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[开发工具][NOTE] PuTTYgen generate PublicKey and Configure SSH on RedHat7

Use PuTTYgen generate PublicKey and PrivateKey

using PuTTYgen generate a pair of RSA PublicKey and PrivateKey

Step 1: generate and save PublicKey and PrivateKey

[note]Please generate some randomness by moving the mouse over the blank area.

  1. mouse left click the “Generate” botton;
  2. change the “Key comment” to userdefine-rsa-key-yyyymmdd;
  3. mouse click the “Save private key” botton, click Yes to save *.ppk file,Not save in the CN_zh characters path,file name Not need to setting sufix-filename to *.ppk,system automaticlly setting;
  4. mouse click the “Conversions”-> “Export OpenSSH key”,click Yes to save *.pemfile,NOTE need manually setting sufix-filename to *.pem;
  5. Copy the contain in “Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file:”,such as:“ssh-rsa XXXX+XXXX+XXXX+XXXX+XXXX+XXXX usedefine-rsa-key-yyyymmdd” to the system clipboard.

Step 2: Create user and change SSH configure

  1. mouse click the “Category”-> “Session”->"HostName(or IP address) input window,enter the Public IP;Not click the “Open” botton or press the “Enter” in keyboard;
  2. mouse click the “Category”->“Connection”->“SSH”->“Auth”->“Browse…”,select the associate *.ppk file in system path;

Step 3:configure SSH Server in Redhat Linux

  1. add username for Redhat

    $ sudo /usr/sbin/useradd username_demo

  2. switch user to this new username

    $ sudo su - username_demo

  3. copy and paste the PublicKey to the file: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    $ vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    note, use vi to paste the PublicKey:
    1. press i enter the insert mode;
    2. press Shift+Insert to paste the PublicKeys from PuTTY in windows10 ;
    3. press Esc to exit insert mode;
    4. press :wq! to write to file + quit vi + force execute.

    change file to root read/write only

    $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  4. enable username to the allow list in sshd_config file

    $ sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    add "AllowUsers username_demo " in the sshd_config file last line, such as:

    # Exampl mple of overriding settings on a per-user basis
    #Match User anoncvs
    #       X11Forwarding no
    #       AllowTcpForwarding no
    #       PermitTTY no
    #       ForceCommand cvs server
    # Allow username list
    AllowUsers username_demo

Step 4: vncserver multiple users

  1. create the associate config file for each username:
    The number in the symbol @ is the vncserver dispaly number, the port 5900 + sequence number(such as 5901). each run ** systemctl start vncserver@:1**,start a new vncserver port increase 1 in the before.

    $ cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
    $ cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service

  2. replace the in the Template file:

    1. setting the vncserver@:1.service for the root

      $ vim /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service

      press “:%s/<USER>/root/g”, to replace all <USER> in this file, and press “:x” to save and quit vi.

    2. the same operator to the username_demo in the “/etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service” file.

  3. start the service:
    type below command in terminal:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start vncserver@:1 # start a vncserver display for user: root
    sudo systemctl start vncserver@:2 # start a vncserver display for user: username_demo

    other, vncserver common command:

    vncserver -list
    vncserver -kill :1

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