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[开发工具]Cocos Creator苹果应用商城上架指南












(6)版权人,联系人以及联系信息,一般情况苹果的反馈是发往开发账号的邮箱的,但一些特殊情况苹果团队会给你打电话,所以能够接通的电话是必要的的,格式:+86 13XXXXXXX



2. Xcode登录开发者账号,选择好开发团队



















Guideline 1.1.6 - Safety - Objectionable Content
Your app's metadata contains misleading content or content that is intended to deceive users.

Please note that adding a disclaimer to the app description is not sufficient if the rest of the metadata and the app are misleading.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.



Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance
We discovered that your app contains hidden features. Attempting to hide features, functionality or content in your app is considered egregious behavior and can lead to removal from the Apple Developer Program.

Specifically, your app contains functionality to load a webview of external content within the app for the purpose of third-party game streaming.

If you feel that we have misunderstood how your app functions and that your app is compliant with the?App Store Review Guidelines, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to explain how this feature works.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.




Guideline 2.3.8 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We noticed that the app name to be displayed on the App Store and the app name displayed on the device do not sufficiently match, which makes it difficult for users to find the app they just downloaded. The app names are:

- Name on the App Store: 英雄竞技场

- Name displayed on the device: RpgFight



Guideline 4.3 - Design

We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.


Next Steps

- Review the Design section of the App Store Review Guidelines.

- Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditionsof the Apple Developer Program.


- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.


When creating multiple apps where content is the only varying element, you should offer a single app to deliver differing content to customers. If you would like to offer this content for purchase, it would be appropriate to use the in-app purchase API.


Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the customer adds it to their Home screen. Refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide for more information.

Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.

If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.

Since your App Store Connect status is Rejected, a new binary will be required.






We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct.

Common practices that may lead to an investigation include, but are not limited to:

- Inaccurately describing an app or service
- Misleading app content
- Engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation
- Providing misleading customer support responses
- Providing misleading responses in Resolution Center
- Engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes
- Engaging in other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app

During our investigation, we will not review any apps you submit. Please do not create a new developer account or make any app transfers while waiting for the investigation to be completed. Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center. Due to the nature of the investigation you will be ineligible to receive an expedited review until the investigation is completed.

We do not require any additional information from you at this time, nor do we have any additional details to share. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.

Best regards,

App Store Review




Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:

1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata.

2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval

2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden “switches” that redirect to a gambling or lottery website

3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app

4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app

5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app

5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used

Before we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect to verify this app’s compliance.?

Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account.




Dear Apple Review Team,

Thank you for your patient review. As for the 7 audit clauses you mentioned, our development team has carefully checked and studied them, and now we reply as follows:

1.1.6: we do not contain false information or misleading functions, all the information are true.

2.3.0: we did not change any concepts or features after passing.

2.3.1: we did not switch to any gambling or lottery websites, we are the native App

3.1.1: we all use apple pay in the game and do not use any third-party payment.

4.3.0: our game content is developed by ourselves, there is no plagiarism or a lot of similarity.

5.2.1 our App has no legal entity and copyright risk.

5.3.4: our App does not use any location-related functions and permissions.

After careful self-examination, we come to the conclusion that our App needs to be launched before?XXXXX(时间),?because we have a lot of promotion activities in progress. If we cannot launch the App, then a lot of promotion expenses will be wasted.

Hope the apple audit team can continue to review, thank you.

Guideline 3.1.1 - In-App Purchase

We noticed that your app contains a payment mechanism other than in-app purchase for digital content or to unlock features or functionality within your app, which is not appropriate for the App Store. In-app purchase is the only valid in-app payment mechanism for digital content.

Note: Continuing to hide functionality within your app or other dishonest acts may result in the removal of your apps from the App Store and termination of your Apple Developer Program membership and all associated memberships.?














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