using namespace std;
typedef struct node
int data;
node* next;
class Operator
void Establish(node *&head,char a[], int n)//establishment of linked list(链表的建立)
//head insertion(用头插法)
head = new node;
head->next = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
node* temp = new node;//temporary node is used to build linked list(临时结点用于链表的建立)
temp->data = a[i] - '0';
head->next = temp;
//because the insertion uses the head insertion method to insert ,resulting in the position of last bit ,so it is necessary to use the head insertion method to re insert it
void Overturn(node *&head)//used to filp linked list(用于链表的翻转)
//first ,define two pointers ,p,q.p to the first node ,q to the next node of p
//make the data pointer to by the head empty and reinsert it;
node* p = head->next;
node* q;
head->next = NULL;
while (p)
q = p->next;
head->next = p;
p = q;
void Output(node*& head)
for (node* p = head->next; p; p = p->next)
cout << p->data;
cout << endl;
void Add(node*& L1, node*& L2, node*& L3)
L3 = new node;
L3->next = NULL;
node* p = L1->next;
node* q = L2->next;
int carry = 0;//when the number of added digits exceeds 10,one bit forward is achieved(相加位数超过十时,实现向前移一位)
while (p && q)
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = (p->data + q->data + carry) % 10;
carry = (p->data + q->data + carry) / 10;
L3->next = temp;
p = p->next;
q = q->next;
//when jumping of the loop,only one linked list is empty ,copy the data of the non empty linked list
if (p)q = p;//in this way ,we don't need to discuss which p or q is empty separately(这样就不用分开讨论p,q哪个为空)
while (q)
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = (q->data + carry) % 10;
carry = (q->data + carry) / 10;
temp->next = L3->next;
L3->next = temp;
q = q->next;
if (carry)
node* temp = new node;
temp->data = carry;
temp->next = L3->next;
L3->next = temp;
int main()
char a[10] = "987231556";
char b[8] = "9854430";
node* L1;
node* L2;
node* L3;
Operator o;
o.Establish(L1, a, 9);
o.Establish(L2, b, 7);
o.Add(L1, L2, L3);
cout << "L1 ";
cout<<endl << "L2 ";
cout << endl << "相加得L3"<<endl;