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[开发工具]?Status Notice ??

Status Notice??

The CMake build configuration is a community-maintained non-officially supported build setup for GEOS. All GEOS users who aim to rely on CMake, please respect Sandro's request stated in comment on ticket?#576?:

***?The official build system is the GNU Automake one (for versions prior to GEOS 3.5). Starting at GEOS 3.5, we officially also support CMake. We will happily accept tickets for GEOS 3.5 against CMake. We would appreciate a patch if you have one, but not required.. ***

Building on Windows with CMake

This article describes how to use CMake build system to build and install GEOS from sources on Microsoft Windows systems using Visual C++ compiler.

Download and install??CMake?2.8+. Executables can be downloaded from??

If you install from zip package, unpack it (eg: into "C:\cmake\") and add the bin directory to the PATH:

SET PATH=c:\cmake\cmake-2.8.2-win32-x86\bin;%PATH%

After this, start command prompt (cmd.exe).

Building from SVN development branch requires to generate the?geos_svn_revision.h?file with POSIX shell script:


Notice,?tools\ a Bash script, so you need Bash some means to run Bash scripts on Windows.

Alternatively, you can create?geos_svn_revision.h?file manually in the top directory of the source tree:

  • In the root directory of your copy of SVN trunk:
    svn info
  • Locate line starting with?Revision:
    Revision: 3704
  • Use the revision number (in the output above it is?3704) to create?geos_svn_revision.h:
    echo #define GEOS_SVN_REVISION 3704 > geos_svn_revision.h

Alternatively, install from the fully-featured Windows installer and select option adding CMake runtime location to PATH environment variable.

In order to create the project with cmake do this: suppose for example the GEOS trunk was downloaded in "C:\geos\trunk" you may create a new folder like "C:\geos\build" enter in "C:\geos\build" and run the command for the compiler you like use:

C:\> cd geos\build
C:\geos\build> cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" C:\geos\trunk


C:\geos\build> cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64" ..\trunk


C:\geos\build> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" C:\geos\trunk

with these commands cmake creates a NMAKE makefiles or Visual Studio solution and projects in the folder "C:\geos\build".

Now you are able to build GEOS by loading GEOS.sln in Visual Studio IDE or from command line (use Visual Studio Command Prompt), depending on target CMake generator used in previous steps:

C:\geos\build> nmake /f makefile


C:\geos\build> msbuild GEOS.sln

Open Tickets


incorrect cmake instruction

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