airline-themes.txt|	Themes for vim-airline
|NERDTree.txt|   		A tree explorer plugin to rule the Vim world. Bwahahaha!!


  1. bars

    Bars example



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