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   -> 开发工具 -> vscode+svn的配置和简单使用 -> 正文阅读


1 安装TortoiseSVN



?2 配置vs code







?如:"svn.path": "C:\\d\\software\\dev\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\svn.exe"


    "": "open",
    "explorer.confirmDelete": false,
    // Whether auto refreshing is enabled
    "svn.autorefresh": false,

    // Select all files when commit changes
    "svn.commit.changes.selectedAll": true,

    // Check empty message before commit
    "svn.commit.checkEmptyMessage": true,

    // Set file to status resolved after fix conflicts
    "svn.conflicts.autoResolve": true,

    // Encoding of svn output if the output is not utf-8. When this parameter is null, the encoding is automatically detected. Example: 'windows-1252'.
    "svn.default.encoding": "utf-8",

    // The default location to checkout a svn repository.
    "svn.defaultCheckoutDirectory": "",

    // When a file is deleted, what SVN should do? `none` - Do nothing, `prompt` - Ask the action, `remove` - automatically remove from SVN
    "svn.delete.actionForDeletedFiles": "prompt",  // values: ["none","prompt","remove"],

    // Ignored files/rules for `svn.delete.actionForDeletedFiles`(Ex.: file.txt or **/*.txt)
    "svn.delete.ignoredRulesForDeletedFiles": [],

    // Controls whether to automatically detect svn externals.
    "svn.detectExternals": true,

    // Controls whether to automatically detect svn on ignored folders.
    "svn.detectIgnored": true,

    // Show diff changes using latest revision in the repository. Set false to use latest revision in local folder
    "svn.diff.withHead": true,

    // Whether svn is enabled
    "svn.enabled": true,

    // Try the experimental encoding detection
    "svn.experimental.detect_encoding": false,

    // Priority of encoding
    "svn.experimental.encoding_priority": [],

    // Url for the gravitar icon using the <AUTHOR>, <AUTHOR_MD5> and <SIZE> placeholders
    "svn.gravatar.icon_url": "<AUTHOR_MD5>.jpg?s=<SIZE>&d=robohash",

    // Use garavatar icons in log viewers
    "svn.gravatars.enabled": true,

    // Ignores the warning when SVN is missing
    "svn.ignoreMissingSvnWarning": false,

    // List of SVN repositories to ignore.
    "svn.ignoreRepositories": [],

    // Ignores the warning when working copy is too old
    "svn.ignoreWorkingCopyIsTooOld": true,

    // Regex to detect path for 'branches' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. Subpath use 'branches/[^/]+/([^/]+)(/.*)?' (Ex.: 'branches/...', 'versions/...')
    "svn.layout.branchesRegex": "branches/([^/]+)(/.*)?",

    // Regex group position for name of branch
    "svn.layout.branchesRegexName": 1,

    // Set true to show 'branches/<name>' and false to show only '<name>'
    "svn.layout.showFullName": true,

    // Regex group position for name of tag
    "svn.layout.tagRegexName": 1,

    // Regex to detect path for 'tags' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. Subpath use 'tags/[^/]+/([^/]+)(/.*)?'. (Ex.: 'tags/...', 'stamps/...')
    "svn.layout.tagsRegex": "tags/([^/]+)(/.*)?",

    // Regex to detect path for 'trunk' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. (Ex.: '(trunk)', '(main)')
    "svn.layout.trunkRegex": "(trunk)(/.*)?",

    // Regex group position for name of trunk
    "svn.layout.trunkRegexName": 1,

    // Number of commit messages to log
    "svn.log.length": 50,

    // Maximum depth to find subfolders using SVN
    "svn.multipleFolders.depth": 4,

    // Allow to find subfolders using SVN
    "svn.multipleFolders.enabled": true,

    // Folders to ignore using SVN
    "svn.multipleFolders.ignore": ["**/.git","**/.hg","**/vendor","**/node_modules"],

    // Path to the svn executable
    "svn.path": "C:\\d\\software\\dev\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\svn.exe",

    // Only show previous commits for a given user. Requires svn >= 1.8
    "svn.previousCommitsUser": "",

    // Refresh remote changes on refresh command
    "svn.refresh.remoteChanges": true,

    // Set the interval in seconds to check changed files on remote repository and show in statusbar. 0 to disable
    "svn.remoteChanges.checkFrequency": 300,

    // Show the output window when the extension starts
    "svn.showOutput": true,

    // Show the update message when update is run
    "svn.showUpdateMessage": true,

    // Set left click functionality on changes resource state
    "svn.sourceControl.changesLeftClick": "open diff",  // values: ["open","open diff"],

    // Combine the svn external in the main if is from the same server.
    "svn.sourceControl.combineExternalIfSameServer": false,

    // Allow to count unversioned files in status count
    "svn.sourceControl.countUnversioned": true,

    // Hide unversioned files in Source Control UI
    "svn.sourceControl.hideUnversioned": true,

    // Ignore unversioned files like .gitignore, Configuring this will overlook the default ignore rule
    "svn.sourceControl.ignore": [],

    // Changelists to ignore on commit
    "svn.sourceControl.ignoreOnCommit": ["ignore-on-commit"],

    // Changelists to ignore on status count
    "svn.sourceControl.ignoreOnStatusCount": ["ignore-on-commit"],

    // Set to ignore externals definitions on update (add --ignore-externals)
    "svn.update.ignoreExternals": true    


?3 添加svn地址和更新代码

添加地址可以先把代码checkout下来,再添加本地文件目录至vs code里面,也可以直接添加svn地址



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加:2022-08-19 19:26:35  更:2022-08-19 19:27:18 
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