#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define INFEASIBLE -1
#define OVERFLOW -2
using namespace std;
typedef int Status;
#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 //线性表存储空间的初始分配量
#define LISTINCREMENT 10 //线性表存储空间的分配增量
using namespace std;
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct
ElemType* elem;//存储空间基址
int length, listsize;//length:当前长度 listsize:当前分配的存储容量(以sizeof(ElemType)为单位)
Status InitList_Sq(SqList& L)//构造一个空的线性表L
L.elem = (ElemType*)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));
if (!L.elem)
cout << "分配存储空间失败" << endl;
L.length = 0;
L.listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;
return 1;
Status ListInsert_Sq(SqList& L, int i, ElemType e)//插入元素
ElemType* newbase, * q, * p;
if (i < 0 || i > L.length + 1)//判断i值是否合法
cout << "insert failure" << endl;
return ERROR;
if (L.length >= L.listsize)//判断存储空间是否满了,满了增加分配
newbase = (ElemType*)realloc(L.elem, (L.listsize + LISTINCREMENT) * sizeof(ElemType));
if (!newbase)
cout << "分配存储空间失败" << endl;
L.elem = newbase;
L.listsize += LISTINCREMENT;//增加存储容量
q = &(L.elem[i]);//q为插入位置
for (p = &(L.elem[L.length - 1]); p >= q; --p)
*(p + 1) = *p;//插入位置之后的元素右移
*q = e;//插入e
cout << "insert successfully" << endl;
return OK;
Status ListDelete_Sq(SqList& L, int i, ElemType& e)//在顺序表中删除第i个元素,并返回删除的元素位置的值
ElemType* p, * q;
if ((i < 0) || (i > L.length))//判断i值是否合法
cout << "delete failure" << endl;
return ERROR;
p = &(L.elem[i - 1]);//记录删除的位置
e = *p;//将删除的元素赋值给e
q = L.elem + L.length - 1;//表尾元素的位置
for (++p; p <= q; ++p)
*(p - 1) = *p;//被删除元素之后的元素左移
cout << "delete successfully" << endl;
return OK;
void ClearList_Sq(SqList& L)//将表的长度变为0
L.length = 0;
void DestroyList_Sq(SqList& L)//销毁表
L.elem = NULL;
L.length = 0;
L.listsize = 0;
Status GetElem(SqList L, int i, ElemType& e)//查找元素所在的位置
ElemType* p;
if ((i < 0) || (i > L.length))
cout << "search failure" << endl;
return ERROR;
p = &(L.elem[i - 1]);
e = *p;
cout << "search successfully" << endl;
return OK;
void ListEmpty(SqList L)//判断表是否为空
if (L.length == 0)
cout << "this list is empty" << endl;
cout << "this list not empty" << endl;
Status ListLength(SqList L)//返回线性表长度
return L.length;
Status PriorElem_Sq(SqList L, ElemType cur_elem, ElemType& pre_elem)//前驱
ElemType* p;
int i = 1;
if (L.elem[0] == cur_elem)
cout << "this elem " << cur_elem << "is the first elem in the list" << endl;
return ERROR;
while (i < L.length && L.elem[i] != cur_elem)
if (i < L.length)
p = &L.elem[i - 1];
pre_elem = *p;
return OK;
Status NextElem_Sq(SqList L, ElemType cur_elem, ElemType& next_elem)//查找元素的后继
ElemType* p;
int i = 0;
if (L.elem[L.length - 1] == cur_elem)
cout << "the elem " << cur_elem << " is the last elem in the list" << endl;
while (i < L.length && L.elem[i] != cur_elem)
if (i < L.length - 1)
p = &L.elem[i + 1];
next_elem = *p;
return OK;
Status CompareElem_Sq(SqList L, ElemType e)//找出在list中第一个比e大的元素的位置
int i;
for (i = 0; i < L.length;i++)
if (L.elem[i] > e)
return i;
Status LocalElem(SqList L, ElemType e, bool& result)
int i = 0;
int L_length = ListLength(L);
while (i < L_length)
if (L.elem[i] != e)
result = TRUE;
return OK;
result = FALSE;
return ERROR;
void main()
SqList Mylist;
int MyList_length, delete_Elem, delete_Elem_index, search_Elem_index, search_Elem, prior_index, prior_Elem, next_index, next_Elem;
int a = 1;
cout << "former list's length:" << Mylist.length << endl;//原来数组的长度
cout << "please enter list's length:";
cin >> MyList_length;
for (int i = 0; i < MyList_length; i++)//插入元素过程
int elem;
cout << "insert " << a << " elem:";
cin >> elem;
ListInsert_Sq(Mylist, i, elem);
a = a + 1;
cout << "lastest list's length:" << Mylist.length << endl;//插入元素后数组的长度
cout << "please enter the delete the localcation of elem:";
cin >> delete_Elem_index;
ListDelete_Sq(Mylist, delete_Elem_index, delete_Elem);
cout << "delete the " << delete_Elem_index << " elem:" << delete_Elem << endl;
cout << "please enter the search the index number:";
cin >> search_Elem_index;
GetElem(Mylist, search_Elem_index, search_Elem);
cout << "the search inde " << search_Elem_index << " elem:" << search_Elem << endl;
cout << "please enter the elem to find it prior point:";
cin >> prior_index;
PriorElem_Sq(Mylist, prior_index, prior_Elem);
cout << "the elem " << prior_index << " the prior is " << prior_Elem << endl;
cout << "please enter the elem to find it next point:";
cin >> next_index;
NextElem_Sq(Mylist, next_index, next_Elem);
cout << "the elem " << next_index << " the next is " << next_Elem << endl;
int test = CompareElem_Sq(Mylist, 3) + 1;//索引的bug
int a1;
GetElem(Mylist, test, a1);
cout << "position:" << test << " " << "elem:" << a1 << endl;
SqList A, B;
int B_length, A_length, e;
int a = 1;
cout << "former A list's length:" << A.length << endl;//原来数组的长度
cout << "former B list's length:" << B.length << endl;//原来数组的长度
cout << "please enter A list's length:";
cin >> A_length;
for (int i = 0; i < A_length; i++)//插入元素过程
int elem;
cout << "insert " << a << " elem:";
cin >> elem;
ListInsert_Sq(A, i, elem);
a = a + 1;
cout << "create A list successfully" << endl;
cout << "now the A list's length is " << A.length << endl;
cout << "please enter B list's length:";
cin >> B_length;
int b = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < B_length; i++)//插入元素过程
int elem;
cout << "insert " << b << " elem:";
cin >> elem;
ListInsert_Sq(B, i, elem);
b = b + 1;
cout << "create B list successfully" << endl;
cout << "now the B list's length is " << B.length << endl;
A_length = ListLength(A);
for (int i = 1; i < B_length + 1; i++)
bool result1;
GetElem(B, i, e);
LocalElem(A, e, result1);
if (result1 == FALSE)
A_length = A_length - 1;
ListInsert_Sq(A, A_length, e);
A_length = ListLength(A);
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
cout << A.elem[i] << " ";
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef int DATAType;
typedef string ElemType;
typedef struct LNode
int data;//数据域
struct LNode* next;//指针域
}LNode, * SLink;
int InitList(SLink& L);//初始化列表
void showList(SLink& L);//显示列表元素
void findList(SLink& L, int pos, int& e);//查找第n位的元素
void findListElem(SLink& L, int ListElem, int& Elem_pos, int List_length);//查找元素是否存在该列表中
void InsertList(SLink& L, int insert_pos, int num);//单链表中插入元素
void DeleteListElem(SLink& L, int dele_pos);//删除单链表中的元素
void ModifyListElem(SLink& L, int modi_pos, int& modi_Elem);//修改链表中某个位置的元素
void MergeList(SLink& pa, SLink& pb);//合并两个表
void PriorElem_list(SLink& L, int cur_elem, int& pre_elem);
void NextElem_list(SLink& L, int cur_elem, int& next_elem);
int InitList(SLink& L)
SLink p, q;
int n;//单链表元素的个数
L = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
L->next = nullptr;
p = L;
cout << "请输入单链表元素的个数为:";
cin >> n;
int num;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << "第" << i << "个元素:";
q = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
cin >> num;
q->data = num;
p->next = q;
p = q;
p->next = nullptr;
return n;
void showList(SLink& L)
SLink p;
for (p = L->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
cout << p->data << " ";
cout << endl;
void findList(SLink& L, int pos, int& e)
SLink p;
p = L;
for (int i = 1; i <= pos; i++)
p = p->next;
e = p->data;
void findListElem(SLink& L, int ListElem, int& Elem_pos, int List_length)
SLink p;
int i = 0;
for (p = L->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (p->data == ListElem)
Elem_pos = i;
cout << "要查找的元素" << ListElem << "所在的位置是:" << Elem_pos << endl;
if (i == List_length)
cout << "该元素不在该单链表中" << endl;
void InsertList(SLink& L, int insert_pos, int num)
SLink l;
l = L;
LNode* p = new LNode;
p->data = num;
for (int i = 1; i < insert_pos; i++)
l = l->next;
p->next = l->next;
l->next = p;
void DeleteListElem(SLink& L, int dele_pos)
SLink p, q;
p = L;
for (int i = 1; i < dele_pos; i++)
p = p->next;
q = p->next;
p->next = q->next;
void ModifyListElem(SLink& L, int modi_pos, int& modi_Elem)
SLink p;
p = L;
for (int i = 1; i <= modi_pos; i++)
p = p->next;
p->data = modi_Elem;
void MergeList(SLink& pa, SLink& pb)
SLink pc, ptr, C, pC;
cout << "初始化链表C" << endl;
C = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
C->next = nullptr;
pC = C;
while (pa != NULL && pb != NULL)
pc = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
ptr = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
if (pa->data == pb->data)
pc->data = pa->data;
pa = pa->next;
ptr = pb;
pb = pb->next;
else if (pa->data < pb->data)
pc->data = pa->data;
pa = pa->next;
pc->data = pb->data;
pb = pb->next;
pC->next = pc;
pC = pc;
pC->next = nullptr;
if (pa != NULL)
while (pa != NULL)
pc = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
pc->data = pa->data;
pa = pa->next;
pC->next = pc;
pC = pc;
pC->next = nullptr;
while (pb != NULL)
pc = (SLink)malloc(sizeof(SLink));
pc->data = pb->data;
pb = pb->next;
pC->next = pc;
pC = pc;
pC->next = nullptr;
cout << "合并链表A和链表B后的效果是:";
void PriorElem_list(SLink& L, int cur_elem, int& pre_elem)//寻找链表的前驱
SLink p, q;
if (L)
p = L->next;
if (p->data != cur_elem)
while (p->next)
q = p->next;
if (q->data == cur_elem)
pre_elem = p->data;
p = q;
void NextElem_list(SLink& L, int cur_elem, int& next_elem)//查找链表元素的后继节点
SLink p, q;
if (L)
p = L->next;
while (p && p->next)
q = p->next;
if (q && p->data == cur_elem)
next_elem = q->data;
if (q)
p = q;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
SLink P;
cout << "初始化链表" << endl;
int test = InitList(P);
int pre_elem, next_elem;
PriorElem_list(P, 5, pre_elem);
cout << "the elem " << 5 << "prior element is " << pre_elem;
NextElem_list(P, 5, next_elem);
cout << "the elem " << 5 << "next element is " << next_elem;
SLink A, B, pa, pb, pc, C, ptr;
int AList_length, BList_length;
cout << "初始化链表A" << endl;
AList_length = InitList(A);
cout << "链表A:";
pc = A;
pa = A->next;
cout << "初始化链表B" << endl;
BList_length = InitList(B);
cout << "链表B:";
pb = B->next;
MergeList(pa, pb);
- 1、关于new 与malloc的用法
- 2、关于free与delete的用法
- 3、关于nullptr与null的用法