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[数据结构与算法]第21天 二叉树的深度遍历的递归实现


  1. 二叉树是一个比较难搞的问题,但是通过递归实现就代码就比较简单(但是递归需要自己理解,可以通过画图来帮助自己理解)。
  2. 二叉树的遍历比存储简单,下面的代码也会手动建立一个二叉树,并且创建求他结点个数和二叉树深度的方法,都用到了递归。
  3. 二叉树里面包括前中后序的遍历,用到递归,方法里面内容相近,主要是输出语句的位置不同。


package pt;

import java.util.Arrays;

/*Binary tree with char type elements.
@author Fan Min
@learner ChenXun
public class BinaryCharTree {
	 * The value in char.
	char value;

	 * The left child.
	BinaryCharTree leftChild;

	 * The right child.
	BinaryCharTree rightChild;

	 * The first constructor.
	 * @param paraName The value.
	public BinaryCharTree(char paraName) {
		value = paraName;
		leftChild = null;
		rightChild = null;
	}// of the constructor

	 * The first constructor.
	 * @param paraName The value.
	public static BinaryCharTree manualConstructorTree() {
		// Step 1. Construct a tree with only one node.
		BinaryCharTree resultTree = new BinaryCharTree('a');

		// Step 2. Construct all nodes. The first node is the root.
		// BinaryCharTreeNode tempTreeA=resultTree.root.
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeB = new BinaryCharTree('b');
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeC = new BinaryCharTree('c');
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeD = new BinaryCharTree('d');
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeE = new BinaryCharTree('e');
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeF = new BinaryCharTree('f');
		BinaryCharTree tempTreeG = new BinaryCharTree('g');

		// step 3.Link all nodes.
		resultTree.leftChild = tempTreeB;
		resultTree.rightChild = tempTreeC;
		tempTreeB.rightChild = tempTreeD;
		tempTreeC.leftChild = tempTreeE;
		tempTreeD.leftChild = tempTreeF;
		tempTreeD.rightChild = tempTreeG;

		return resultTree;

	 * Pre-order visit.
	public void preOrderVisit() {
		System.out.println("" + value + " ");

		if (leftChild != null) {
		} // of if

		if (rightChild != null) {
		} // of if
	}// of preOrderVisit

	 * In-order visit.
	public void inOrderVisit() {
		if (leftChild != null) {
		} // of if

		System.out.println("" + value + " ");

		if (rightChild != null) {
		} // of if
	}// of inOrderVisit

	 * Post-order visit.
	public void postOrderVisit() {
		if (leftChild != null) {
		} // of if

		if (rightChild != null) {
		} // of if

		System.out.println("" + value + " ");

	 * Get the depth of the binary tree.
	 * @return The depth.It is 1 if there is only one node,i.e.,the root.
	public int getDepth() {
		// It is a leaf.
		if ((leftChild == null) && (rightChild == null)) {
			return 1;
		} // of if

		// The depth of the left child.
		int tempLeftDepth = 0;
		if (leftChild != null) {
			tempLeftDepth = leftChild.getDepth();
		} // of if

		// The depth of the right child.
		int tempRightDepth = 0;
		if (rightChild != null) {
			tempRightDepth = rightChild.getDepth();
		} // of if

		// The depth should increment by 1.
		if (tempLeftDepth >= tempRightDepth) {
			return tempLeftDepth + 1;
		} else {
			return tempRightDepth + 1;
		} // of if
	}// of getDepth

	 * Get the number of nodes
	 * @return The number of nodes.
	public int getNumNodes() {
		// It is a leaf.
		if ((leftChild == null) && (rightChild == null)) {
			return 1;
		} // of if

		// The number of nodes of the left child.
		int tempLeftNodes = 0;
		if (leftChild != null) {
			tempLeftNodes = leftChild.getNumNodes();
		} // of if

		// The number of nodes of the right child.
		int tempRightNodes = 0;
		if (rightChild != null) {
			tempRightNodes = rightChild.getNumNodes();
		} // of if

		// The total number of nodes.
		return tempLeftNodes + tempRightNodes + 1;
	}// of gerNumbders

	 * The entrance of the program.
	 * @param args Not used now.
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		BinaryCharTree tempTree = manualConstructorTree();
		System.out.println("\r\nPreorder visit:");
		System.out.println("\r\nIn-order visit:");
		System.out.println("\r\nPost-order visit:");

		System.out.println("\r\n\r\nThe depth is: " + tempTree.getDepth());
		System.out.println("The number of nodes is: " + tempTree.getNumNodes());
	}// of main

}// of BinaryCharTree
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